
Zhang Xinyue was said that the child's hair is less, yellow and angry netizens, what kind of hair the child is normal

Recently, Lin Feng's wife Zhang Xinyue quarreled with netizens again, but this time I supported her.

Here's the thing, she posted a photo of a family of three playing in the park on her social platform, in which all three of them wore masks and put a cute glasses pattern in the eyes of the child, which was nothing to be picky about.

Zhang Xinyue was said that the child's hair is less, yellow and angry netizens, what kind of hair the child is normal

But some netizens are more indebted, saying that her daughter is thin and small, with a small amount of yellow hair, is it not well raised, not taken care of? Another netizen also ridiculed that from a scientific point of view, the reason for the large brain gate is mainly related to congenital development abnormalities and genetic factors.

Zhang Xinyue was said that the child's hair is less, yellow and angry netizens, what kind of hair the child is normal

This next Zhang Xinyue can't help it, not only disclosed the other party's personal information (the original screenshot did not play the code), but also according to the data show that the netizen graduated from the school to fight back, she asked, then please ask, what is the major you studied at Tsinghua University?

Zhang Xinyue was said that the child's hair is less, yellow and angry netizens, what kind of hair the child is normal
Zhang Xinyue was said that the child's hair is less, yellow and angry netizens, what kind of hair the child is normal

Even if it is an ordinary mother, seeing others say this about their children, they will be angry, people put family photos up, you like to like it, do not like to cross it, why do you have to say these words, not to mention that it is just a child.

But then again, is it true that the child's yellow hair and sparse hair must be malnourished, and the family has not taken good care of it? So today we're going to talk about kids' hair.

First, let's talk about the misconceptions about your child's hair

1. Calcium supplementation

Many people see that children's hair is thin, and the yellow hair color is considered to be malnutrition, and they can give their children calcium supplementation at every turn.

2. Shave your head

In addition, some people feel that children have less hair and yellow hair, as long as they shave their hair more and wait for it to grow out.

These two are the misunderstandings that many parents will fall into, and the baby's hair volume and hair color are related to heredity and the speed of its own growth and development.

In fact, as long as they are given enough vitamin D and sufficient milk every day, they do not have to worry about calcium deficiency, as for shaving their hair, this is also an unscientific practice.

Zhang Xinyue was said that the child's hair is less, yellow and angry netizens, what kind of hair the child is normal

Different situations of your child's hair

1. Occipital baldness

After 2-3 months of the baby, there may be occipital baldness, which is not because the child is deficient in calcium, nor is they sick, most of them are because the baby at this stage often turns his head left and right, rubbing the pillow and the bed, plus the head sweats more, which will cause the position of the back of the head to have a circle of position without hair.

When the child grows up and the contact between the head and the pillow and the bed is reduced, then their hair will naturally grow back again, and there is no need to worry at all.

Zhang Xinyue was said that the child's hair is less, yellow and angry netizens, what kind of hair the child is normal

2, the amount of hair is small

Many children reach about 1 year old, the amount of hair is still very small, or less in the front, more in the back, parents will be very worried.

In fact, most of this is because the baby's head hair follicle development time is different, as the baby grows up, their hair follicle gradually develops, the situation will improve, do not worry too much.

Zhang Xinyue was said that the child's hair is less, yellow and angry netizens, what kind of hair the child is normal

3, has not grown hair

Some parents help their baby shave his hair, but their hair has not been re-grown and they are very worried, mainly because the baby's hair follicle stimulation is uneven after shaving, which affects the growth rate of new hair.

Even if you want to shave your head, it is recommended to leave a length of about 1 cm as much as possible, so as to better protect your baby's scalp and not really shave it completely.

Of course, in addition to the above reasons, it is not excluded that the baby will have pathological reasons, which requires parents to pay attention to in time, in addition to the child's hair loss or baldness, there are no other abnormal conditions, if there is a need to seek medical treatment in time.

Zhang Xinyue was said that the child's hair is less, yellow and angry netizens, what kind of hair the child is normal

I want your baby to have a dark, thick hair, how to take care of it

How to care for your baby's hair

1. Wash your hair regularly

Babies are prone to sweating, secreting oil and breeding bacteria, if they do not wash their hair for a long time, it will have an impact on their hair growth and development, so it is very necessary to wash their baby's hair regularly.

Although many children do not like to wash their hair, every time they wash their hair, they cry to death, but for the sake of their health, it is recommended to wash once every two or three days, if it is summer, sweating more, may be more frequent.

In addition, when washing hair, it is also recommended to use a suitable water temperature, not too cold and not too hot, about 30 ° or so. After washing your hair, try to avoid using a hair dryer, because excessive noise will affect their hearing, it is recommended to dry it with a towel.

Zhang Xinyue was said that the child's hair is less, yellow and angry netizens, what kind of hair the child is normal

2. Get regular haircuts

Some parents like to go out and get a haircut, and some like to cut their children's hair at home, either way. For normal babies, it is generally a quarterly treatment, especially in the summer, if the baby's hair is long, it may be because of sweating, hair is not easy to dry out and cause illness, so regular hair cutting is also very necessary.

Secondly, it is recommended to cut your hair frequently in the summer, and try to minimize the number of times in the winter, so as not to catch a cold when cutting your hair.

In addition, remember to cut your hair and do not shave it completely, leaving a length of about 1 cm, which can well protect the pores in the baby's scalp from being damaged.

Zhang Xinyue was said that the child's hair is less, yellow and angry netizens, what kind of hair the child is normal

3. Pay attention to diet

If you want your baby's hair to be dark and shiny, it is recommended to eat more seaweed, carp, black sesame, black rice, black beans, etc., these foods are rich in nutrients, which are of great help to babies with sparse hair and yellowish hair.

These foods can also be eaten during the mother's pregnancy, which is also helpful for the unborn baby.

Zhang Xinyue was said that the child's hair is less, yellow and angry netizens, what kind of hair the child is normal

4. Get enough sleep

It is important for babies to get enough sleep every day, which can promote their hair growth. If the baby's usual sleep duration and sleep quality are not good, it is necessary to adjust it well, otherwise it will not only affect their hair development, but also affect their overall growth and development.

Zhang Xinyue was said that the child's hair is less, yellow and angry netizens, what kind of hair the child is normal

5. Proper massage

Usually, parents can properly use their fingers to help the baby massage the hair, which has the effect of unclogging the meridians and can also promote the growth of the baby's hair.

But remember not to listen to some rumors, with some ginger or messy things to smear on the baby's hair, this not only can not help long hair, but also may make the baby's scalp red and swollen, and there is pain, so that it is more than worth the loss.

Zhang Xinyue was said that the child's hair is less, yellow and angry netizens, what kind of hair the child is normal


In fact, the amount of children's hair is small, yellowish, most of them are temporary, and some of them are because of genetic factors, if the parents themselves are also yellow, the amount of hair is not much, so do not have too high expectations for the child's hair.

We need to look at the problem of baby's hair rationally, and don't feel that your child is malnourished and not developing well because of a word from others, which will only make you fall into anxiety.

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