
In "Water Margin", how can Lu Junyi He De become the second in command of Liangshan?

author:The light of humanity

#"Water Margin" Why Lu Junyi's seat can rank second #

In the story of "Water Margin", Lu Junyi is a character who appeared very late, but among the good men of Liangshan, he ranked second on Liangshan. If you follow the details of the narrative in the story, Lu Junyi became the second boss of Liangshan because of his high prestige and high martial arts. But if you think about it carefully, I believe most people will find that this statement is untenable.

1. Liangshan ranking

In fact, although the ranking of the good man of Liangshan is nominally "Shangcheng Tianxing", the clear-eyed people know that the truth is not so simple. In fact, the ranking of the good men of Liangshan is more of a comprehensive index ranking.

In "Water Margin", how can Lu Junyi He De become the second in command of Liangshan?

The composite index mentioned here includes many contents: including personal ability, prestige, merit to Liangshan, seniority in Liangshan, and the strength or weakness of the faction to which it belongs. According to these comprehensive judgments, it is determined that a person's ranking and ranking in Liangshan are determined.

For example, Dadao Guansheng is superior in martial arts, and he is also a descendant of Guan Yu, so according to these conditions, Dadao Guansheng can become the fifth person in Liangshan.

Another example is the white victory of the day rat, on martial arts, on IQ, on strengths (such as the theft of time, even if it is a specialty) are lackluster. However, because Bai Sheng went to Liangshan relatively early, from the seniority, it is the only plus for Bai Sheng, so Bai Sheng ranks in front of the time shift and Duan Jingzhu who have special skills.

Another example is the iron fan Song Qing, who also has no martial arts and special skills. However, Song Qing could not stand that Song Qing was Song Jiang's younger brother, so Song Qing was able to rank 76th-many elders of Liangshan were not ranked higher than Song Qing.

So in Liangshan's ranking, there is a university to ask.

2. Characteristics of Lu Junyi

In fact, on the whole, Lu Junyi in Liangshan Haojieli, does not have too many superiority: on the gun stick, Lin Chong's martial arts are not below Lu Junyi (according to: when Lu Junyi went up the mountain, the big knife Guan Sheng did not go up the mountain, so he was not compared with Guan Sheng); on fists and feet, Lu Junyi against Wu Song, may not be able to win Wu Song; on the strength, Lu Junyi is afraid that he does not have the ability to pull down the willow.

Even in terms of jianghu experience, judging from the fact that Lu Junyi easily dared to go deep into the Liangshan territory, Lu Junyi's jianghu experience was not much, so presumably there was no jianghu prestige to speak of. Therefore, as far as calculating others is concerned, Lu Junyi cannot be compared with Wu Yong.

As for management ability, Lu Junyi reused the housekeeper Li Gu, and it can be seen that he does not know people.

Therefore, from a comprehensive point of view, it is difficult to figure out why Lu Junyi can be the second leader of Liangshan. Of course, according to Liangshan, the basis for Lu Junyi to become the second boss was because Lu Junyi had captured Shi Wengong, who plotted to kill Chao Gai, so Lu Junyi's merit was great, so he was able to become the second boss.

In "Water Margin", how can Lu Junyi He De become the second in command of Liangshan?

However, this kind of statement will be carefully considered, but people will find that Lu Junyi became the second boss, which is essentially a strategy promoted by Song Jiang in order to prevent the power from falling.

3, Lu Junyi went up the mountain

Saying that Lu Junyi became the second boss was a strategy pursued by Song Jiang in order to prevent the power from falling, and all this had to start from Song Jiang's greater expansion in Liangshan.

It is said that after Song Jiang went to Liangshan, he constantly recruited talents from all walks of life to go up the mountain, and often led the team out to fight, which made Liangshan up and down and even the entire jianghu feel that Song Jiang was the core figure of Liangshan. This made Liang Shan's then-head chao gai feel embarrassed no matter what.

So Chao Gai decided to also lead the team out to consult and restore his popularity. However, there were few talents under Chao Gai's hands, so to go to Zengtou City, the solution can be imagined: Chao Gai was ambushed by Zengtou City, and was injured by poisonous arrows, and eventually died.

It is reasonable to say that Liangshan was not a court, so according to the rules of the jianghu, after the death of the head of liangshan, Liangshan should be headed by the deputy head Song Jiang. However, Chao Gai made a will before his death: that is, he who could capture Anderson Shi Wengong could be the next boss. Therefore, after Chao Gai's death, in theory, Song Jiang has always been the acting head.

In fact, Chao Gai's failure to attack Zengtou City was not how strong Zengtou City was, after all, with the people and horses of Liangshan at that time, a few more Zengtou Cities could be leveled by Liangshan soldiers and horses. Chao Gai's failure was that there were not many people on Liangshan who listened to his dispatches—even Chao Gai went out to Zengtou City, and even a figure like Bai Sheng, the Day Mouse, brought it with him. It can be seen that the team with chao gai belt is a team with a number of people, and there is almost no combat effectiveness to speak of. If Song Jiang had taken Li Guang, Hua Rong, Qin Ming, and others to conquer Zengtou City at that time, it was likely that Zengtou City would have been wiped out in one fell swoop.

In "Water Margin", how can Lu Junyi He De become the second in command of Liangshan?

Chao Gai's last words made Song Jiang nervous: This crusade against Zengtou City is of course easy, the key is that it is definitely not himself who can capture and kill Shi Wengong. After all, I don't have much kung fu. What if someone else— like Wu Song? Lu Zhishen? Or someone else killed Shi Wengong, so what should he do? Continue to be the second boss yourself?

In fact, the status of the second boss is like the status of the prince in the imperial court. In ancient mainland china, the status of the prince was noble but suppressed: after all, the emperor who was the first in command did not want the prince to be too powerful, and once the prince was too powerful, it was likely to cause harm to the emperor's authority.

One of the reasons why Song Jiang was able to lift chao gai was that he was the second in command. And Song Jiang did not want to be the second in command, nor did he want someone who was not at ease to be the second in command.

On this day, Song Jiang happened to hear someone mention a person named Lu Junyi, who was said to have some guns. So Song Jiang came up with a clever plan: that is, to force Lu Junyi to go up the mountain, and then help Lu Junyi to kill Shi Wengong. Lu Junyi has no foundation in Liangshan, so even if the merit is great, he is still a second boss with no foundation to speak of. This means that Lu Junyi cannot pose any challenge to his own position.

In fact, after Lu Junyi went up the mountain, many confidential things in Liangshan were also discussed by Song Jiang and Wu Yong, and Lu Junyi, the second in command, had almost no sense of existence to speak of.