
The girl who cried and called home in the national junior team became a "model Wang Shuang"

The girl who cried and called home in the national junior team became a "model Wang Shuang"

Special correspondent Ma Xiao reported that on April 15, the Publicity Department of the Wuhan Municipal Party Committee released the list of "Wuhan Models" in the first quarter of 2022, with a total of 10 people (collectively) on the list, and Wang Shuang was the only athlete representative.

At the age of 12, he was selected for the national junior team, at the age of 15, he was selected for the national team, at the age of 17, he participated in the World Cup at the age of 20, and at the age of 23, he was elected "Miss Football of Asia"... In the eyes of many people, Wang Shuang is the "child of others", all the way to "jump the level" forward. In the eyes of fans, Wang Shuang is a genius, or is she the "savior" sent by heaven to Chinese football?

In the lens, applause, and honor, Wang Shuang is undoubtedly the "hero standing in the light", but in the eyes of her parents, teachers and even reporters who have been paying attention to her growth for many years, she is actually the same as every little girl, in the face of difficulties, loneliness, grievances, setbacks will be afraid, will cry nose, but after every time she has been afraid and crying, Wang Shuang will dry her tears, clench her teeth, and face difficulties. Sweat more, suffer more, endure more loneliness and grievances, just for that stubborn reason - I don't want to lose, I want to win!

The girl who cried and called home in the national junior team became a "model Wang Shuang"

In her bitter childhood, football was a colorful light falling from the sky, running all the way with Xiao Wang Shuang, helping her dispel the deepest darkness and fear in her heart.

The first formal interview with Wang Shuang was on July 2, 2013, when we met at a Western-style restaurant in Wuhan Tiandi. In 2017, the restaurant chose Li Na as their partner, and in the summer of 2018, when Wang Shuang boarded a flight to Paris, she specially brought a copy of "Playing Alone" (Li Na's autobiography) to read on the way, because Wang Shuang was full of admiration for the big sister who was also from Wuhan.

It is particularly early to know the name "Wang Shuang", because the Hanyang West Street where she is located participates in the "Wuhan Evening News Cup" primary and secondary school football match every year, and Wang Shuang is the "little star" in this competition. In 2013, Wang Shuang was only 18 years old, and her father and mother accompanied her out for interviews, but in fact, she had already entered the Chinese women's national football team as early as a year ago, and was about to go to South Korea in a few days to join TOTO Football Club and participate in the Korean women's football league. Among the Wuhan women's football players, she is the first one to go abroad at this age to play football.

"How strong am I now? Well...... Playing the national team is still a bit difficult! "At that time, Wang Shuang was like a little sister next door, not pretentious at all, lively, cheerful, and confident." However, after a year or two, I believe that there is no problem in standing in the main position of the national team! She smiled and gave the reporter a "victory" gesture.

At the end of that interview, the reporter took a photo of the family of three, father Cao Yilin, mother Guo Fang and "well-behaved girl" Wang Shuang - at that moment, Wang Shuang, who was "arched" among her parents, smiled happily, but who knows how bitter this 18-year-old girl once experienced a bitter childhood?

The girl who cried and called home in the national junior team became a "model Wang Shuang"

It wasn't until June 2019, before the Fidelity World Cup in France, that Wang Shuang spoke to the outside world for the first time about her childhood and her family.

"When I was 5 years old, my birth parents divorced. In fact, I knew from a young age that their relationship was not good, but when my father sent me to my uncle and aunt's house and let me start living with them, I still had a hard time accepting this fact. I cried all night, and that was the first time I felt really helpless and vulnerable. What is even more unacceptable is that after my birth parents divorced, they left Wuhan and lived in other cities, just like that, leaving me alone. To this day, I don't have much contact with my biological parents, and I don't have much affection with them. Whenever I think of that parting with them, it still makes me very sad, and this feeling is difficult to express in words. ”

Wang Shuang unabashedly used large paragraphs of text to express the bitterness of her childhood, and at that moment she was not afraid to face her inner world, because she had already won this battle with "herself".

This is the typical performance of a Wuhan "girl" in the face of bitterness and suffering, no dodging, no detours, only head-to-head confrontation, and never admit defeat.

"My aunt and uncle have been my new parents since that time, real parents. Now when I mention 'parents', I'm talking about them, they're the family I love. When I first moved into their house, I did feel very insecure, so I often stayed in my room and didn't come out, and that's when I started playing football with my cousin, who to me was like a brother. ”

The girl who cried and called home in the national junior team became a "model Wang Shuang"

Here is also to mention Cao Yilin, Guo Fang and his wife, when interviewing Wang Shuang in 2013, Wang Shuang has already changed his mouth to call them father and mother. But in fact, they are just the most ordinary working families in Wuhan, the family suddenly has a child, for this family is not a small pressure, especially in the case of Wang Shuang and brother Cao Guodong are playing football, this "family of four" even held a very formal family meeting.

In Wuhan couples, most of them are women as the "head of the family", so the final decision was issued by her mother Guo Fang. "Now that you both practice, we will definitely do our best (supply), but if our family's money is only enough to train one, then let's make it clear first, depending on who of you has good (playing football) results, and who will give the money to." It is absolutely impossible to say which one we prefer, or the preference for sons, to give this money to my brother. ”

At that time, Wang Shuang was 7 years old, and she expressed her wish very clearly, "I want to practice with my brother!" Looking at Xiao Wangshuang's firm eyes, Guo Fang's strong and hard heart immediately softened, "Okay, then let's all practice together first, who doesn't want to practice in the future, or can't stick to it, just tell us right away." ”

It is no exaggeration to say that it was football that fished Wang Shuang out of the fear of childhood. For a little girl who tastes parting and abandonment too early, chasing the ball under her feet has almost become the only thing that can be controlled and mastered in her childhood. And football is much simpler than the world she can't see yet, just make sure not to concede the ball and kick it into the goal.

Fortunately, many years later, both siblings became professional footballers. After the situation of epidemic prevention and control in Wuhan improved in 2020, the video of Wang Shuang's brothers and sisters bouncing balls with each other on their own rooftops to maintain their status became an online hit.

At the end of 2020, first the Wuhan Chegujiang Women's Football Team, where her sister Wang Shuang was located, won the first women's Super League championship in history, and a month later, the Wuhan Sanzhen team where his brother Cao Guodong was located also successfully won the Chinese Second League championship and advanced to the Chinese First Division.

The girl who cried and called home in the national junior team became a "model Wang Shuang"

In the eyes of the two coaches in Wang Shuang's youth, she was never the "genius" who turned out to be born, "Wang Shuang herself has good physical fitness, sensitivity, speed, explosiveness... Then she practiced harder and fiercer than the boys on the same team."

"The first time I saw Wang Shuang, I still remember it very clearly." More than 20 years ago, coach Xu Yilong was engaged in children's football training in Hanyang, and many parents in the vicinity sent their children to practice, including Wang Shuang's brother Cao Guodong. At that time, it was Wang Shuang's parents who came to pick up their son and also brought Wang Shuang with them. I saw two small children chasing and playing on the court, and suddenly found that this little girl was very flexible and ran fast, so I suggested that Wang Shuang also come here to practice. ”

"Before Wang Shuang came, there were all little boys in my team, and after she came, she was the only little girl in the team." Xu Yilong said, "At the time of receiving enlightenment training, Wang Shuang was the most serious one in the team. How to say it? She has a stubborn strength in her, that is, to compare with those boys, to surpass them. ”

Xu Yilong told reporters that in fact, he only began to contact football at the age of 7, which seemed a little late at the time. "In order to familiarize Wang Shuang with the ball, I told her that I wanted to be the best friend with football, even if it was sleeping, I had to hold it." Xu Yilong told reporters with a smile that this was originally a half-truth and half-false joke, in fact, he had said it to many young players, but only Wang Shuang really listened, "For a while, she had to put the football next to her when she slept." ”

Serious and focused, xu Yilong's deepest impression of Wang Shuang. "At that time, I asked all team members to write training diaries, and many boys were perfunctory, casually writing a few words to fool around, but Wang Shuang was particularly serious. What the coach said today, her experience in training, which actions are more difficult to master, etc., are all written down, and through the training diary you can feel how attentive this little girl is to football. ”

The girl who cried and called home in the national junior team became a "model Wang Shuang"

"Everything is afraid of the word 'serious'!" Wang Shuang itself has a good physical fitness, sensitivity, speed, explosiveness... Then she practiced harder and fiercer than the boys on the same team, so her progress was very fast. Probably by the third and fourth grades of elementary school, she was already the main force of the team, and she was the absolute main force. Xu Yilong said.

Because of her outstanding performance in the same age group, Wang Shuang "jumped" to the national junior team at the age of 12, but at the same time experienced a setback that she was not willing to recall.

In the "Chinese Women's Football Hope Team" (National Junior Team) cooperated by Beijing Sangao and the Chinese Football Association, Wang Shuang, as the youngest child in the team, was not valued by the coaches, and almost did not get the opportunity to play, coupled with the loneliness of living alone in a different place, she would cry and call home almost every day, so that the life teachers in the company felt that the child was too pitiful, and advised parents to simply take the child back to Wuhan.

"Because I once took Wang Shuang in the municipal elite training camp, after learning about Wang Shuang's situation in Beijing, I supported Wang Shuang's return, and I also talked with the life teacher of the Hope Team, and we all thought that if this child stayed like that, it might be psychologically ruined." Han Jian, Wang Shuang's football coach in middle school, he had an important impact on Wang Shuang's football life.

According to Han Jian's recollection, when Wang Shuang had just returned from Beijing, he looked very depressed. "The boy's confidence has been greatly frustrated and for a long time he seemed overwhelmed by the football and the games he was once familiar with. At that time, in the East Lake women's football team I brought, her form could only play a substitute. "Han Jian said that in order to set a new goal for Wang Shuang, he told Wang Shuang that it would start with the competition for the main left guard." This goal rekindled Wang Shuang's fighting spirit, but also stimulated her momentum of not accepting defeat, once the elite players of Wuhan women's football team, how can they not play the main force in a middle school women's football team? ”

Since then, Wang Shuang has begun to be fierce, not resting at noon, and practicing at night. "I remember once in Nanning winter training, she pestered you every day after lunch, let you accompany her down to training. Wang Shuang one, Lu Yueyun one, big noon, there are three of us in the stadium, practicing passing, practicing shooting... At that time, Liu Ying, the coach of the Beijing team, and Shui Qingxia, the coach of the Shanghai team, who were also training there, saw it. Han Jian said that during that training, Wang Shuang's ball skills increased inexplicably, but he himself lost more than a dozen pounds.

The girl who cried and called home in the national junior team became a "model Wang Shuang"

In 2009, Han Jian took the Wujiashan Middle School girls' football team to represent Wuhan in the National Middle School Games, and Wang Shuang had become the main force of the team at that time. "In that game, Wang Shuang conceded penalties in two different games. When she came back, she came to me and asked me to teach her to practice penalties and ask for extra training at the end of each session. Because the penalty kick technique needs to speed up the swing of the legs, she can't practice much at that age, so I give her the rule that she can practice up to 6 when practicing overtime. ”

However, in one afternoon training, Han Jian left early because of something, and when he returned to the team, it was almost dark, but he didn't see Wang Shuang in the team, and asked the other team members to say it was not clear, "I quickly ran to the stadium, then the sky was completely dark, and I couldn't see anyone in the dark, so I shouted her name, and finally someone responded to me." Running over to take a look, it was really Wang Shuang practicing penalties there. I asked her, what else do you practice when it's so dark? Can you see the goal? She retorted that as long as she could see the ball! ”

Speaking of this now, Han Jian was angry and funny, but at the same time he was touched by Xiao Wangshuang's fierceness, "Later, when I asked her, I learned that after the training, everyone left, and she practiced there alone, saying that she had practiced a little feeling, and forgot the regulations I said, saying that I kicked more than 20 before and after... Then her groin strained and she rested for more than a week. ”

Han Jian said that it is precisely because he has seen Wang Shuang's most frustrated and vulnerable appearance that he knows that this child is not a genius or wizard born from the sky or born for football. "Wang Shuang does have the talent to play football, but the efforts of the day after tomorrow are the main reason why she can reach this height today." In the five or six years that I took Wang Shuang, I can safely say that she has put in more effort than others, and even some of the male football players who have trained with me, like the familiar Zhang Xizhe and Lei Tenglong, Wang Shuang have trained with them, but in my opinion, Wang Shuang is still the hardest of them. ”

Nowadays, Wang Shuang has become the absolute main force of Chinese women's football, and Han Jian is still engaged in women's football youth training in the East and West Lakes District, but the two have always maintained close ties, and whenever Wang Shuang appears, whether it is a women's super league, Ligue 1 or a national team game, Han Jian will exchange experience with Wang Shuang before and after the game. "Whether it is last year's Olympic qualifiers, Olympic games or this year's Women's Asian Cup, Wang Shuang is becoming more and more mature, with the ability and temperament of a real star, but I also hope that through your interview reports, let those young players who are about to devote themselves to football or are growing know that Wang Shuang's success is not because of her talent, but because she works harder than others."

The girl who cried and called home in the national junior team became a "model Wang Shuang"

In critical moments, there is always the first person to draw his sword and shout a counterattack! He or she will shine and infect the whole team with his or her own light, which we call – the hero.

On March 13, 2021, at 16:00 p.m., the second round of the China-South Korea Women's Olympic Ticket Competition was launched at the Suzhou Olympic Sports Center. Five days ago, the Chinese women's football team defeated the opponent 2-1 in the first leg of the away match in Goyang, South Korea, to achieve a lead in the aggregate score.

The China-South Korea women's football final in Suzhou was the first large-scale game open to fans in Chinese football since the epidemic in 2020, and the number of spectators broadcast on the spot reached more than 13,000, but the performance of the Chinese women's football team in the first half made all the fans who came to the excitement "play a heartbeat".

The South Korean team scored 2 goals in a row, reversing the total score to 3-2, "I'm afraid to hang today..." At halftime, many fans were shaking their heads, because the performance of the Chinese team in the first half was really out of standard, and the strength of the South Korean team was clear at a glance.

Although as the head coach of the team, Jia Xiuquan once said that "what I need is a team, not a star", but when the collective is in crisis and people are panicked, someone always needs to be the first to draw the sword forward and kill the enemy group...

In the 63rd minute, Wang Shuang issued a high-quality free kick, and the impact of several players in front of the goal of the Chinese team interfered with the judgment of the South Korean goalkeeper, and the ball quickly drew a wonderful arc in the Korean team's penalty area and crashed into the back corner of the goal. 3 to 3! At the end of the 90 minutes, the score was not rewritten and entered extra time. In the 103rd minute, it was Wang Shuang who deftly received the ball in front of the penalty area and quickly turned around to shoot, the South Korean defender did not have time to come forward to block, and the Korean goalkeeper was also in no hurry to save... The ball landed in the net, and the Chinese team miraculously reversed the total score to 4-3, and finally eliminated the South Korean team and got the last ticket to enter the women's football final circle of the Tokyo Olympic Games.

The girl who cried and called home in the national junior team became a "model Wang Shuang"

The moment Wang Shuang scored the "kill" goal, the whole audience boiled over, and everyone jumped up and celebrated wildly. That night, "Outside Gusu City, Han 3:4, the moonset crowed 'frost' all over the sky" red all over the Internet. If the election of "Miss Football Asia" in early 2019 only made fans and even female football fans remember Wang Shuang's name, then on that night in Suzhou, Wang Shuang made more Chinese remember her name.

After the game, in an interview with CCTV, Wang Shuang said domineeringly: "We will also rush them (the Korean team)!" Later, when chatting with reporters, she smiled and said: "We Wuhan people are this kind of personality, and we can't win, who knows?" But first of all, we must not be afraid in our hearts, and we must dare to do it. ”

Wang Shuang's "dare to engage" belongs to Wuhan slang, popularly speaking, it is to dare to fight and fight, and "dare to engage" is definitely one of the highest standards in the wuhan people's character evaluation system, with a strong heroic color, and even the urban spirit of Wuhan is also integrated into it, "dare to be the first, the pursuit of excellence." Therefore, in Wang Shuang, who grew up on the Yangtze River and the Han River, he has a strong spirit of indomitability and resistance, that is, "the more difficult it is, the more it moves forward."

At the Olympic Games, due to well-known reasons, the Chinese women's football team did not send the strongest team to play, but Wang Shuang did not affect his emotions and play, especially in the 4-4 draw with Zambia, Wang Shuang scored four goals, helping the Chinese women's football team to get the only points of the Tokyo Olympic Games.

After the Olympic Games, Wang Shuang, who moved to the National Games and helped the United team win the championship, returned to the women's super league without stopping. Wuhan Chegujiang women's football team in the 2021 women's super final against Jiangsu women's football team, in the first half of the first half of the first goal, it is Wang Shuang who scored two goals in a row to lead the "big reversal", 2-1, Wuhan women's football team successfully defended the women's super league championship.

The girl who cried and called home in the national junior team became a "model Wang Shuang"

In the next Asian Cup, Wang Shuang is still the "ace" of the Chinese team, the first 3 games of the Chinese team in this Asian Cup (against Chinese Taipei, Iran and Vietnam), wang Shuang scored the first goal of the whole team, and the Chinese team scored 13 goals in 3 games, of which Wang Shuang scored 5 goals, assisted 3 goals, and also pressed the opponent to score 1 "oolong ball". If it were not for the injury in the training before the Sino-Japanese war, a healthy and in good condition Wang Shuang may have made the Chinese team's championship journey easier.

In Wuhan, the river city in April, it is warm and cold, and it is the most comfortable day of the year for a famous "stove" city in the country.

At the Hubei Provincial Football Association training base in the Dongxihu District, Wang Shuang conducted boring and tedious rehabilitation training under the guidance of the rehabilitation division. During the Asian Cup, Wang Shuang had a broken ankle, which forced her to temporarily leave her beloved football and competition. "Two days ago, I went to the TV station to explain the first round of the women's super league, and to be honest, I envied them and missed them. So now I want to eliminate all interference, hurry up and do rehabilitation, I hope that in the second stage, I can return to the (Wuhan women's football) team, train and recover with everyone, it will definitely be much more interesting and much happier than I am now practicing alone. ”

In the past 2021, Wang Shuang has hardly gained time to rest, and has been preparing for the Olympic play-offs since the beginning of the year, then the Olympic Games, the National Games, the Women's Super League, the Asian Cup... Now that the 2022 Women's Super League has ignited the flames, followed by the East Asian Cup and the Asian Games, Wang Shuang said she does not want to miss a battle.

Advertising shoots, fashion magazines, promotional events, media interviews... The flowers are becoming more and more charming, but only when you have seen this Wang Shuang who endures loneliness and sweats hard, you will know that football, teammates, the field, and victory are the things she has always regarded as life.

The girl who cried and called home in the national junior team became a "model Wang Shuang"

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