
Abandoned in 1993 by a disabled farmer, she became a white-eyed wolf 23 years later and took her adoptive father to court

In 1993, a 31-year-old bachelor with an intellectual disability picked up an abandoned baby girl and, after raising her for 23 years, the girl took her father to court with a complaint.

What happened to this? How did the court ultimately decide?

Abandoned in 1993 by a disabled farmer, she became a white-eyed wolf 23 years later and took her adoptive father to court

On the left is Fang Mengzhen (milk name Xiaofang)

Clever son becomes a "fool"

Born in 1962 in a rural family in Guang'an City, Sichuan Province, Fang Chongcai grew up speaking and acting like a little adult.

However, when he was eight years old, he had a serious illness and the high fever did not go away.

The father unfortunately died early, and the mother relied on sewing and mending the people in the village to pull the two sons up with painstaking efforts.

Where did she have the extra money to see her young son?

In desperation, she suddenly remembered that there had been an earthen square in the village, and with the psychology of trying it out, she gave this square to her younger son.

Abandoned in 1993 by a disabled farmer, she became a white-eyed wolf 23 years later and took her adoptive father to court

Originating from the network

Unexpectedly, the fever quickly receded, and just when she wanted to sigh that this square was really easy to use, Fang Chongcai quietly opened her eyes, grinned and began to laugh, and from time to time there was saliva flowing from the corner of her mouth.

This scene frightened Fang Mu not lightly, and she carried her young son to the small clinic in the village all night.

After being examined by the old Chinese medicine doctor, Fang's mother learned that her younger son had burned out his brain because of a high fever, sometimes sober, sometimes confused.

Fang's mother returned home with her child on her back in despair, which was a big blow to her.

After her husband's early death, it was not easy for her to be a widow with two children, and now that her youngest son has become like this, what will she do in the future?

Abandoned in 1993 by a disabled farmer, she became a white-eyed wolf 23 years later and took her adoptive father to court

Originating from the network

In order to take good care of her son, Fang's mother began to work harder to sew clothes for others.

During the day she took her clothes to the door to be sewn up, and at night, after putting her son to sleep, she sat by the side with a candle.

Day after day, Fang Chongcai ran around the village when he was confused, and when he was sober, he also knew how to work for others and earn some pocket money.

After Fang Chongqian, the eldest son of Fang's mother, got married, he quickly moved out of the house, leaving only his mother and Fang Chongcai in the family.

The eldest son had a hard time starting a family, and Fang's mother finally made a wish, but she looked at her younger son who was feeding the chickens in front of her, and she couldn't help but start to have a headache.

Abandoned in 1993 by a disabled farmer, she became a white-eyed wolf 23 years later and took her adoptive father to court

She had found a number of matchmakers to match her son, but when the girls in the village heard that Fang Chongcai wanted to find a daughter-in-law, they all said that they would not marry a "fool".

The son's marriage can only be postponed again and again, and in the blink of an eye, he is 31 years old.

And Fang Mu's eyes, because of the seams and patches in the early years, now have to be in front of the eyes of things to barely see clearly.

In a few years, it is estimated that he will also go west with her husband, and the eldest son will not be happy now, and when the younger son has not yet found a daughter-in-law, what will he do in the future?

Sudden abandonment of babies

That day, when she was thinking about how to solve this matter in her heart, Fang Chongcai hurriedly "broke into" the house, and still held something in his arms.

Abandoned in 1993 by a disabled farmer, she became a white-eyed wolf 23 years later and took her adoptive father to court

Originating from the network

She didn't look good, she didn't see what her son was holding in his arms, and when his son looked closer, she sat down on the ground in fright.

The son's arms were actually a small baby who had just been born, and on closer inspection, it was still a baby girl.

"O my son! Where did you go to get the child back, you really caused a big disaster for your mother! ”

She thought that her son was taking advantage of the child's parents not paying attention and quietly hugged the child back, so she quickly took the child over and turned around to go outside.

Abandoned in 1993 by a disabled farmer, she became a white-eyed wolf 23 years later and took her adoptive father to court

Fang Chongcai

Fang Chongcai saw that his mother was pushing him with one hand and holding the child in the other hand and was about to go outside, so he angrily pointed at the child and said, "My, man, child..."

As soon as he was in a hurry, he said the preface and did not match the afterword, and Fang's mother insisted on sending the child back.

Just as they were pulling, the next door neighbor heard the noise here and told Fang Mother about the whole process of the child being carried back by Fang Chongcai.

It turned out that after Fang Chongcai finished his odd jobs on this day, on the way home, he saw a man with a yellow face and thin muscles and patches on his clothes kneeling in front of everyone, still holding a washed small quilt that could not see the color in his arms.

He looked anxiously and eagerly at the nearby villagers and said, "Who can adopt one more child?" ”

Abandoned in 1993 by a disabled farmer, she became a white-eyed wolf 23 years later and took her adoptive father to court


The villagers learned from the man's mouth that his family was relatively poor and poor, and with many children, he could only take out the newborn baby girl, hoping to find a good family for the child.

As soon as they heard that it was a baby girl, many villagers who were willing to adopt immediately retracted their steps that they wanted to take outside.

In this era, they all hoped to raise a son to pass on to their own lineage and raise them for a long time.

Now this man can't raise children because his family is poor, so what if he has money in the future and wants to take the children back?

Even if there are villagers who want to adopt a baby girl, seeing that she is so thin, they conclude that she will definitely not be in good health in the future, and it is a waste of money to raise her.

Abandoned in 1993 by a disabled farmer, she became a white-eyed wolf 23 years later and took her adoptive father to court

Fang Chongcai held a picture of XiaoFang

As a result, no one in the dozens of people was willing to take the man's stubble.

The man knew what the villagers were worried about, and he suddenly put the children on the ground and prostrated his heads to the villagers one by one:

"Do all the good deeds and save this poor child!" If she were in my house, she would be dead. ”

At this time, I don't know who in the crowd said:

"It's not that we don't help you, this child is a life, whoever adopts her will be responsible for her, I want to say, or you take the child back!" 」

"That is, their own children, even if it is difficult, they have to raise themselves!"

The villagers were talking about it, and Fang Chongcai walked up to the man and picked up the child.

Abandoned in 1993 by a disabled farmer, she became a white-eyed wolf 23 years later and took her adoptive father to court


He looked at the thin child in front of him tenderly, and he really liked it.

His actions frightened the villagers on the side, was he going to adopt the child? But he couldn't even feed himself, let alone raise a child?

The villagers persuaded him to grab the child, but he didn't expect that he wouldn't be able to hear it, and he wouldn't let go of it anyway.

Seeing that the oil and salt here did not enter and did not listen to persuasion, the villagers could only persuade the man, hoping that he would not hand over the child to Fang Chongcai.

Unexpectedly, this man had long disappeared, and Fang Chongcai took advantage of the villagers' lack of attention to directly carry the child back to his home.

Fang's mother heard that her son had not run into trouble, which was secretly relieved.

But she began to worry again, raising a child requires a lot of money, she is old and blind, is it difficult to expect her younger son to make money?

Abandoned in 1993 by a disabled farmer, she became a white-eyed wolf 23 years later and took her adoptive father to court

The left one is Xiao Fang, and on the right is Fang Chongqian's children

After careful consideration, Fang's mother decided to send the child away.

But Fang Chongcai held the child and did not let go, and the mother could not do anything with him, so she had to ask someone to find the eldest son.

Fang Chongqian looked at the stupid things his confused brother did, and his attitude was extremely resolute: This child absolutely cannot be raised!

The mother had been working for their brothers for many years, and it would take several years to raise another child, and as a son, they should let the mother enjoy the blessings.

However, his words still failed to impress Fang Chongcai, and the family froze in this way.

The fact that Fang Chongcai wanted to take a child home quickly spread in the village in a short time, and the news quickly reached the ears of the village committee chairman.

Abandoned in 1993 by a disabled farmer, she became a white-eyed wolf 23 years later and took her adoptive father to court

The head of the village committee came to look for the Fang brothers

He first went to Fang's house to inquire about the specific situation, and after understanding it, he sent someone to a nearby village to learn more about it, and finally found the family that abandoned the baby girl.

The father of the baby girl has always wanted a boy to pass on, his family is poor, and his daughter-in-law has given birth to 5 children in a row.

The newborn female doll disappointed him, who had been looking forward to his son, so he decided to give the child away so that it would be convenient to have another one.

After understanding the consequences, the village director understood that the child could not be sent back at all.

Then he took into account that Fang Chongcai was 31 years old and still played bare sticks, and there seemed to be no other way but to adopt children on the issue of maintenance.

So he persuaded Fang's mother's family that after you raised the doll, you could also send Fang Chongcai to the end of the pension in the future.

Abandoned in 1993 by a disabled farmer, she became a white-eyed wolf 23 years later and took her adoptive father to court

This sentence suddenly woke up Fang Mu, yes! If this child is raised, the young son will have someone to retire.

The problem that had been bothering the old lady was finally solved at this time.

Fang Chongcai seemed to know that his mother was leaving the child behind, and he clumsily tapped the child's back and put her to sleep.

Before and after the daughter's changes

When Fang's mother remembered that her young son had been pensioned, she was suddenly relieved, and she named the baby girl Fang Mengzhen and her breast name was Xiaofang.

The arrival of Xiaofang has given this silent home a touch of life.

Usually, Xiaofang is still taken care of by Fang's mother, and when she washes Xiaofang's diaper, Fang Chongcai will hold the child and patiently coax her.

Abandoned in 1993 by a disabled farmer, she became a white-eyed wolf 23 years later and took her adoptive father to court

The villagers saw him walking around the courtyard with his child in his arms, and they told him that you are now a father, you can't go out all day, you have to earn money for your child to buy food, so that she will grow up.

Fang Chongcai nodded, so he went to the construction site with the village man to work, whether it was dirty work or tiring work, as long as he could make money, he would do it.

After earning money, he took the money to buy milk powder for his children, and with the help of his brother and neighbors, the skinny Little Fang soon learned how to call his father and grandmother.

When Fang Chongcai heard Xiaofang call him daddy, he would happily dance and show off to the villagers.

Although his life is still poor, Fang Chongcai is willing to give everything he has to give Xiaofang the best life.

Abandoned in 1993 by a disabled farmer, she became a white-eyed wolf 23 years later and took her adoptive father to court

On the right is Xiaofang

In the blink of an eye, Xiaofang had reached the age when she should go to school, and most of them were in the mountains, far from the school.

Most of the children in the village go to school on their own and walk a long mountain road.

Fang Chongcai was worried about his daughter's accident on the road, and he insisted on personally transporting her daughter to and from school.

Every day, after her daughter finished school, she sweetly called herself "Daddy", and the hard work and fatigue of that day disappeared without a trace.

However, what the Fang family did not expect was that someone would soon want to take Xiao Fang away.

When Xiaofang was 9 years old, her biological parents suddenly came to the door, and it turned out that over the years, they had given birth to their sons and made money as they wished.

Xu is ashamed of his daughter in his heart, and after they found Xiaofang, they did not say that they wanted to take her.

Abandoned in 1993 by a disabled farmer, she became a white-eyed wolf 23 years later and took her adoptive father to court

Originating from the network

Instead, he invited the Fang family to sit down together and have a good meal, as a way to thank the Fang Chongcai family for taking care of Xiaofang over the years.

After the two families negotiated, Fang Chongcai promised Xiaofang that she could return to her biological parents for a few days during the winter and summer vacations.

For the lost and recovered daughter, Xiaofang's parents naturally rely on her for everything, and she soon felt that her parents were the best for her when she was young.

When Xiaofang was 10 years old, she returned to her biological parents' house and did not return to the Fang family until the end of the summer vacation.

Fang Chongcai was worried about what accident his daughter had, so he staggered alone to find Xiaofang, but because he did not recognize the road, he was sent back by a kind person.

However, Xiaofang finally returned to the Fang family, and Fang Chongcai only thought that her parents were reluctant to her, and did not blame Xiaofang in the slightest.

Abandoned in 1993 by a disabled farmer, she became a white-eyed wolf 23 years later and took her adoptive father to court

The peaceful life of Xiaofang was broken when she was 14 years old.

That year, her grandmother, who was dependent on her, died, and her grandmother was the spiritual pillar of the Fang family, and when the pillar was gone, the family would be scattered.

After her grandmother's death, Xiaofang was sent to Fang Chongqian's home to live.

Fang Chongcai continued to earn money by farming and doing small jobs, and was responsible for Xiaofang's living and study expenses.

After going to junior high school, the expenses increased, and Fang Chongcai earned only enough money to maintain his life.

Sensible Xiaofang decided to drop out of school and go out to work to improve the family's life.

Fang Chongcai did not expect that it was this long trip of his daughter that opened the prelude to the tragedy.

Abandoned in 1993 by a disabled farmer, she became a white-eyed wolf 23 years later and took her adoptive father to court

Enter the factory to work

At first, Xiaofang paid her salary every month, and would send money back to uncle Fang Chongqian and tell him to remember to buy some delicious food for "Daddy".

Later, Xiaofang did not report to her family for a long time, and Fang Chongcai was worried about whether her daughter was out of town or not.

So he looked around for someone to inquire about his daughter's whereabouts, and later he learned that Xiaofang was originally in love and had no time to contact her family.

The boy is 2 years older than her, his hometown is from Jiangxi, and his family is not rich either.

The two young people are very involved in this relationship, and soon they need to talk about marriage.

Abandoned in 1993 by a disabled farmer, she became a white-eyed wolf 23 years later and took her adoptive father to court

At the New Year, Xiaofang took the boy back to his home, Fang Chongcai was overjoyed to see his daughter return, and Fang Chongqian felt from the boy's words and deeds that this young man was a reliable person.

However, her brother is in Sichuan, and her niece is married to Jiangxi, so how will she give her brother a pension when the time comes?

Fang Chongqian informed the boy of this question, hoping that his parents would give a reasonable answer.

After waiting for a while, the boy's family promised to take Fang Chongcai over to live with him after marriage.

Fang Chongqian deposited the 30,000 yuan that his brother had painstakingly saved over the years into a bank card, and when Xiaofang supported her brother until she was 60 years old, she could take the money in the card.

Abandoned in 1993 by a disabled farmer, she became a white-eyed wolf 23 years later and took her adoptive father to court

In this regard, the two families have no objection to Xiaofang's marriage.

Father and daughter have become "enemies"

In 2010, Xiaofang and the boy got married smoothly, and the in-laws also abided by the premarital agreement and took Fang Chongcai to the countryside of Jiangxi to live together.

At that time, they could not imagine that this decision was the beginning of the road that allowed Xiaofang and her adoptive father to step by step.

In the first few years, Fang Chongcai lived in the countryside of Jiangxi with Xiaofangbo's family, and he helped the villagers do some farm work every day to earn a little money and subsidize his daughter.

Abandoned in 1993 by a disabled farmer, she became a white-eyed wolf 23 years later and took her adoptive father to court

Later, Xiaofang and her husband may have felt the pressure of life, and in order to make more money, they decided to go out to work, resulting in Fang Chongcai staying alone in Xiaofang's in-laws' home.

At first, the people in the village only thought that Fang Chongcai was a relative of the in-laws' family and stayed at home for a few days.

Unexpectedly, in the past few years, these two young people have gone out to work, but he still lives here.

The people of the village began to talk about this matter without hesitation.

"If you marry a daughter-in-law, you still have to bring a father, who can have this posture?"

Originally, Xiaofang's in-laws did not feel anything, but with more and more gossip, from time to time someone pointed out behind their backs, and anyone who saw it was very unpleasant.

Abandoned in 1993 by a disabled farmer, she became a white-eyed wolf 23 years later and took her adoptive father to court

After the mother-in-law returned, she told Xiaofang about this matter and promised that the family would give her father some living expenses every month.

On the one hand, there is the affection that has raised him for many years, and on the other hand, there is the love that is hard to obtain.

After a long time of inner torment, XiaoFang finally decided to fall to the side of love.

She sent Fang Chongcai back to her hometown in Sichuan at the end of 2015.

However, after returning to Sichuan, Fang Chongcai did not receive living expenses from Xiaofang's in-laws.

Fang Chongqian was anxious for his brother and called to inquire about the matter, and as a result, the two quarreled on the phone.

Abandoned in 1993 by a disabled farmer, she became a white-eyed wolf 23 years later and took her adoptive father to court

Fang Chongqian

In the blink of an eye, the Spring Festival of 2016 was approaching, and Xiaofang finally returned to Sichuan, only this time she went to her parents' home and did not go back to the village to visit Fang Chongcai.

Until the morning of the Chinese New Year's Eve, Xiao Fangbo's family took Fang Chongcai outside for a reunion dinner, and then sent him back in the afternoon.

Before leaving that day, Xiaofang also quietly handed Fang Chongcai 200 yuan, he thought that his daughter wanted to open, but he never expected that this meal was the last dinner between father and daughter.

Abandoned in 1993 by a disabled farmer, she became a white-eyed wolf 23 years later and took her adoptive father to court

After the end of the year, Xiaofang lost contact with Fang's family, and occasionally contacted, also on the grounds of "I am at work", refusing to answer any phone calls.

Fang Chongqian watched his brother losing weight day by day, and he was also worried about it.

Suddenly he thought that his brother's card still had 30,000 yuan of pension money, so he took his brother to the bank to inquire.

After this result came out, he was directly given a blow, and the money was reported as lost and withdrawn as early as 2013.

Fang Chongqian angrily called Xiaofang's father-in-law, but said that the money was taken out by Fang Chongcai himself.

Fang Chongqian knew very well in his heart, if it were not for Xiao Fang's family taking his brother to report the loss of the bank card, how could this money "disappear" for no reason?

Abandoned in 1993 by a disabled farmer, she became a white-eyed wolf 23 years later and took her adoptive father to court

Fang Chongqian decided to use the law to protect his rights and interests, but at this moment, a court summons was first handed to Fang Chongcai's hand.

The news of the summons was simple: Xiaofang asked the court to rule that the adoption between her and Fang Chongcai was invalid, and that the father-daughter relationship was not established.

After hearing this summons news, the whole village was invariably angry.

They called Xiaofang one after another, scolding her for not being grateful, ashamed of Fang Chongcai's nurturing grace for her over the years.

Xiaofang ignored this and constantly looked for connections to urge the court to hold a trial as soon as possible.

After trial, the court ruled that the adoption relationship between Fang Chongcai and Xiaofang was invalid.

Abandoned in 1993 by a disabled farmer, she became a white-eyed wolf 23 years later and took her adoptive father to court

Because Fang Chongcai's adoption of Xiaofang was only introduced by acquaintances and did not go through proper legal channels, this means that Xiaofang does not have the obligation to support Fang Chongcai.

However, the court supported Fang Chongcai's lawsuit against Xiaofang, asking her to repay her adoptive father's maintenance for 23 years.

It can be said that this result is undoubtedly a thunderbolt on a sunny day for Fang Chongcai, who has raised Xiaofang for 23 years.

The daughter who has raised herself with hard work for most of her life will have nothing to do with her after today.

They had now become strangers who knew each other best, and Fang Chongcai tearfully told his brother that he could not accept it.

Abandoned in 1993 by a disabled farmer, she became a white-eyed wolf 23 years later and took her adoptive father to court

Xiaofang sat in the plaintiff's seat

Fang Chongqian looked at the "niece" who had no gratitude, and he repeatedly advised his brother to sue Xiaofang and get back the compensation he had deserved over the years.

But the only thing that responds to him is always: Don't hurt Xiaofang.

Fang Chongcai always sat in a chair in front of the door, holding Xiaofang's photo in his hand, and murmured in his mouth: "She doesn't want me, Xiaofang doesn't care about me." ”

Whenever he mentioned these words, he would always be unable to restrain his tears and cry like a child.

Abandoned in 1993 by a disabled farmer, she became a white-eyed wolf 23 years later and took her adoptive father to court

Looking at the aftermath of this incident, it is really a bit confusing to see who is right and who is wrong.

But one thing is certain: Fang Chongcai's family did raise Xiaofang for 23 years.

This fact cannot be erased by anyone, including Xiaofang herself.

We have learned the story of "The Farmer and the Snake" since we were young, and when this story does not happen to us, we always get away with it.

But the truth really happened, and I couldn't help but regret it and raise a white-eyed wolf.

What was the reason why Xiaofang finally broke with her adoptive father Fang Chongcai?

Abandoned in 1993 by a disabled farmer, she became a white-eyed wolf 23 years later and took her adoptive father to court

Many people say that Xiaofang is because she has no money, so she will make such a desperate situation and not leave any room for herself.

However, if you speculate, you may find that Xiaofang's inaction in the face of her father in this article may also be changed by the environment.

At the beginning, she also thought about honoring her father and thinking that she could improve her life in the future.

It was only from the moment she went out to work and got married prematurely that this matter began to be very wrong.

Over the years, family harmony, unity and fraternity, filial piety to parents, respect for the elderly and love for children are all fine traditions handed down for thousands of years, and they are also the small wishes of many elders.

Abandoned in 1993 by a disabled farmer, she became a white-eyed wolf 23 years later and took her adoptive father to court

Originating from the network

I hope that young people will not neglect their families because they are busy at work, and that having time to accompany them to walk around and see more will make them less lonely and lonely.

At the same time, young people should also remember that it is indeed very important to be kind, but do not forget the adoptive parents who have worked hard to raise themselves for many years because of a small favor.

I hope that every child can find their own parents, and may the parents of the world be able to rely on them in the old age and not be disappointed.

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