
Forever Crossing Koi Cup Triple Row D1: XCG Archers and SPERS Brawl

As a large-scale online game, I believe that many players are not only novel in the game mode, but also the game's playing style and strategy. People often say that everything is not separated from its lineage, it is better to teach it to fish, it is better to teach it to fish, and the strategies and playing methods of the big guys are all classics. This year, the first season of the Everlasting Koi Cup National Elite Tournament has begun, and it has now entered a white-hot stage.

Forever Crossing Koi Cup Triple Row D1: XCG Archers and SPERS Brawl

And look at how the gods play with strategy, team coordination, run-in dispersion, to achieve a full-body effect, just look at the D1 of the three-row final we are going to talk about today. The big war is about to start, the white hot words of the Heavenly City are fighting, and what you see can be described as surging passion, open and dark fighting, calm above, lively below!

Forever Crossing Koi Cup Triple Row D1: XCG Archers and SPERS Brawl

Today we are mainly talking about XCG's containment strategy and SPERS's smash and fight strategy. As an archer, XCG Evening Maple plays the role of a detective in the team while containing the enemy, using long-range shooting to create opportunities for teammates to attack, and is also the main force in attracting enemies. When the LM team chose to hide, a scene of mantis catching cicadas was staged After the Yellow Sparrows were behind, LM also played out their strategy, unlike the J Team's toughness, they chose to attack at the right time, but as archers with ranged ranges, standing on a tall building and leaning over. For teammates, it is a valuable strategic deployment, just like the last time NaiHq shared the experience, we have to cooperate for the ultimate victory.

Forever Crossing Koi Cup Triple Row D1: XCG Archers and SPERS Brawl

As the war entered the second half, the safety zone was getting smaller and smaller, and at a high cliff next to Tianren City, SPERS used his own team to let the scene enter the big brawl. FPXZQ, JTeam, XCG, and WE are all involved here. YLnian launched a bucket to turn the stars to beat the surrounding enemies into a move into blood, in the case of chaos into a pot of porridge, several forces are playing tricks, walnuts, vicissitudes have been involved in it, for a time can not tell who is who. The WE team was eliminated and regrettably withdrew, which can be described as fierce. To ask where the brawl came from, we have to go back to SPERS, which first gathered its teammates and then led the opponents to us, which made people have to praise a "wonderful". Sometimes there is really no need to do it yourself, let other people kill each other, and finally win the right and wrong, it is not known, sweep a wave of chasing points!

Forever Crossing Koi Cup Triple Row D1: XCG Archers and SPERS Brawl

This battle can not be described as fierce, from the dark tide of several teams surging to the pursuit and collision on the open surface, the playing style is different, and there are fierce secret fights, there are fires from across the shore, it can be said that the teams all want to dominate the heavenly city, and who will end up in the end, it is undecided. The strategies of the two teams introduced today also hope to help you more likely, more exciting need to be followed up, who is shortlisted, but also stay tuned!

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