
Shenchao Hex Seawell lineup analysis Large bondage simple molding stable eat points

With the update of The Genting 12.6 version online, the Genting pattern has also undergone certain changes, in addition to the newly promoted strong system Qia Chicken lineup, some of the old Qia Chicken system lineup is still strong, such as the mentor Shen Chao that will be brought to you in this issue, 8 HexCha Chicken system lineup, it can be said that the system lineup is simple to form, the later combat strength is not bad, and the key does not have to be Tianhu to be able to get the score, help us rush to the section, hurry up with me to see it.

8 Hex Seawell

Shenchao Hex Seawell lineup analysis Large bondage simple molding stable eat points

The lineup only needs a transfer outfit, and the lineup is perfectly formed to require a high fee, in addition, the lineup is more conventional, all are Hex Technology fee cards, and the lineup does not have a specific fee card that needs to chase three. This also makes a certain preparation for the late lineup to pull nine. In addition to the above system, the biggest advantage of the lineup is not the good combat strength in the later stages, but a very smooth and stable transition performance, which can be around the Hex bondage to the end.

Pre-mid-term transition

Shenchao Hex Seawell lineup analysis Large bondage simple molding stable eat points

The pre-middle transition system is very simple, we can build around the 4 hex bondage, here we give priority to the prince, the crow, the pig sister and the holy gun, and then we add the aircraft, put together 2 gunner bondage, and then we add the excavator to make up 2 strong attacks and 2 fighting bonds, the lineup so far The frank output is held, of course, the main C side we can both choose the holy gun, but also can choose the aircraft, in view of the principle of not wasting the economy, we can C aircraft, follow-up to the main C aircraft directly sold.

Core equipment

Shenchao Hex Seawell lineup analysis Large bondage simple molding stable eat points

Wheel mother as one of the core C of the system lineup, here the core three-piece set recommends giant kills, armor-piercing bows and mercury, the first two with the wheel mother's skills to ensure continuous burst output, and mercury increases the wheel mother's fault tolerance rate, here can also give up mercury, and then give the wheel mother an endless, are feasible, according to the actual battle situation.

Shenchao Hex Seawell lineup analysis Large bondage simple molding stable eat points

Bull head as the core of the lineup T, here the core three-piece set recommended fanatics, ice heart and sun inflammation, here the bull head core three-piece set is not fixed, we can give reasonably according to the small pieces in our hands, such as anti-armor, dragon claws and other specific armor, are also good equipment choices.

Shenchao Hex Seawell lineup analysis Large bondage simple molding stable eat points

Finally, Jinx is the other main C of the lineup and the auxiliary harvest point, where the core three-piece set is fixed by Hex's transfer, as well as the sheep knife, which is not fixed is the blood drinking sword, or can be used to burst output equipment, instead of drinking blood, or you can use defensive equipment instead of drinking blood, also depending on the remaining small pieces in the hand.

Gameplay ideas

This set of 8 Hex technology play ideas, relatively simple, the lineup of late pull 9 is a must-have choice, so the first and middle period we must go fast pull, the first and middle around the 4 Hex bondage, stable transition, and in the 4-1 link stable pull to 7 population, and then we have to start the D card, looking for one of the necessary main C wheel mother, 7 population We can continue to stabilize the transition around 6 Hex bondage, and transition to 8 population.

Shenchao Hex Seawell lineup analysis Large bondage simple molding stable eat points

After the system lineup reaches 8 people, we can give priority to the auxiliary part-time work fee card, or we can choose to go directly to the bull head, after all, the bull head, as the main T of the lineup, can provide a very good frankness bearing and control. Taking advantage of the strong period of the wheel mother, we pulled to the population of 9, looking for the necessary high fequiquis, and with the transfer to make up a complete 8 hex bondage, pulling to the end just chicken to eat big points.

Recommend Hex

The first hex promoted here is definitely Hex's transfer, after all, if the lineup wants to take shape smoothly, we need at least one transfer equipment blessing, otherwise the bondage cannot be fully assembled.

In addition, the recommended Hexes have Hex Nova (Hex's bondage adaptation to Hex), back row speed, direct attack weakness, etc., the former is the most suitable Hex, greatly increasing Hex Fika's combat strength, the latter is the function Hex, increase the back row Fika attack speed or ignore a certain percentage of the enemy's armor.


This issue of the content ended here, overall, the Hex system lineup is also considered to be a golden oil system lineup, the system lineup formation is not difficult, the transition is smooth and the late combat strength is not bad, is the necessary choice for everyone in the current version of the score, partners can try and use more, especially partners who want to stabilize the score, this system lineup must not be missed!

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