
Chairman of Xiaopeng Automobile: "May Chinese car companies or all stop production"? Is it an exaggeration?

Recently, the epidemic in Shanghai has touched the hearts of people across the country. On the one hand, while paying close attention to the development of the epidemic, we are also considering economic development. After all, Shanghai is not Shanghai people are Shanghai, it is a world-class metropolis. The contribution to the Chinese economy is great.

Chairman of Xiaopeng Automobile: "May Chinese car companies or all stop production"? Is it an exaggeration?
Chairman of Xiaopeng Automobile: "May Chinese car companies or all stop production"? Is it an exaggeration?

At a time when the epidemic in Shanghai was not fully under control, He Xiaopeng, chairman of Xiaopeng Motors, recently declared through Weibo: "If the supply chain enterprises in Shanghai and the surrounding areas cannot find a way to resume work and production, all Chinese automakers may have to stop work and production in May." After such remarks appeared, Huawei Yu Chengdong also expressed similar views. He said that if Shanghai continues to fail to resume work and production, after May, all science and technology industry industries involving Shanghai's supply chain will be completely shut down, especially the automobile industry. It will bring huge economic losses.

Chairman of Xiaopeng Automobile: "May Chinese car companies or all stop production"? Is it an exaggeration?

Picture note: The picture above is a screenshot of Huawei Yu Chengdong's remarks

As soon as the remarks of the two big men came out, it caused an uproar. All Chinese vehicle factories will stop production, which will have a great adverse impact on the automobile industry. But one might ask why the Shanghai pandemic has had a detrimental effect on the entire automotive industry.

Chairman of Xiaopeng Automobile: "May Chinese car companies or all stop production"? Is it an exaggeration?

First of all, this is related to Shanghai's important industrial position in China

Shanghai is the largest city in China, a financial and trade center. There are a large number of technology companies, as well as automobile manufacturers. Most of SAIC's brands are produced in Shanghai. Including its Roewe, MG. SAIC-GM's Buick, Cadillac, Chevrolet. SAIC Volkswagen's Volkswagen, Audi. In addition, Tesla has also settled in Shanghai. Therefore, once the epidemic in Shanghai appears, it will directly affect the production of many automobile brands.

In fact, production is still secondary, and now the automobile company is more like an assembly plant, and each part is purchased externally. More importantly, after the advent of the new energy era, the production methods of many enterprises have changed.

Chairman of Xiaopeng Automobile: "May Chinese car companies or all stop production"? Is it an exaggeration?

Secondly, the advent of the new energy era has changed the way automobiles are produced

In the past, car manufacturers could produce most of the auto parts independently. Engines, gearboxes, chassis, and even vehicle interiors, seats can be produced autonomously. However, the advent of the era of new energy has changed this mode of production. In particular, new car-making companies, even if they do not have their own factories, can realize the production of automobiles through outsourcing.

Chairman of Xiaopeng Automobile: "May Chinese car companies or all stop production"? Is it an exaggeration?

Why is there such a change? First, because of the integration of parts suppliers, there are only a few large giant companies left in the market, such as glass is Fuyao glass, and the tires are nothing more than Hankook, Kumho, Michelin, Bridgestone, and several other large brands. Therefore, as long as there is a problem in one link, it is particularly easy to achieve production stoppage.

Chairman of Xiaopeng Automobile: "May Chinese car companies or all stop production"? Is it an exaggeration?

Second, new energy vehicles have greatly simplified automobile production, and even many core key components can be purchased. Take the battery, for example. China says that a company in the NINGD era occupies most of China's pure electric vehicle battery market. In addition to batteries, motor systems, chips are also only produced by a few manufacturers.

Automakers are slowly becoming just responsible for design and marketing, producing most of the parts needed by suppliers. That is to say, the voice of suppliers in the production of automobiles has greatly increased compared with the past.

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