
New Fengxia|: I was a left-handed person when I was a child

Xin Fengxia is one of the giants filmed in the second season of "Centennial Masters".

Xin Fengxia (1927-1998), originally from Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, was a native of Tianjin. Outstanding critic and performance artist, founder of the "new school" of drama criticism. She began to study Peking Opera at the age of 6, studied drama at the age of 13, and starred at the age of 15. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, he successively served as the head of the Beijing Experimental Drama Troupe, the deputy head of the Literary and Labor Troupe of the General Political Department of the People's Liberation Army, and an actor in the China Critics Theater. She dared to innovate artistically, created a unique "knotty cavity" singing method, created and sang new plate styles and new tunes, greatly enriched the singing art of commentary, made unprecedented contributions to the development of drama to large dramas, and became a representative of the innovation of drama. Representative works "Flowers as Media", "Liu Qiao'er", "Qiankun Belt", "Yang Sanjie's Complaint" and so on.

New Fengxia|: I was a left-handed person when I was a child

Stills of Xin Fengxia's "Flowers as a Medium"


Text | New Fengxia

When I was a child, I was a left-handed person, taking things, learning to play and do actions, practicing with knives and guns, all of which were strong with my left hand, and I also used my left hand to take the horse whip, so I was beaten a lot. My sister always said, "You left-hander can't sing." "I was most afraid to say that I couldn't sing, so I practiced my right hand desperately, anytime and anywhere; in less than two years, my right hand could be used, and I was very flexible with the horse whip; the left and right cloud hands, the left and right hands were good to pluck the plume."

I also do needlework with my left hand, and I also use scissors with my left hand. But this also has the advantage that at the age of nine, you will quilt quilt, because both the left and right hands will pass by; the right hand will pass from this head, and the left hand will come from that head, and you will soon be able to finish a quilt. To make cotton clothes, I have to spread out the quilting, and I am faster than others; from the left to the right, and from the right to the left; the two hands use needles to pour back and forth very fast.

I corrected my left hand mainly to sing and do movements, but after practicing like this, both hands are equally capable! Two hands with needles, two hands with scissors; two hands playing with knives and guns, which side can not stop me!

Later, when I went to the cadre school and planted seedlings in the countryside, I could insert both hands, and the action was very fast, and they couldn't catch up with me.

Writing also begins with the left hand. It is also because the eldest uncle said: "Xiao Feng, you still learn to write, just because you are a left-handed person, you can't read and write." "The more I say this, the better I will practice, and soon I will be able to practice writing with my right hand."

In order to correct left-handedness, I also practice eating, practicing wherever I go; sitting still, I also think of using my right hand. Take the needle, move the scissors, take things, and tie your left finger with a piece of cloth, so that it does not replace the right hand. I'm just going to bet on this breath! If you don't practice well, you don't eat or sleep, you have to practice well.

Because of this temper, I have been beaten a lot. I remember when I was nine years old, I was still wearing pants dyed with face pockets, and my cousin bought me a four-foot flower cloth and asked me to make a pair of pants to wear, but who made me these pants? The mother said, "Make your own pants." "I practiced with my own clothes, and my mother's face was not good, and she was not angry." I am also willing to learn to do it myself, so that I can do it. But I don't know how many stitches are made for a pair of pants, and how to cut Chinese Burmese crotch pants, and I won't either.

Our great aunt was the most skillful person, so I took this piece of cloth and went to ask my great aunt. The eldest aunt had always been a widow with a strange temper, and she could say anything when she was happy; but she couldn't say anything when she was angry. She took my piece of flower cloth without even looking at it, and threw her backhand at Kang and said, "Xiao Feng! You are too out of breath, learn to work, learn to work, dare not move the scissors can you learn? Cut it yourself, who will serve you! Look you're not a good piece of material! ”

My aunt pointed at me and counted down a lot, I was really angry, I didn't cut it if I didn't cut it, and scolded me. I went up to kang to grab the flower cloth, turned around and left, muttering in my mouth, "If you don't cut it, don't cut it, I'm going to die and I don't wear pants!" ”

The eldest aunt heard the shouting, and my second aunt just came to the front, and the eldest aunt kept scolding me. The second aunt came toward me, and as soon as I saw that I couldn't go, I stopped. The second aunt was the most powerful, and when she came up, she beat me, and while snatching the flower cloth from my hand, she scolded me: "You still have to wear flower pants, and you don't pee to take pictures, do you deserve it?" ”

I whispered, "I don't deserve you." Head, nest eyes, eat and grab a big bowl. "The second aunt has a very high front brain and a deep eye socket, which is the nickname that our child gave her behind her back. She scolded me, and I said it.

This punched her lung tube, and her breath was so strong that she hit me hard. The eldest aunt also caught up with me and said, "Xiao Feng, go home!" "Her tone was for me to go home, or maybe to cut my pants.

I didn't move at all, the second aunt pulled me, I didn't move, the second aunt turned around and left. I caught up with her, snatched back the flower cloth, and stood still. The eldest aunt said, "Xiao Feng! Screw it! "The two of them beat me together, and my aunt wore a needle and thread in her hand, and hit me on the head, but it hurt, and it was a piece of blue." The two of them hit me, and I stood motionless, standing on two feet; they beat me, and I still stood flat, without tears or sounds.

My eldest aunt and second aunt were all small feet, and both of them were tired and gone, and I stood there motionless. It wasn't until my sister came and told me to go back and hang my throat that I honestly went back with my sister and didn't say a word.

What about these pants? You have to do it yourself! When I returned to the house, my mother went to the door with her child in her arms, and my father was not there. At that time, the poor child wore a pair of pants, not pants, and the cabinet door was locked by my mother, just a pair of pants that I wore. I took off my pants and sat on the kang, wrapped the sheets around my body, cut my pants myself, left to right, cut them with scissors; I didn't want people to see, it took many days of work, I made it myself; as a result, the Burmese crotch pants let me make a smooth edge, and it was very uncomfortable to wear. I put it on too, and I don't ask for anyone anymore anyway.

New Fengxia|: I was a left-handed person when I was a child

Stills of the new Fengxia

The crotch of the pants is smooth to the left, and the aunt sees it and laughs and scolds: "Xiao Feng, this little left-handed man, makes a pair of pants, and is also a straight side of the left crotch." I said, "I can wear whatever I want!" "Later, I made a pair of blue cloth pants that fit the specifications myself, which I bought with my own money and cut myself. My second aunt, my great aunt, and my mother all said I was doing a good job.

Ten years old to make colorful shoes, the bottom is very difficult, ask anyone who does not want to tell me, I will put on the bottom myself. People put on the soles, they are first right on the heel and the tip of the shoe; but I don't understand, first find the middle, and then go around. The second aunt laughed at me and scolded me for screwing up. I said, "Don't tell, I put it on too." "Looking back on the adults at that time, why was there such a lack of morality? But just because I can work with both hands, I have a very good foundation.

My brain is good, the second aunt scolded me and remembered, and I can't forget what the second uncle said: "Xiao Feng, you didn't make a big fuss." If you are left-handed, you will not be able to recognize the words, you will not be able to write. The sister and the second aunt said, "Xiao Feng, if you are left-handed, you will not be able to sing or practice." ”

But as for me, if I say this to you, I have to practice well, sing well, recognize words, and write words. I made a cruel heart, did not correct the left-handed, did not practice the right hand, and died without seeing anyone! Until now, I am seriously ill, and my mind is still so clear, which is probably the reason why the left and right brains are developed. For many years, I have practiced, worked, done things, and worked, all hand in hand. Since then, the neighbors have said: "The big girl of the Yang family works to open the bow left and right." "I was nicknamed "Ma Li Kuai."

My youngest daughter is also left-handed and genetically inherited. When she was in elementary school, the teacher pulled her left hand to write, but she did everything else with her left hand, even her left hand. My daughter's temper is also with me, and I think the girl is a little bit tempery.

Source | Published in "Taking Pleasure in Suffering: The Artistic Career of Xin Fengxia", China Drama Publishing House, 1983

Declare | The copyright of the article and the picture belongs to the original author, the source has been indicated in this public account, if there is any infringement, please contact us, that is, to deal with it.

Producer | Hou Xuan

Art Editing | Magical conch

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About us

The large-scale cultural project "Centennial Masters" is China's first large-scale series of biographical documentaries focusing on the masters and masters who made outstanding contributions to Chinese civilization in the 20th century, and is jointly produced by the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, the Central Radio and Television Corporation, the China Academy of Arts, the Central New Film Group, the China Literature and Art Foundation, and the Centennial Masters (Beijing) Cultural Communication Co., Ltd.

"Centennial Masters" is the "Chinese Excellent Traditional Culture Inheritance and Development Project" of the General Office of the CPC Central Committee, the General Office of the State Council and the Central Propaganda Department, which has been selected for two consecutive years as the "Record China" communication project of the Propaganda Department (Information Office of the State Council), the key topic planning project of the "14th Five-Year Plan" documentary of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, the key documentary celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Party, the "Recording the New Era" documentary boutique project and the key documentary project (2018), and the major theme main line publicity and key topic selection project of CCTV. It is also funded by the National Arts Fund, the China Literature and Art Foundation, the China Art and Culture Foundation, the Beijing Municipal Government Cultural Innovation and Development Fund, the Beijing Culture and Art Fund, the Beijing Radio and Television Network Audiovisual Development Fund, and the Beijing Xicheng District Cultural and Art Creation Support Special Fund. It has won 12 documentary awards.

From 2013 to 2017, the filming of 43 masters in the first season of "100 Years of Masters" has been completed, which is divided into art, calligraphy, Peking Opera, drama, music and literature. The filming of 57 masters in the second season of "100 Years of Masters" has been launched in 2018, adding science and technology, education, traditional Chinese studies, architecture, traditional Chinese medicine, opera, and film, which are planned to be completed one after another, and will be presented with the "100 Years, 100 People, 100 Episodes" documentary, "100 Masters Special Exhibition" and "100 Books Publishing".

The completed documentary "100 Years of Masters" has been broadcast on CCTV (one set, three sets, four sets, nine sets, ten sets, fifteen sets, discovery channels, international channels), China Education Television, provincial satellite television, overseas television stations and other 157 tv stations at home and abroad, which have been widely praised and have repeatedly set new high ratings for similar documentaries. "100 Years of Masters (International Edition)" is broadcast worldwide in 8 languages.

CCTV Market Research Co., Ltd. (CTR) in July 2020 According to the statistical results of CSM National Measuring Instrument, "Centennial Masters" reached a total of 10.2 billion people.

The series of books "100 Years of Masters" has been distributed to nearly 1,000 colleges and universities across the country for three consecutive years by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, and the Ministry of Finance as a "High Art entering the campus" study book.

"Centennial Masters" has become one of the most high-end phenomenon-level brands in the field of culture, and with its unique advantages, it has built an important platform for disseminating China's excellent traditional culture, interpreting and displaying cultural self-confidence, and practicing the core values of socialism.

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