
Pregnant women have repeated vaginal bleeding, and the examination results point to abnormal umbilical cords, and the fetus is almost "unable to save"

A woman will definitely protect her body after pregnancy, and pregnant women also need to pay strict attention to their own body. Because only in this way can we ensure that there is no big problem in our body, and once there is a problem, we should seek medical treatment quickly, otherwise the trouble will become very big, and then we will be in danger.

Miss Liu is now pregnant, seeing her belly getting bigger and bigger, seeing that the child is about to be born in this world, Miss Liu is still accompanied by some nervousness. After all, this is Miss Liu's first time to have a child, even if the relatives around her are cheering for Miss Liu, Miss Liu's heartbeat is still very fast.

However, Miss Liu feels that pregnancy is not too much of a problem, after all, her body is relatively healthy, and she has not suffered too much in this process, so Miss Liu did not pay too much attention to her body during the pregnancy process. But as the time of pregnancy progressed, there were some problems with Miss Liu's body, that is, the vagina was always bleeding repeatedly.

At first, Miss Liu did not think that this was a big problem, after all, the amount of bleeding was relatively small, but later Miss Liu did have a little panic, so she quickly let her husband accompany her to the hospital for examination. And the test results appeared at this moment Miss Liu was afraid, because the test results showed that Miss Liu's umbilical cord was abnormal. If Miss Liu had not actively come to the hospital for treatment, then the child in the belly would most likely not be saved.

Pregnant women have repeated vaginal bleeding, and the examination results point to abnormal umbilical cords, and the fetus is almost "unable to save"

Of course, in the end, there was not much of a problem, and the doctor also inhaled a cool breath. Miss Liu also felt that she was very lucky, if the child in her belly really had a problem, then she would probably be particularly sad.

In fact, this is a common case, and some pregnant women are prone to this aspect of the pregnancy process. Of course, umbilical cord abnormalities also have a scientific name called sail placental vascular preposition, and many people do not realize how dangerous this thing is, in fact, it is very dangerous.

Pregnant women have repeated vaginal bleeding, and the examination results point to abnormal umbilical cords, and the fetus is almost "unable to save"

How dangerous is the vascular preposition of the sail-shaped placenta?

In layman's terms, the placenta in a woman's stomach is mostly oval or round, and the umbilical cord is attached to the placenta, and then the fetus and the mother's uterus are connected together. Of course, once in such a situation, it proves that the child in the belly is relatively healthy, and we can safely wait for the child to be born. But when a sail placenta appears, the results are different.

In this way, the umbilical cord does not have time to land on the placenta and branches will occur. At this time, dense blood vessels will attach to the fetal membrane around the placenta, and these blood vessels are very fragile, and it is likely to rupture and bleed at any time and anywhere. If this is the case, then the life of the fetus will be in danger. Once such a condition occurs, we can understand it as an abnormality in umbilical cord attachment.

Pregnant women have repeated vaginal bleeding, and the examination results point to abnormal umbilical cords, and the fetus is almost "unable to save"

Of course, the probability of this situation occurring is only 0.1% to 13.6%, and it is easy to have serious complications in such a situation, such as the child may be born prematurely, or vaginal bleeding in the middle and late stages of pregnancy, which is likely to make the child's situation very passive.

Of course, if the vascular preposition can be diagnosed before childbirth, then the survival rate of the fetus is relatively high, if it is not diagnosed, then the survival rate can only reach 44%.

Pregnant women have repeated vaginal bleeding, and the examination results point to abnormal umbilical cords, and the fetus is almost "unable to save"

As the placenta continues to grow in the third trimester of pregnancy, the fetus continues to grow, which will make the possibility of blood vessel rupture continue to increase. Therefore, once the blood vessels cannot be supported, then the fetus will lose blood, and then there will be problems in life safety.

So how exactly should this problem be solved?

If you really want to solve this problem, then first pregnant women should do regular pregnancy tests, color spectrum Doppler ultrasound can diagnose the problem of vascular preposition. When facing this problem, we must diagnose and detect it early, if pregnant women find that their umbilical cord is abnormal, then they must pay attention to fetal movements and test themselves.

Pregnant women have repeated vaginal bleeding, and the examination results point to abnormal umbilical cords, and the fetus is almost "unable to save"

In ordinary life, do not oppress the child in the belly, and do not do squats at this time, because these actions are more dangerous. At the same time, we do not need to be too tired, if there is bleeding in the vagina, then we must lie flat, and then go to the nearest hospital for treatment, only in this way can we ensure that the child in the stomach does not have any problems.

Of course, in the third trimester of pregnancy, emergency caesarean section can also be used to end the delivery, so that there will not be too much of a problem.

Therefore, when pregnant women have repeated vaginal bleeding, we should pay more attention to this matter and quickly go to the hospital to do a corresponding examination, only in this way can we ensure that the child in the stomach does not have any problems. If you always ignore this matter, then the final result will certainly not be as good as imagined.

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