
The game Krypton gold | zero krypton, micro krypton, heavy krypton + gambling/retaliation lottery - a wake-up call to skinner's box experiment

As a veteran player of more than ten years of games, from DNF to Glory of the King, I have played not many games, but the amount of recharge adds up to more than 10,000, this number may be only a fraction for many people, but for me, it is enough for my spending in the past year.

To be honest, I regret it, and I don't know why I just want to play the game simply, but why step by step as the title of my article indicates, from the first charge to various activities of krypton, betting box probability, to retaliatory draws. Until I saw the theory of the Skinner Box Experiment.

To be honest, there are many more detailed explanations of this theory on the Internet, but I will send it again from my own point of view, hoping that more people will brush up and be able to choose kryptonite or not in a sober state.

Skinner Box Experiment

The game Krypton gold | zero krypton, micro krypton, heavy krypton + gambling/retaliation lottery - a wake-up call to skinner's box experiment

This is a very famous psychological experiment, the relevant theory you can Baidu Encyclopedia, I directly pointed out the connection between the experimental results and the kryptonite routine of the merchant with my own case

1. Behaviors and Rewards

Experiment 1: Put a very hungry mouse into a box with a button, and each time the button is pressed, the food is dropped.

The result: the mice spontaneously learned to press the button.

This experiment is simply that rewards can cultivate behavioral habits.

And for merchants, what kind of pleasure can krypton gold allow players to get? Ranking, scarcity, appearance, comparison, etc.

The first game I played, DNF, Krypton Gold = Equipment, beautiful fashions, rare pets, glittering High Martial Appearance, the pleasure of the second chart, the envy of others for Shenhao, etc., all made me feel strangely satisfied.

And in another mobile game similar to DNF, eating phase is even more undisguised, krypton gold = stronger, starting from the various rankings of new clothes, all kinds of toys lead the rhythm, a set of fashion, battle orders, monthly cards become the standard, if that is all, it is still a normal game, but the advanced enchantment of the equipment, the synthesis of the fashion sky set, etc. attract a batch of people to rekr, destroy the number, come again, just a few months of tens of thousands of investment, the account can only sell a few hundred.

In the glory of the king, the skin has become the main prop to show off to each other, for this reason, Tianmei also added a variety of labels such as limited, world crown, anniversary celebration, etc., star yuan + action + red packet, coupled with women's innate love of beauty, CP has become a common practice, so over-consumption of skin has become a common practice. Similar small actions also include recharging 1 yuan to send benefits, I think I am very profitable, but unconsciously I am accustomed to 1 yuan 6 yuan recharge.

2. Acts and Punishments

Experiment 2: Place a mouse in a box with buttons. Each time the mouse does not press the button, the box is powered on.

The result: the mouse learned to press the button.

Two ways, the first is not charged money you can not play, this is rare, because it will dissuade the player; second, do not charge money you get less pleasure, such as the glory of the king, I like Li Bai, I have a thousand years of fox I am very happy, others do not, but out of the higher quality phoenix phoenix, glory collection, I do not buy others to buy, my sense of satisfaction will be reduced, then I still want to buy.

But this way also has a ceiling, who will take the rotten skin seriously?

3. Probabilistic rewards

Experiment 3 is a transition to Experiment 4.

Experiment 4: Put a very hungry mouse into a Skinner box and press the button several times to drop food.

The result: the guinea pig learned to keep buttons.

This is a true portrayal of gambling addiction. Looking at all the games, which one doesn't have a draw? Even the probability is that the policy is mandatory to publish, and I finally lost this step. Almost all games will send a few free draws, experiment 1 + experiment 4, the more you want to smoke, occasionally get an idol singer skin, I am even more encouraged, the king glory crystals have smoked two. When I won a small prize and was confident that several consecutive five consecutive draws had not been won, I fell into the strange circle of experiment 2 + experiment 4 until I was disappointed, but before long, the white points single draw was miraculous, so I fell into a cycle again.

The game Krypton gold | zero krypton, micro krypton, heavy krypton + gambling/retaliation lottery - a wake-up call to skinner's box experiment

In games such as DNF, the enhancement of equipment and enchantments have a similar effect, +11, +12, +13, the materials of the equipment and the enhancement coupons, enchantment coupons are consumed again and again, just to beat the 10% probability, step up to the sky, and when the enhancement enchantment fails, some people will even choose to practice trumpets to start over.

4, superstitious mice?

Experiment 5: Well, in fact, Experiment 5 is still Experiment 4, the probabilistic Skinner box.

The result: many of these mice developed strange behavioral habits, such as hitting boxes, such as swinging, such as dancing in circles.

Are you familiar with it? I am very familiar with it, after all, I also have a lot of metaphysics, such as the glory of the king first a few single draws and then a five-consecutive draw, disconnection of the net to re-enter, card point lottery probability is high, etc., and mice, just a specific behavior under the winning, I believe in the truth of metaphysics, now think about it, it is ridiculous.

When I understood these truths, I really had no desire for kryptonite, because whenever I looked at the recharge button, I would think of those superstitious guinea pigs. So the question is, are you willing to be that ignorant guinea pig?

The game Krypton gold | zero krypton, micro krypton, heavy krypton + gambling/retaliation lottery - a wake-up call to skinner's box experiment

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