
Spy Over Home: Fight for a world where kids won't cry!

The highly anticipated April new "Spy Over Home" has finally aired, which is a very serious theme of "spy" and "over home" children's entertainment things mixed together, so it is destined to be a more relaxed one.

Spy Over Home: Fight for a world where kids won't cry!

The story gets into the main theme from the beginning, a very good spy Lloyd is given a top-secret mission to get close to someone, but this person only appears during the child's school activities, so Lloyd must raise a child to get mixed in.

This embarrassed Lloyd and had to go to a very irregular orphanage to adopt a similar child, and it was here that he met Ania. Ania was a super-powered child who could read the inner thoughts of others, but he had always been unwelcome and had been abandoned several times.

Spy Over Home: Fight for a world where kids won't cry!

The ability to understand people's hearts is actually very scary, but she has always insisted on never telling others about her ability according to the early requirements, which is actually a way to protect herself. Ania read Lloyd's purpose and found it exciting and fun, so she took the initiative to ask for adoption.

At the beginning, it was difficult to run in, after all, Lloyd was holding the psychology of use, Ania did not want to be abandoned, and the two people were a little contradictory due to communication problems. Lloyd also struggled to learn early childhood education books, wanting to know what Ania was thinking.

Spy Over Home: Fight for a world where kids won't cry!

One day, Ania was in trouble, because she could know what Lloyd was thinking, so she knew the code to the locked room, so she sneaked in, turned around, and fiddled with the communication machine, but that's how she exposed herself.

When Lloyd returns, Ania is taken captive, and it is only then that Ania begins to be afraid, only to realize that she has done something bad and has met the real bad guys. Lloyd pretended to have lost his hand, was taken back to the base by the enemy, and then took the opportunity to save Ania.

Spy Over Home: Fight for a world where kids won't cry!

Lloyd lied to trick Ania into leaving, but also to protect her. His inner monologue was to create a world that would not let the little children cry, and this sentence was heard by Ania, and he was particularly touched, and he did not want to leave Lloyd even more.

When Lloyd had solved his problems, Ania went home with Lloyd in her arms, the biggest liar and the most gentle man.

Spy Over Home: Fight for a world where kids won't cry!

Lloyd got the school exam questions in advance to teach Ania to learn, and at first Ania didn't think anything of it, after all, she had the skills to open and hang, she could hear the voices of others, and she could copy as much as she wanted. As a result, when the exam day came, the people next to me would not do it, but fortunately, Ania memorized the answer in advance.

Ania was successfully admitted, but the problem came again, the school still had to interview, and the family of three had to be present during the interview, so in the next episode, they had to look for the non-existent mother.

Spy Over Home: Fight for a world where kids won't cry!

Such a makeshift family is the same as the family that played when I was a child, and only the father and son are currently on the scene, and soon the mother and the family pet will also appear one after another. Originally, the theme of "spy" was more sensitive, but in this way, it became a game of family.

Spy Over Home: Fight for a world where kids won't cry!

For this animation, how do you think about it? This issue will be said here, I am a rambling rambling, like the little friends remember to pay attention.

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