
SF Knights in the same city earn tens of thousands of dollars a day? The company responded

Per Edit: Zhang Jinhe

Recently, online pictures show that the actual income of a SF knight in the same city on April 9 was 10,067.75 yuan.

SF Knights in the same city earn tens of thousands of dollars a day? The company responded

Image source: The Paper

In this regard, SF Tongcheng released a Weibo post on the evening of April 11, saying, "After our background inquiry, it was confirmed that the SF Tongcheng Knight completed a total of 60 delivery orders in the same city, which were ordered by enterprise users, and the total amount of order commission accrued reached 10067.75 yuan." Among them, the basic commission is 534 yuan, various special rewards are about 1678 yuan, and the user tip is about 7856 yuan. In other words, the average per-order non-tip income is about 36.9 yuan, and the average per order is about 131 yuan. ”

SF Knights in the same city earn tens of thousands of dollars a day? The company responded

Image source: SF Tongcheng official Weibo

According to the surging paper, SF Tongcheng is an independent third-party distribution platform, which currently covers 1900 cities and counties across the country. SF Tongcheng has been operating independently and corporately since 2019 and was listed on the Main Board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on 14 December 2021. For the 12 months ended March 31, 2021, SF Tongcheng had the largest share of the third-party instant delivery market at 11%.

Daily economic news synthesized from the surging and SF city Weibo

Daily economic news

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