
Several skills in the waste recycling industry, 0 experience Xiaobai can also master

author:Minions recycling

Recently, the neglected waste recycling industry has suddenly ushered in a wave of heat, and many people understand its way of making money, feel that it meets their career development requirements, and want to participate in it.

Several skills in the waste recycling industry, 0 experience Xiaobai can also master

However, do not know where to start, today's article, just to share with you as a newcomer to the waste recycling industry, what skills you need to master, can make you get more benefits.

1. Receive as much as possible

This point has two meanings of "more". One is that the more goods are sold, the more money is naturally sold, and the other is to emphasize the richness of the types of goods received.

Take the rise of used clothes recycling in recent years as an example, many people see its volume and market, feel that they can develop into the industry, and they plunge into it and want to specialize in this type.

Several skills in the waste recycling industry, 0 experience Xiaobai can also master

The results found that in addition to having the financial strength to build sorting plants and do waste spinning treatment enterprises can make money, ordinary recyclers or small sites do not have the ability to divide goods, the shipment volume is small, the quality is not enough, if you encounter a situation of price reduction, it is easy to cause operating losses and can not continue.

On the contrary, those who originally made waste paper and plastic acquisitions, but only added new categories of recycling of old clothes under the trend, can also have more types of recycling and earn money.

Several skills in the waste recycling industry, 0 experience Xiaobai can also master

Therefore, when new entrants do not have huge funds and stable channels to support the acquisition of a single scrap product, they try to take the "what to collect" approach, and it is easier to blossom more and obtain benefits.

2. Develop surrounding resources

Collecting waste products seems simple, but it is actually a science that needs to deal with people. The reason why many people can always have goods to collect, and rarely "idle" situations, is because they know how to develop the resources around them.

Several skills in the waste recycling industry, 0 experience Xiaobai can also master

Like the traditional recycling personnel, although it is said to be walking the streets and alleys, but in general, there will be their own often in this area, every time you receive goods, if you can let customers leave a contact information, natural follow-up and then when there is demand, you can think of finding you, the supermarkets and convenience stores in the neighborhood are the same, they provide a large amount of cardboard, plastic These waste products, if you can cooperate with it, naturally there is more possibility of making money.

3. Do a good job of waste classification

Take our common waste paper, although it belongs to the recyclable type, but the gap between different categories is also very large. If you understand its classification knowledge, the price will be more advantageous when selling.

Several skills in the waste recycling industry, 0 experience Xiaobai can also master

Books, magazines, newspapers, advertising pages, express boxes, generally the price of express boxes as yellow paper will be higher, more than 2,000 yuan per ton, and the cheaper paper can only reach about 1,000 yuan 1 ton.

Several skills in the waste recycling industry, 0 experience Xiaobai can also master

The aspect of computer recycling is even more obvious, if you are just the recycling of the whole machine, give a rough price, far from being able to compare to the hard disk, host, memory stick, graphics card, CPU these parts that can be used to sell money to get a lot of income.

Several skills in the waste recycling industry, 0 experience Xiaobai can also master

Some industry insiders have concluded that if you look at the overall market, the profit of waste paper products accounts for 50%, home appliances account for at least 40%, and plastic bottles account for 15%-30%.

Several skills in the waste recycling industry, 0 experience Xiaobai can also master

Therefore, if you are a novice in waste recycling who wants to enter the industry, you can learn industry skills from the above aspects, or you can also learn about the more scientific Internet + waste recycling model, choose your own suitable type to invest in entrepreneurship, and achieve corresponding results.

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