
Learn to say "no" to bullying: anti-bullying education enlightenment picture books, so that children's childhood is better

Learn to say "no" to bullying: anti-bullying education enlightenment picture books, so that children's childhood is better

In recent years, the topic of school bullying has been frequently raised and has a wide range of influence. This reminds me of a novel I read many years ago, Guo Jingming's "Sorrow Flows Against the River", the protagonist of the story, Yi Yao, chose the most tragic way to face it after being bullied in school. When I saw this novel, I also recalled my own unpleasant experience.

A few years ago, this novel was also made into a movie, and Ren Min's interpretation of the role of Yi Yao seemed to let me see the tragic girl in the book. It is also because of this movie that the campus bullying incidents in recent years have received a lot of attention, and some new films focusing on the theme of campus violence have also emerged.

Zhou Dongyu and the four-character brother's "Young You" is also a movie focusing on the theme of school bullying, and the role played by Zhou Dongyu is also subjected to various school bullying in the film, and the male protagonist who protects her appears in the movie, so that she chooses to learn to face it.

In reality, there are more bullied people, like Yi Yao who are helpless to bear, and even use tragic ways to resist campus bullying like her. And these movies are only used to warn more children who suffer from school violence, and also to raise the public's attention to school bullying.

What everyone doesn't know is that school bullying has been widespread to every age, even kindergartens, primary schools will have such bullying incidents, "I don't like you", "don't sit with me", "don't play with him" such verbal violence, maybe your children have experienced. When he was young, he did not know how to face it, but these words would leave an indelible scar in the child's heart.

Learn to say "no" to bullying: anti-bullying education enlightenment picture books, so that children's childhood is better

How serious the power of public opinion is, I think everyone understands. Some people will say that children just talk and forget about it after a while. But have you really forgotten? I'm almost thirty years old this year, and I still remember the kid who laughed at me for being fat in kindergarten and calling me the nickname, I don't know what he looks like now, but his early figure will always make me remember.

Learn to say "no" to bullying: anti-bullying education enlightenment picture books, so that children's childhood is better

Because of my own experience, I began to train my children to learn anti-bullying early, and "Children's Anti-Bullying Consciousness Enlightenment Education Picture Book" is a set of books that I bought for my children, a set of books that are very suitable for him to read now. The content of the book teaches children to distinguish between school violence and how to deal with school violence, so that children can be more confident and brave, and say no to school violence!

Learn to say "no" to bullying: anti-bullying education enlightenment picture books, so that children's childhood is better

Picture books contain school violence such as being teased, excluded, nicknamed, robbed, ridiculed, etc., as well as explanations and coping methods for children's self-protection.

Learn to say "no" to bullying: anti-bullying education enlightenment picture books, so that children's childhood is better

The story cases selected in the picture book are all high-incidence violence incidents on campus, and exquisite pictures are inserted, so that children can increase the sense of substitution, effectively understand campus violence, and avoid the occurrence of campus violence.

Learn to say "no" to bullying: anti-bullying education enlightenment picture books, so that children's childhood is better
Learn to say "no" to bullying: anti-bullying education enlightenment picture books, so that children's childhood is better

Let children learn to protect themselves, learn to oppose campus bullying, say no to campus bullying, and make children braver in personality, which will also have a great impact on children's future.

Learn to say "no" to bullying: anti-bullying education enlightenment picture books, so that children's childhood is better

Parents can't always let their children hide under your wings, and this set of "Children's Anti-Bullying Awareness Enlightenment Education Picture Book" can effectively teach children to protect themselves and avoid children being hurt. For the sake of children's beautiful childhood, it is recommended that parents must let their children read this picture book and teach their children to resist school bullying as soon as possible.

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