
Heavy! Divorced property for women to share more? The new policy makes it clear that the rural "marriage reform", the man should not complain bitterly

Now it is difficult to marry a daughter-in-law in rural areas, and high bride price, house, car, and various ways of receiving money make many rural young men very helpless.

However, recently, in the new policy introduced by Hainan Province, it was clearly stated that it would vigorously promote equality between men and women, implement a new rural "marriage reform", and focus on the division of property in the event of divorce.

Heavy! Divorced property for women to share more? The new policy makes it clear that the rural "marriage reform", the man should not complain bitterly

In fact, in addition to the influence of factors such as high bride price and high housing prices, the root cause of the "difficulty in marrying a wife" in rural areas is still caused by the imbalance in the proportion of men and women. The emergence of related "marriage reform" will not only have an impact on rural marriages, but also indirectly affect the birth rate of the future population.

Heavy! Divorced property for women to share more? The new policy makes it clear that the rural "marriage reform", the man should not complain bitterly

In the division of divorced property, both men and women have unspeakable secrets.

The division of marital property is actually the joint property of the husband and wife, that is to say, from the beginning of the formation of their new family by the two families, whether it is earned or donated, it belongs to both parties.

However, the lifestyle of rural couples is mostly male and female, and the family income comes more from the male side. In this case, rural women who are housewives have difficulty in having an accurate measure of money because of their contributions to the family, which also makes it difficult for them to share half of the property in divorce.

At the same time, in rural marriages, the man is now in a weak position, not only because the man does not have enough confidence in the bargaining of the bride price.

And more importantly, once the marriage is short, the woman files for divorce, then all the investment before the man's marriage is likely to be "lost". Based on this situation, the man naturally does not want the woman to "harvest" a wave on the bride price first, and then "harvest" a wave on the joint property of the husband and wife.

In general, since the contribution of most rural women to the family is difficult to measure in monetary terms, the man does not want to bear the risk of the division of property after paying a high dowry. Therefore, on the issue of the distribution of divorced property, both men and women in the countryside have difficult implications. It is worth mentioning that the high-priced bride price has buried contradictions and hidden dangers for many rural marriages, and it is more stable to stop the high bride price and face up to the women's efforts.

Heavy! Divorced property for women to share more? The new policy makes it clear that the rural "marriage reform", the man should not complain bitterly

Will the divorced property be divided more? The new policy of "marriage reform" in rural areas, namely the "Eight Measures for Gradually Eliminating the Phenomenon of "Preference for Sons over Daughters" in Rural Areas of the Province", has been clarified.

In the above-mentioned "Measures", Hainan Province clearly stated that the protection of women is reflected in the division of joint property between husband and wife in exercising discretion according to the situation of women assuming family responsibilities, etc. This measure shows that the proportion of property acquired by the woman in the subsequent division of the divorced property will be determined by discretion, and if the woman pays more in the marriage, then the property will be divided more at the time of divorce.

In addition, the above-mentioned "Measures" also clearly require the formulation of management measures for members of rural collective economic organizations and the promulgation of normative documents on the protection of rural women's land rights and interests. This measure shows that in the future, the rights and interests of rural women on homesteads and contracted land will be further guaranteed. It is worth mentioning that after helping to eliminate the "preference for sons over daughters" through the actual distribution of benefits, the proportion of men and women in rural areas will tend to be balanced, so as to fundamentally solve the problem of "difficulty in marrying wives". Therefore, the man does not need to complain bitterly about such a "marriage reform".

Heavy! Divorced property for women to share more? The new policy makes it clear that the rural "marriage reform", the man should not complain bitterly

In the face of the advent of the new "marriage reform", what should farmers pay attention to?

One is that many places have launched special governance actions for sky-high dowries, and direct or disguised demands for high-priced dowries, resignation from marriage and non-refund of dowries, etc., will be severely punished. The other is that the woman's hukou is recommended not to move to the man too quickly, because the rural reform is accelerating, and once the demolition is encountered, the husband and wife hukou are not together, and it is possible to receive two benefits in the future.

Heavy! Divorced property for women to share more? The new policy makes it clear that the rural "marriage reform", the man should not complain bitterly

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