
The winner list of "I Write a Poem for Spring" is out, and I look forward to the Spring Poetry Meeting under the warm sun

Qianjiang Evening News Hourly News Reporter Jiang Yun Correspondent Xu Yifan

Spring is the season of vitality and revival of all things, is the season of poetry and inspiration, in order to further stimulate students' interest in poetry, convey the beautiful poetry interest, enhance the elegant aesthetic interest, in early February this year, the Literature Department of Hangzhou Youth Activity Center and Qianjiang Evening News jointly opened the poetry collection activity of "I write a poem for spring".

Dong Xia, director of the Literature Department of Hangzhou Youth Activity Center, said: "It is our wish to give students a beautiful feeling, a poetic temperament and an ability to innovate. At the time of spring blossoms, we would like to send out poems to the young readers of Qianjiang Evening News and play with poetic spring together. ”

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The primary and secondary school students in Hangcheng used poetry as a medium, borrowed pens to send affection, and shared a cultural feast with the fragrance of poetry. By the end of March, we had received more than 800 works from Hangzhou youth. The students were enthusiastic and turned their thoughts into moving poems.

After the evaluation of the judges and experts, a total of 5 first prizes, 10 second prizes, 20 third prizes and 50 excellent awards were selected. The specific list of winners is hereby announced as follows:

First prize

The winner list of "I Write a Poem for Spring" is out, and I look forward to the Spring Poetry Meeting under the warm sun


The winner list of "I Write a Poem for Spring" is out, and I look forward to the Spring Poetry Meeting under the warm sun


The winner list of "I Write a Poem for Spring" is out, and I look forward to the Spring Poetry Meeting under the warm sun

Award of Excellence

The winner list of "I Write a Poem for Spring" is out, and I look forward to the Spring Poetry Meeting under the warm sun

Congratulations to the above award-winning students! Subsequent award collection matters will be determined according to the epidemic situation, and will be notified separately at that time.

Some of the outstanding award-winning works will be displayed on qianjiang evening news and hourly news, Hangzhou Youth Activity Center WeChat public account, "Ministry of Literature Xiaowei" WeChat public account and other platforms, so stay tuned!

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