
Zhou Xiaofeng: Lazy day

Zhou Xiaofeng: Lazy day

When I woke up in the morning, the sunlight had dissolved indoors. On the opposite wall, the window ledges are neatly lattice, and the sun fills them. Stretching out a lazy waist, I felt the joy of cabbage growing in the warm shed. It was already nine o'clock, but everything was still quiet.

I continued to pretend to sleep in bed for a while. After a long time of laziness, a thought suddenly seeped into my mind like cool water: I should go to the outskirts and walk alone. I was an emotionalist and was immediately stirred up by this idea. After washing up and putting on a beige velvet tunic, I walked out of the house like a happy peanut.

After the tossing and turning of the car, it was nearly noon when we arrived at our destination. I climbed up the grassy slope and smelled the fragrance of the overflowing grass juice. Like a sheep, I developed a heartfelt gratitude and joy that prompted me to continue walking deep into the lawn. I found a quiet place, where the sunward grass was neatly combed by the wind. I couldn't see my kind anymore, and I lay comfortably on the whole green velvet of the horse.

At this time, the sunlight poured down. The clouds flew by like sacred birds, and the sky was auspicious. Cotton is the cultivation of mankind, and the cloud is the crop of the gods. The green of the grass slope ripples out, with delicate layered transitions. And those beautiful flowers, open with aromas and colors.

Several bees flew over, and their nests were nearby. How nice, the place where the bees work is so close to home, not to mention that their job is to deal with sweetness, and the bees here will really enjoy it. Unlike me, I am like a billiard ball that has been hit by life, bumping through it again and again, and finally falling into a trap. Bees "buzz" naturally and easily sing, they don't learn the stars on TV, they have to twist their facial features together to make a sound, as if they don't, they don't invest, but I look at them like they have cecalitis. As the bees led me, I narrowed my eyes and heard the wonderful Tianlaipu descend. I enjoyed the beautiful afternoon, refreshed and dreaming.

Many disciplines emphasize the harm of "enjoyment" because the word is reminiscent of the sound of wine and flesh. This understanding is narrow, as is the concept of wealth understood only as money and furniture. How many people are from the traces of the idle chapter, the aftersound of the rhyme, the aura of the strange book... Enjoying a true stretch of the mind is unfair to "enjoy" the unanalyzed and harsh accusations. If a person enjoys the pine waves of the mountains and forests and enjoys the baths of water, he may know more about gratitude and reward for nature, but we rashly call it "sightseeing in the mountains and rivers", and bury a slight ridicule in the tone.

I admit that my will is weak, and it is difficult to cultivate myself in the red dust of the world, but I feel that for mortals, it is not only in deliberate suffering that the purity of character can be maintained. Excessive difficulties and crusades against the body and spirit may not necessarily lead to great enlightenment, but it is easy to lose their true disposition. Enjoyment itself is not a sin, the key lies in the attitude of the enjoyer, if we can calmly enter and exit the enjoyment - do not panic before enjoying, do not covet and forget when enjoying, enjoy without hindrance, perhaps we can have a normal heart, more understand the warmth of the details of life, and then from a meal, a bowl, a word and a move, determine the path and true meaning of God.

In the spring, this green migratory bird flies back quietly every year. I looked at the trees on the low hill, and they were like children clinging to their mothers; perhaps spring was like a tree, and the wind gently shook it. Whoever grinds the dust particles of light more finely, this light gold spreads throughout the world... I open the inner flower and perceive the heaven outside the body. My bones were made of flutes, the wind blew me, and I was covered in music. People, you can take away my bitter and sweet chocolate love, you can take away my subtle undulating corduroy tenderness - don't say that I give you virtual happiness, you don't know, how good I am now.

How good it is that it is spring and all things are dedicated to their dear children. There is more sunshine, and happiness is like plankton flourishing; spring is coming, and people are involuntarily kind. Put it down, the sword of sight and the axe of the tongue, don't hurt each other anymore, let's unfold the clouds and waters.

I was particularly afraid of the cold, and therefore afraid of the serious face of winter. I often catch colds in winter and feel like a stranger when I talk. Wear the thickest socks and the thickest shoes, only hate not to grow the thickest skin. I go out in big thick shoes like Mickey Mouse, talk in a dumb voice like Donald duck, where can I be a cute woman? On the skin of spring, my toes are as light and flexible as ballet, and I speak sweet words to spring in the most beautiful voice.

I was thinking about this intoxicating afternoon and unconsciously fell asleep. The sun was shining on my body, the grass was spread under me, and I was like a much-loved insect, not moving, not waving, not flying.

The long afternoon awakening came, it was already dusk, and the sun had taken off its beautiful sunset cloak. I packed my bags and walked home. It was getting dark, but I wasn't sad at all, and I was grateful for the lazy day.

Zhou Xiaofeng: Lazy day

Zhou Xiaofeng, born in Beijing in June 1969, has been a literary editor for more than 20 years and is now a professional writer at the Laoshe College of Literature in Beijing.

He has published essay collections such as "Map on the Skin of a Spotted Animal", "Magic Book for Collecting a Time", "Your Body is a Fairyland", "Deaf Angel", "Giant Whale Singing", "Like a Migratory Bird", etc., and has won awards such as The Lu Xun Literature Award, the People's Literature Award, the October Literature Award, and the Chinese Literature and Media Award. In 2017, he began to create children's literature, published fairy tale works "Little Wings" and "Star Fish", and won the best children's book of the year in China's good books and Chinese children's book list.

Zhou Xiaofeng: Lazy day