
When people are old, when they encounter these things, they will eventually be "abandoned" by their children and families.


In this life, people need to face such a risk all the time - being abandoned.

When we are young, we will face the risk of being "abandoned" by society, graduation is equivalent to unemployment, even if we find a job, we will not be paid high and live a bad life.

In middle age, we will face the risk of being "abandoned" by the workplace, unemployed in middle age, no one wants to apply for a resume, and it has become the most feared thing in the hearts of middle-aged people.

In our later years, we will face the risk of being "abandoned" by the family, the children may not be filial piety, and the wife may leave us, making us more and more uneasy the more we live.

Why is it often said that "old age is a disaster"? It is because people are old and their ability to resist risks has declined, while the risks of life have increased, directly putting people in the contradiction of "dilemma".

We always think that "family" has a certain blood connection with ourselves, they will always accompany us, the feelings will always be close, and the heart will always be sincere.

As everyone knows, reality will always make people break down. Those relatives who are pinned our hopes on tend to be more ruthless in hurting people.

When people are old, if we encounter these things, it means that we are not far from being "abandoned" by our children and families.

When people are old, when they encounter these things, they will eventually be "abandoned" by their children and families.


Physical problems, bedridden, easy to be abandoned.

Someone once said, "The moment you are sick, you will see through the real human nature." ”

When we are not sick and healthy, the human nature we see is hypocritical. The more peaceful and troubled we are, the more we can't see who is good and who is bad.

Only when people are unlucky and sick can they fully understand who loves us and who is the one who plays tricks on the scene.

There is a way that "it is easy to add flowers to the icing on the cake, but it is difficult to send charcoal in the snow." ”

We have a smooth journey, and naturally we will be sought after by others. We don't have to care too much about those who pursue us. Just think, who wouldn't "add icing on the cake"?

We are occasionally frustrated, and even face the disease barrier, how many people will stay with us? You know, the person who knows how to send charcoal in the snow is the one who truly loves us.

This kind of statement is not only useful to outsiders, but also to relatives.

It can only be said that people are old and sick in bed, and perhaps they are not far from being "abandoned".

When people are old, when they encounter these things, they will eventually be "abandoned" by their children and families.


There is no material underpinnings to deter others, and it is easy to be abandoned.

We may wish to think about a question, in the end is the rich old man, will be respected by the family? Or will the elderly who have no money be respected by their families?

To put it mildly, our families share the same bloodline as us, so why don't we respect each other?

To put it ugly, worshiping high and stepping low, bullying soft and afraid of hard, after all, is the human nature that is difficult for anyone to get rid of.

There are no resources in hand, no material money for the elderly, I believe that no one will pay attention to us. The so-called "rich and wine true brothers, suffering and seeing a person" is this truth.

In their old age, people cannot entrust money to their children prematurely, nor should they think that if they take their parents' money, they will be responsible for their parents. Short-term gratitude still exists. And with a long period of patience, it is difficult to do.

Wilde said that when I was young, I thought money was everything. When I got older, I found out that this was indeed the case.

No matter what age we are, if we want not to be abandoned, the best thing to do is to consolidate the material foundation and enhance our own confidence as a person.

When people are old, when they encounter these things, they will eventually be "abandoned" by their children and families.


When people are old, they are always unaccustomed to their children and are easily abandoned.

People, the older they are, the more they can't be preoccupied, but they must be appropriately let go and be a "rare and confused" person.

In this regard, many people do not understand, it is better to be "shrewd" as a person, express their attitude in time, and choose "confused", is not to admit their stupidity?

Is stupidity really stupidity? Not necessarily.

Folk have such a word - to be a person with a tail between their legs. If you shouldn't take care of things yourself, don't take care of them easily. Things that have nothing to do with themselves, they pretend not to know, and they only look at their own "interests" as people.

If we have a conflict with an outsider, then we choose not to have contact with it anymore, and that's it. However, if you have a conflict with your relatives, then even if you want to "break the mirror and reunite", you can't do it.

There are too many resentments, all of which begin with the elders' preoccupied calculations; there are too many misfortunes, all of which begin with the elderly managing too much; there are too many problems, all of which arise from the elders not knowing how to pretend to be confused.

If we want not to be abandoned, then we must maintain the attitude of "not caring about ourselves, hanging high" and let them play freely.

When people are old, when they encounter these things, they will eventually be "abandoned" by their children and families.


When people are old, their temperament is too extreme, and they will be abandoned by their children.

No matter what kind of business we have accomplished, no matter how much we have the ability, it is nothing. You know, the really powerful people have done the "living for the world" thing to the extreme.

Being able to create a good career can only mean that this person's ability is not bad. However, knowing how to behave in the world shows that his wisdom is superior to others. Ability is easy to cultivate, wisdom is rare, not everyone can do the "life for people" thing to the extreme.

For the elderly middle-aged and elderly, the direct embodiment of knowing how to behave in the world is to manage their emotions well, mood and anger are not colorful, and must not be too extreme and affect the family around them.

I have seen many elderly people, and I always feel that I am the elder of the family and can rely on the old to sell the old. But what they don't know is that all the extreme emotions, all the behavior of relying on the old and selling the old, will provoke the hatred of others.

It is better for people to take the middle way, to discuss things as they are, to be moderate when they should be moderate, and to remain principled when they should be principled. This is the "middle way" of people in their old age.

Wen/Shushan has deer

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