
Opening up the margins of space inside and outside the car, Auchan Z6 unveiled the intelligent interactive bottom card

Auchan Z6 is no longer a cold machine, but a car robot from the future. The difference from machine to robot is the strength of Auchan Z6's intelligent evolution.

As a means of transportation for modern human beings, the original intention of the invention of the automobile is to realize the movement of people in physical space. With the popularity of automobiles and the emergence of new technologies such as artificial intelligence, 5G, and big data, cars have entered the 3.0 era from the era of tools. The automotive 3.0 era is also known as the intelligent cockpit era, so the smart cockpit research and development stands at the new outlet.

Opening up the margins of space inside and outside the car, Auchan Z6 unveiled the intelligent interactive bottom card

Since 2017, Auchan Auto has laid out the smart cockpit field, has 710,000 users, and the OnStyle vehicle system has been iterated to version 5.0. Compared to OnStyle 2.0 and 3.0, the OnStyle 5.0 era achieved two major leaps. The first is to innovate the form of human-vehicle interaction and give the car a "life" more intelligently; the second is to continue to strengthen the in-car entertainment space in order to bring more happiness to users.

In the sixth season of the super tester activity on April 14, Auchan Z6 finally unveiled the bottom card of smart interaction, showing the interactive strength and charm of the smart happy cockpit. It is understood that the "Super Tester" activity is from 2015, by the user, media and other participation of the performance and quality test, after about 6 years, has become Auchan Auto's highly inspiring IP activity.

At the beginning of the event, the engineers of Auchan Z6 responded to the "one-click safe overtaking" function that was hotly discussed on the Internet some time ago. Auchan Z6 has a four-in-one super racing paddle, integrated with one-button safe overtaking mode, driving mode switching, manual transmission status plus or minus gear, cruise state acceleration and deceleration of four functions, only one button can achieve fast and convenient control.

Opening up the margins of space inside and outside the car, Auchan Z6 unveiled the intelligent interactive bottom card

It is understood that the first choice for this function of Auchan Z6 is based on user needs, not for the inner volume and stacking configuration, "do not do the inner volume of the functional stacking, only do the outer volume of the ultimate experience, and always adhere to all actions based on user needs as the lead." Auchan Z6 project director said the original intention and original intention of building the car.

Then there is this function has a real need for the application scenarios and target groups, a key safe overtaking applicable scenario is high-speed overtaking use, urban driving is generally not used, can not be considered with the whole scene; at the same time, the function is for some novice overtaking pain points and is not suitable for all drivers.

Auchan Auto defines the scene with the user, defines the experience with the scene, defines the demand with the experience, defines the software with the demand, and defines the car with the software, so as to meet the actual needs of consumers, so that consumers can feel the happiness of the arrival of technology. Therefore, the one-click safe overtaking function is not a blind behavior.

Opening up the margins of space inside and outside the car, Auchan Z6 unveiled the intelligent interactive bottom card

Relatively speaking, most models can only be controlled by voice in the car, Auchan Z6 has opened up the margin of space inside and outside the car, and voice interaction and control can be realized inside and outside the car, and the scene of voice control is more and richer. Outside the car, through the voice command, you can start the vehicle, drive out of the narrow parking space, you can also return to the parking space on your own; you can also open the trunk door with voice control, and take the initiative of the high-speed staff to "add No. 92 gasoline" when refueling.

In order to realize the voice interaction outside the car and reduce noise interference, Auchan Z6 applies the intelligent noise reduction enhancement technology of iFLYTEK neural network, surrounds the whole vehicle with 4 high-sensitivity microphone arrays, integrates EEA safety algorithms, integrates 20 kinds of voice commands such as voice autonomous driving/parking, voice opening/closing back doors, etc., 360 ° radio, realizes the recognition distance within 4 meters, and never moves the mouth. When parking automatically, pedestrians can also take the initiative to politely avoid it.

Opening up the margins of space inside and outside the car, Auchan Z6 unveiled the intelligent interactive bottom card

The realization of all these functions is rooted in the Onstyle5.0 intelligent car operating system first installed in Z6, which adopts the industry-leading ultra-fast 8-core chip and the ultra-high computing frequency of 2.0GHz, which can realize 1 second boot, 2 seconds of lightning navigation, around the user 22 large scenes, 226 sub-scenes, to create the ultimate user scene experience, fully meet the intelligent needs of the Z generation.

Auchan Z6 in the development of voice interaction outside the car at the same time, the car voice interaction into the 3.0 era, "eye trigger, mind interaction", simply put, only need a wake-up, only a look, you can understand the mind, avoid the embarrassing scene in human-computer interaction.

Auchan Z6 is equipped with the third generation of in-car voice interaction mode, the voice continuous dialogue word loss rate <1%, the speech recognition word accuracy rate ≥ 95%, the vehicle control delay - open the sunroof 1.2 seconds, open the air conditioner 2 seconds, the average human-computer interaction delay of 1.8 seconds, the fastest only 1 second.

Auchan Z6 cockpit is more conspicuous is the three screens, 10.25-inch instrument screen + 12.3-inch central control screen + 9.1-inch small European screen, adding a high sense of science and technology to the entire cockpit, but also to achieve four-screen interaction (+AR-HUD), five-screen interaction and other synchronous switching. Now the big screen in the car is not a problem of existence and absence, but more and less considerations, Auchan Z6 is not simply to win with more, but to give more freedom of information in the car.

Opening up the margins of space inside and outside the car, Auchan Z6 unveiled the intelligent interactive bottom card

For example, in daily driving, this kind of scene is often encountered, where the driver is using the navigation to drive, while the passenger wants to experience audio-visual entertainment to kill time. The logic of au-chan Z6 three-piece screen is more considerate, when the passenger opens the entertainment function, Z6 can project the navigation information of the central control screen onto the instrument screen to meet the needs of many parties.

At the same time, in addition to the Wheat-free car KTV singing system, which can sing K anytime and anywhere, Auchan Z6 has also derived a new ecology and created a small game suitable for Auchan fitness in the car. Through the combination of cabin lighting, sound effects, seats, three-screen display and other modules, the car seconds become a gym, and the atmosphere in the car can be activated while enhancing family relationships such as parents and children.

Of course, Auchan Z6 not only has the strength of evolutionary wisdom, but also the whole series is equipped with blue whale power, hybrid fuel full coverage, equipped with blue whale IDD global hybrid system, blue whale new generation 2.0T + Aisin 8AT gold powertrain, blue whale new generation NE1.5T + blue whale 7DCT efficient powertrain, three "T" power system, to meet the different needs of users for power.

Opening up the margins of space inside and outside the car, Auchan Z6 unveiled the intelligent interactive bottom card

As the first model equipped with a smart happy cockpit, from the Auchan Z6 we see the power of intelligent evolution, breaking the space margin inside and outside the car, feeling the temperature given by science and technology; at the same time equipped with high-energy power, with super space, it can be called a benchmark model of 150,000 yuan SUV.

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