
When she was 10 years old, she took a 25-hour train to Shanghai to study opera, and today she took over the classic role of Tong Zhiling 39 years ago

author:Shangguan News

At the age of 10, Yang Yang was admitted to the Shanghai Opera School from her hometown of Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province, and her first impression of Shanghai was "so far away", "At that time, there was no high-speed rail, and it was necessary to take a 25-hour green-skinned train." In a flash, she has spent more time studying and working in Shanghai than in Shijiazhuang. As the fourth actor in the Shanghai Peking Opera House to be selected for the "Shanghai Young Writers and Artists Training Program" since Wang Peiyu, Fu Xiru and Lan Tian, "Wang Xifeng's Great Trouble in Ningguo Mansion" starring Yang Yang will appear on the Stage of Tiantou Yifu on August 7. The play is the third play she has learned to perform after "Shilang Visits Mother" and "Peach Blossom Village", relying on the platform of the "Young Writers and Artists Training Program", "doing my best to inherit and carry forward the art of Haipai Peking Opera." I think that when I break through the pressure, I will usher in a new me. ”

After 39 years, the Shanghai Peking Opera House rehearsed "Wang Xifeng Makes a Big Fuss in the Ningguo Mansion", and Yang Yang took over the classic role of Tong Zhiling, "Wang Xifeng". Adapted from "Dream of the Red Chamber", the play was first performed in 1979 by the Shanghai Peking Opera House, written by Chen Xiting, and performed by Tong Zhiling with Zhang Nanyun, Sun Zhengyang and other famous Peking opera artists, and this performance is based on the 1982 tong Zhiling performance version.

When she was 10 years old, she took a 25-hour train to Shanghai to study opera, and today she took over the classic role of Tong Zhiling 39 years ago

Zhang Fan, president of the Shanghai Peking Opera House, said that Yang Yang has transformed and grown all the way from a fledgling rookie, stood out in the "Youth Runway" of the Shangjing Talent Training Brand Project, won the Shanghai Magnolia Drama Performing Arts Protagonist Award, and was selected into the "Shanghai Young Writers and Artists Training Program". For Yang Yang, whose performance is becoming more and more mature, in addition to creating new plays and learning to perform traditional plays, it is particularly necessary to excavate and sort out a Shanghai school of dramas that can give full play to the artistic characteristics of actors and enhance the understanding and creativity of performing arts. The theater grasps the general direction of inheritance, development and innovation of each young writer and artist, but also fully respects their personality and choice, one person, one policy, tailor-made, so it chose to rearrange "Wang Xifeng's Big Trouble in Ningguo Mansion", by Yang Yang "took over the baton" of the Famous Danjiao artist Tong Zhiling of the Shangjing Generation, playing Wang Xifeng, who has great personality tension and psychological complexity.

"My mom loves Peking Opera, I went to elementary school to participate in the ticket contest, and my grandparents couldn't sing to me." In the Children's Palace opera class in Shijiazhuang, Yang Yang had the dream of becoming a professional Peking Opera actor for the first time, "The Shanghai Opera School is enrolling students in Shijiazhuang, and the Beijing Opera School is also enrolling students. My mother felt that Shanghai was a very open and advanced big city, so she chose to come to Shanghai to study. ”

The Shanghai Xiqu School is thirsty for talents, not only giving outstanding students tuition fee reductions and other measures, but also inviting the best teachers in the country. Yang Yang's bishop teacher li qiuping in the drama school is Tong Zhiling's disciple, "We have a large class, there are more than 40 people, and the industry is complete. Ten graduated and went straight to the Xiqu Academy of the Shanghai Theater Academy. ”

After graduating from the opera in 2008 and entering the Shanghai Peking Opera House, Yang Yang remembered each of his roles very clearly, "Not long after I joined the troupe, I participated in Shang Changrong's starring role in "Cao Cao and Yang Xiu", then participated in Chen Shaoyun's starring role in "Success or Failure Xiao He", followed by Shi Yihong's sister starring in "Tanuki Cat for Prince". The teachers constantly encouraged and guided me, helped me accumulate experience, not only honed my skills in traditional dramas, but also participated in newly created plays, and created a series of characters with different styles in the modern Peking Opera "Dawn of Fire", "Changing People", and the Peking Opera small drama "Liberation Day". ”

When she was 10 years old, she took a 25-hour train to Shanghai to study opera, and today she took over the classic role of Tong Zhiling 39 years ago

The "Shanghai Young Writers and Artists Training Program" requires actors to make a qualitative leap in three years, yang Yang deeply feels a powerful force to push himself forward, ""Wang Xifeng makes a big fuss in Ningguo Mansion" is my target task for the second year in the young writers training program, this play is different from other traditional plays, unique Ton Zhiling's Shanghai style. The theater invited Li Jing, a famous teacher of the Xun Sect of Tianjin Peking Opera House, as an artistic director, the script was reorganized, and a group of young creative teams worked together, and I was full of expectations for the performance. ”

In Yang Yang's view, Wang Xifeng is the "spicy goods" in Jia Mu's mouth, but as a well-known girl, her spicy is not gritting her teeth, but secretly exposing the killing machine between the laughter and the wind, "How to show her eight-sided exquisiteness, viciousness and fierceness, and power and scheming through performance skills is my new subject." ”

This year, Yang Yang's "Silang Visiting Mother" was also taught by Li Jing, "Regarding the in-depth analysis of the character's inner and the guidance of the performance technique, Teacher Li Jing gave me great inspiration, and I will continue to ponder and practice the character shaping technique of 'internalizing in the heart and externalizing in the line' in the rehearsal, and creatively express the inner charm of the character on the basis of highlighting the art of the Xun School." ”

Guiding Yang Yang to play Wang Xifeng, Li Jing couldn't help but think of the situation when she learned art from Tong Zhiling, "'Wang Xifeng's Big Trouble in Ningguo Mansion' was premiered by teacher Tong Zhiling, which has the characteristics of Haipai Peking Opera, and the teacher interpreted a character who 'ming is a fire, dark is a knife' very vividly, and is known as 'living fengjie'. This play has poured a lot of effort into the teacher, because the requirements for actors are extremely high, and few people can act. As a disciple of Teacher Tong, it is very meaningful to be able to pass it on to the younger generation of actors of the Shanghai Peking Opera. Li Jing has high hopes for Yang Yang, "Yang Yang has aura, understanding and plasticity, the shanghai Peking Opera House has the wisdom and talent, coupled with her own unremitting efforts, "Wang Xifeng's Great Trouble in Ningguo Mansion" will definitely make her have a greater improvement in art." ”

Column Editor-in-Chief: Shi Chenlu Text Editor: Zhang Yi

Source: Author: Zhuge Yi

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