
Vivo X80, Xiaomi Civi 1S is very lively today

April 17 is Sunday, and everyone is resting. Unexpectedly, there are mobile phone brands that are not idle on the rest day, and two brands personally announced that they will officially open the warm-up on April 18 (that is, today). They are: vivo X80 series, Xiaomi Civi 1S.

Vivo X80, Xiaomi Civi 1S is very lively today

Vivo X80 series

The vivo X80 series is scheduled to be officially released on April 25, and this series of models can be described as highly anticipated. After all, there was too much information about the vivo X80 series in the industry before that, at least from years ago. But the official has not confirmed the news, now it is good to come.

According to the official release of the promotional video vivo X80 series of appearance is also officially confirmed, the back of the use of the same design language as vivo X Note, the front is a micro-curved center punch screen. The highlight of the series is the vivo X80 Pro model, the industry calls it the most comprehensive and balanced performance of the MediaTek Tianji 9000 platform model in the first half of the year, especially in the image is worth looking forward to.

Vivo X80, Xiaomi Civi 1S is very lively today

Xiaomi Civi 1S

Xiaomi Civi 1S is definitely an accident, because there was no news about the machine in the industry before. On the evening of April 17, the beauty product manager suddenly showed the tail of xiaomi civi 1S and told everyone to see you tomorrow. In other words, Xiaomi Civi 1S will officially open the warm-up today.

From the name, we can see that the Xiaomi Civi 1S is a small modification of xiaomi Civi, and the overall appearance design should have no change. The biggest changes should be performance improvements, fast charge improvements, and some other details. The price will also be basically the same as the Xiaomi Civi, or even slightly lower.

Vivo X80, Xiaomi Civi 1S is very lively today

There is not much to say about the vivo X80 series, and there is enough news from the industry. Let's focus on the Xiaomi Civi 1S, not how strong this model is. It is to say that now Xiaomi really needs a model to increase the heat, after all, the Xiaomi 12 series is released in 2021, if it is counted as a model in 2021. Then in 2022, Xiaomi has not issued a new machine for nearly five months, and it is certainly not enough to rely on a Xiaomi 12 series, so Xiaomi Civi 1S should have bright spots.

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