
"Shadow House" a year ago, the new fan, has not been broadcast this year, more outrageous than "Spy Over the Family"

The Japanese comic "Spy Over home" was hyped up but could not be broadcast on time, becoming an industry joke. In fact, there is a more outrageous than "Spy Over the Family", which was announced from April last year to April this year, and there is still only one trailer, which has been pigeon for a year. "Shadow House" is just an ordinary two-dimensional fan, which does not touch sensitive elements such as war, politics, and bloodshed, but it just cannot be released normally. Let's analyze it in detail, as follows:

"Shadow House" a year ago, the new fan, has not been broadcast this year, more outrageous than "Spy Over the Family"

"Shadow House" pigeon for a year, belongs to the most difficult to give birth to the Japanese manga

From April last year to April this year, "Shadow House" has been without news for a year, and now there is only one teaser video hanging on a certain station, and the comment area is full of mockery. If you don't even have a trailer, "Sky Invasion", which has been hidden before it has been broadcast, "Shadow House" is the longest delayed Japanese manga in history. The record of "Shadow House" will continue until it is relaunched, and this day may be far away.

"Shadow House" a year ago, the new fan, has not been broadcast this year, more outrageous than "Spy Over the Family"

"Shadow House" has actually ended overseas, and the second season will be broadcast in July, but the first season can be seen in China as a success. "Shadow House" is a Japanese manga officially announced in April last year, once on the daily manga broadcast schedule, and then disappeared from the playlist for no reason, and this disappearance has not been effective until now. Although there are not many fans of "Shadow House", a false shot really hurt the hearts of many fans, and the most difficult Japanese comic in history, "Shadow House" deserves it.

"Shadow House" a year ago, the new fan, has not been broadcast this year, more outrageous than "Spy Over the Family"

"Shadow House" is not broadcast, and there are many reasons for this

"Shadow House" is bizarrely put on the shelf and removed from the shelves, which makes people scratch their heads, and there are various speculations about the delay in "Shadow House", but most of them are conjectures that have not been confirmed. Some people say that "Shadow House" is checked so it cannot be on, but the animation that is really checked by the card, such as "Non-existent War Zone" and "Blue Period", cannot even be played on the schedule, and "Shadow House" can be played on the schedule, unlike being checked; some people say that the copyright of "Shadow House" is in trouble, but no copyright owner and importer come out to clarify or confirm this matter, "Shadow House" is not like copyright problems.

"Shadow House" a year ago, the new fan, has not been broadcast this year, more outrageous than "Spy Over the Family"

Some people say that there is a problem with the production company of "Shadow House", but cloverworks' "Tokyo 24 Ward" and "Sailor Suit of Tomorrow's Sauce" can be broadcast normally in China, but "Shadow House" cannot be broadcast, which should have nothing to do with cw; some people say that one of the heroines of "Shadow House" is a shadow person, and the whole body is pitch black will frighten children, so it is suspected of being terrible, and this reason is the most likely. All in all, now "Shadow House" can not be broadcast, there is no fixed statement, the truth may be an unsolved mystery.

"Shadow House" a year ago, the new fan, has not been broadcast this year, more outrageous than "Spy Over the Family"

I hope that the record of "Shadow House" will not be broken in the future

"Shadow House" has maintained a year of failure to start broadcasting record, I hope that there will be no more anime breaks in the future, I hope that the official animation can be broadcast earlier and earlier, the pigeon last year is still far away from the things do not happen again, but also hope that the record of "Shadow House" will not be extended, if it is a trailer hanging for ten years and eight years, the positive film is still far away is really a big joke. Although the "Shadow House" animation has changed some of the plot of the original work, it is not a bad work, and it is important for the audience to start broadcasting.

"Shadow House" a year ago, the new fan, has not been broadcast this year, more outrageous than "Spy Over the Family"

The second season of "Shadow House" will be broadcast in July this year, the most optimistic situation is that its first and second seasons will start together, the most pessimistic situation of the second season directly not introduced, and even the first season of the trailer was also laid down, when it never happened. What kind of fate will be encountered in the second season of "Shadow House" is also related to the fate of the first season, and to exaggerate even the fate of all Japanese comics, because the today of "Shadow House" may be their tomorrow.

"Shadow House" a year ago, the new fan, has not been broadcast this year, more outrageous than "Spy Over the Family"


"Shadow House" has been a dove for a whole year, from the expectations to the disappointments, it is really a great tragedy, and it is also possible to continue to pigeon, and even risk being removed. "Shadow House" does not broadcast, even if it is not broadcast, why it can not be stuck in the reason, no one has stood up to explain in a year, it is really disappointing in the disappointment, do you think?

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