
Zhou Zhenfu ‖ Xin Abandoned Disease's "Ugly Slave • Shubo Mountain Road Middle Wall" appreciation

Ugly Slave Shubo Mountain Road middle wall

Xin abandons the disease

The teenager does not know the taste of sorrow, loves the upper floor, falls in love with the upper floor, and speaks sadly for the new words, but now he knows all the sorrows and tastes, and wants to say that he will rest. I wanted to say goodbye, but I said, "It's a cool autumn." ”

Zhou Zhenfu ‖ Xin Abandoned Disease's "Ugly Slave • Shubo Mountain Road Middle Wall" appreciation

The poem was composed when Xin was impeached and demoted at the age of forty-two and was idle in Shangrao, Xinzhou (in present-day Jiangxi). He was impeached and dismissed when he was in Zhilongxing Province (Nanchang) and Jiangxi Pacification (the governor), and his impeachment was related to his practice of the Flying Tiger Army in Hunan. When he was pacifying Zhitan Prefecture (Changsha) and Hunan, he proposed the creation of the Flying Tiger Army. "There are those who are unhappy in the Cardinal, and there are many who obstruct them. Abandon the disease and heal the strength, and the pawn cannot be taken. The Flying Tiger Army he founded, the Xiongzhen side, was the crown of the armies on the river. The Privy Council, or Privy Council, is in charge of the military and government. The Chancellor of the Privy Council repeatedly obstructed him from establishing the Flying Tiger Army, and in order to resist Jin, he resolutely ignored it and built the Flying Tiger Army, which was the crown of the armies on the river. This contradicts the Cardinal Minister's mentality of stealing peace. Therefore, after he established the Flying Tiger Army, he was transferred to Jiangxi and was impeached and dismissed again, which was really a blow to his resolute resistance to Jin. He lived idly in Shangrao, which was not far from Boshan Mountain. Boshan, twenty miles west of Guangfeng.

Zhou Zhenfu ‖ Xin Abandoned Disease's "Ugly Slave • Shubo Mountain Road Middle Wall" appreciation

The epithet says, "The young man does not know the taste of sorrow. "When he was a teenager, he joined Geng Jing's Shandong rebel army, and Geng Jing called him the Emissary of Tianping Festival, abandoned his illness as Geng Jing's secretary, and persuaded Geng Jing to make a decision to return to the Southern Song Dynasty. Geng Jing ordered him to abandon his illness and return to the Southern Song Dynasty. The Southern Song Dynasty summoned Geng Jing with a temperance. Before abandoning the disease to Haizhou, Zhang Anguo killed Geng Jing and lowered the gold. Abandoning the disease and the people to return to the Southern Song Dynasty to sacrifice prisoners, behead the country in the city, abandon the disease when the age of twenty-three, so it is said that "the young man does not know the taste of sorrow", he thought that after returning to the Southern Song Dynasty, he could devote himself to resisting the gold and recovering the lost land, and he would be able to make great achievements. "Fall in love with the upper floor, and worry about giving new words." When he was a teenager, he "fell in love with the upper floor" and could climb high and look far. In the rebel army, he ascended to the south to look at the Southern Song Dynasty, hoping to serve the country, after returning to the Southern Song Dynasty, he could look north to the rivers and mountains, and his ambitions were restored, so he fell in love with the upper floor. However, in the rhetoric, such as Song Yu's "Gao Tang Fu": "Climbing high and looking far away makes people's hearts go crazy." Zhang Xian's "Order of a Bunch of Flowers" is called "hurting high and cherishing far away and being poor" (Mr. Qian Zhongshu' "Pipe Cone Compilation", p. 875). Therefore, "I am worried about giving new words".

Now that the officials are idle, the ambition to resist the gold and repay the country has been disappointed, so "now I know all the taste of sorrow", and his other poem, "Ugly Slave, Self-Severing Celestial Body Question in This Life", said: "Leaning on the dangerous building alone, I don't believe that there are no worries in the world." "Climbing the tall building, there is infinite sorrow, which is worried about the decline of the small court of the Southern Song Dynasty, not other worries." Therefore, in "Touching the Fish, More Able to Eliminate Several Storms", it is said: "Hugh went to lean on the danger fence, and the oblique sun was at the place where the smoke willow broke the intestine." "I'm afraid to go upstairs. But this intention implicitly does not say, only says; "I want to say that I will rest, but I say: 'It is a cool autumn.' "I wanted to say it but couldn't say it, so I had to say that it was cold, a good autumn."

Zhou Zhenfu ‖ Xin Abandoned Disease's "Ugly Slave • Shubo Mountain Road Middle Wall" appreciation

This poem uses the contrasting technique, using the "teenager does not know the taste of sorrow" in the upper part, and the "and now knowing the taste of sorrow" in the lower part of the opposite contrast, which reveals the full ambition of the teenager, and the frustration and sorrow of today, not only this, this word, through the opposite contrast, there is an omission technique, that is, the teenager's "love for the upper floor", and today's "fear of the upper floor" constitute a contrast.

However, the "fear of going upstairs" omitted today is in contrast to the "love of the upper floor" of Shangyan. The next step is today's "want to say goodbye". Shang yan should be the generous song of the teenager, that is, "want to say endlessly", which constitutes the opposite contrast, but omits "want to say endless". The "ignorance" and "forced to say sorrow" of the upper echelon constitute the opposite contrast with the "full understanding of sorrow" of the lower part of the body without saying sorrow. This opposite contrast constitutes a contrast, so that the upper and lower parts of the whole word form a contrast, revealing the sad and indignant mood of ambition.

Zhou Zhenfu ‖ Xin Abandoned Disease's "Ugly Slave • Shubo Mountain Road Middle Wall" appreciation
Zhou Zhenfu ‖ Xin Abandoned Disease's "Ugly Slave • Shubo Mountain Road Middle Wall" appreciation

About author:Zhou Zhenfu (1911~2000), a native of Pinghu, Zhejiang. In 1932, he graduated from Wuxi Guoxue Vocational School. He has served as a proofreader of Shanghai Enlightened Bookstore, an editor of China Youth Publishing House, and an editor of Zhonghua Bookstore. He is a member of the first Kunming Literary Theory Society and a member of the Jinan Wenxin Sculpture Dragon Society. He began publishing in 1935. In 1962, he joined the Chinese Writers Association. He is the author of "Examples of Poetry", "Notes on wenxin carved dragons", "History of Chinese Rhetoric", "Appreciation of Mao Zedong's Poetry", etc., and his monographs are "Zhou Zhenfu Anthology".

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