
New Ultraman Trailer: Monsters are raging, cosmic humans appear, and humans plan to obliterate Ultraman

A few days ago, the new Ultraman released a new trailer, in addition to the monsters that have already appeared, this time also added a new cosmic man. The opening of this trailer is very exciting, Ultraman released the Spectrum light, but this Theme light is a little too "long", and also shot the mountain, giving people a strong sense of destruction and shock.

New Ultraman Trailer: Monsters are raging, cosmic humans appear, and humans plan to obliterate Ultraman

The Transparent Monster Nelonga and the Uranium-Eating Monster Gabla appear, both near the mountain, with Nelonga destroying villages near the mountain, and Gabla confronting Ultraman. Ultraman's super-long Spectrum ray should be dealing with one of the two monsters.

New Ultraman Trailer: Monsters are raging, cosmic humans appear, and humans plan to obliterate Ultraman

At night on the seashore, Ultraman stands in the midst of a fire sparked by ship destruction. This scene is a bit strange, because there are no monsters seen nearby, so some people think that this is a fake Ultraman, a fake Ultraman professional Zarab Star. As for the purpose, of course, it is to destroy Ultraman's image, and there may be other hidden secrets.

New Ultraman Trailer: Monsters are raging, cosmic humans appear, and humans plan to obliterate Ultraman

Immediately after the next scene, a man pulls out a report with the theme "Ultraman Obliteration Plan". It may be that the fake Ultraman in the previous scene destroyed the ship, so it was classified by humans as a giant creature as dangerous as a monster. Humans intend to obliterate creatures that threaten humans.

New Ultraman Trailer: Monsters are raging, cosmic humans appear, and humans plan to obliterate Ultraman

The Zarrab Starman appears in a higher image than the holster version, supposedly a reference to the original version. The person opposite the Zarrab Star, dressed in white, should be Ultraman's human body. The "human beings" who appeared after the human body to communicate with the human body were the Mephilas.

New Ultraman Trailer: Monsters are raging, cosmic humans appear, and humans plan to obliterate Ultraman

Both the Mephiras and the Zarab have communicated with the Ultraman human body, which may be pregnant with a conspiracy.

The final scene of the trailer is the scene where the human body uses beta's wand to transform. Ultraman became huge and broke out of the roof of the building. This scene feels pretty good, but I can't help but think of Aihara Ryu's "What the hell are you protecting?" So, Ultraman, why did you break through the top?

New Ultraman Trailer: Monsters are raging, cosmic humans appear, and humans plan to obliterate Ultraman

For this long-awaited "New Ultraman", I am very much looking forward to seeing what kind of performance this giant of light without a timer has.

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