
These 5 small problems cannot be left unchecked, and should be checked in time so as not to be a precursor to the disease

No one wants to be sick, because after being sick, it will not only affect their lives and work, but also need to spend money on treatment.

However, some people do not know how to care for their bodies in their daily lives, and when there are small problems in the body, most of them take a laissez-faire approach.

Although there are some small problems that will disappear after a period of time, the following small problems may be precursors to the disease, and if left unchecked, they will cause greater harm to the body.

These 5 small problems cannot be left unchecked, and should be checked in time so as not to be a precursor to the disease

1. Loss of appetite. A person who is in a bad mood or who sees foods they don't like to eat will become lose their appetite, but this is a normal reaction. If loss of appetite occurs frequently, it may be caused by disease.

There are many diseases that cause loss of appetite in the clinic, such as gastrointestinal diseases, liver diseases, thyroid diseases, etc., and cancer can also lead to loss of appetite in patients, and everyone should be vigilant.

These 5 small problems cannot be left unchecked, and should be checked in time so as not to be a precursor to the disease

2, nausea, want to throw up. Nausea and vomiting mostly occur in women in the first trimester of pregnancy, because the body's hormones fluctuate excessively, resulting in morning sickness in women.

However, after suffering from gastrointestinal diseases and liver diseases, it is also possible to have symptoms of nausea and vomiting;

Because the stomach, intestine, and liver are all important digestive organs of the human body, once these organs have problems, they will affect the digestion and absorption of food, so that there are often symptoms such as bloating, nausea, and vomiting.

These 5 small problems cannot be left unchecked, and should be checked in time so as not to be a precursor to the disease

3. There is a foreign body sensation in the throat. Under normal circumstances, people generally do not have symptoms of foreign body sensation in the throat.

If you suffer from tonsillitis, laryngitis, or bronchitis, it may cause the patient to feel a foreign body in the throat, which requires symptomatic treatment to improve this feeling so as not to affect the function of eating.

These 5 small problems cannot be left unchecked, and should be checked in time so as not to be a precursor to the disease

4. Swelling and pain in the lower leg. Standing or walking for a long time can cause symptoms of pain in the lower leg, which can usually be improved after rest.

If swelling and pain are found in one side of the calf, it is necessary to consider whether the muscle tissue of the calf has been strained, and to rule out this factor, it is necessary to be vigilant that deep vein thrombosis occurs.

There are many reasons for deep vein thrombosis in the clinic, such as excessive obesity, diabetes, hypercholesterolemia, etc., and patients need to go to the hospital in time to avoid aggravation of the disease.

These 5 small problems cannot be left unchecked, and should be checked in time so as not to be a precursor to the disease

5. Blood in the stool. Clinically, the cause of blood in most patients with stool is hemorrhoids.

Because when the patient defecates, the stool through the anus will cause the hemorrhoids to be over-rubbed and rupture and bleed, so that the surface of the stool will appear bright red blood.

Not only that, but patients with severe hemorrhoids will also experience jet-like bleeding. If the stool is not only mixed with blood, but also mucus, be alert to inflammation of the rectum or cancer.

If the color of the stool is black, it may also be caused by bleeding in the upper gastrointestinal tract, and it is necessary to go to a regular hospital for routine stool testing and imaging-related tests to determine the condition.

These 5 small problems cannot be left unchecked, and should be checked in time so as not to be a precursor to the disease

Anyone who finds that there is a small problem in the body can not be left alone, and should take corresponding measures according to their own specific situation to improve the small problem.

If the above five small problems are allowed to develop further, it may lead to further aggravation of the disease, light will cause physical discomfort, so that work and life will be affected, and the heavy ones will endanger lives, I hope that everyone will be vigilant.

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