
Broken bones again! This apartment has a down payment of 80,000! When is "falling and falling" a head?

author:Xiangjiang good house

Recently, a typical phenomenon in changsha's property market: polarization!

On the one hand, the large flat floor "Daylight" with a total price of 7 million / set, on the other hand, a number of Internet celebrity apartments have reproduced the tide of price reduction.

5-character head, 6-character apartment reproduction of the jianghu, work to arrive at the house, special price of the house and other forms of promotion frequently, "falling and falling" has become the most intuitive impression of Changsha apartment to the public.


The minimum down payment is only 80,000!

A special offer for an apartment in Yuhua District

Recently, The Country Garden Impression Apartment in Yuhua District, special price liquidation, the cheapest set of total price as long as more than 160,000, the down payment of about 80,000 more. The price is so low that it makes people jaw dropping!

Broken bones again! This apartment has a down payment of 80,000! When is "falling and falling" a head?

The source network of the figure, the price is subject to the sales department

Down payment from 80,000, 6 character head, maybe you still think that such an apartment is outside the third ring road. In fact, the surrounding development here is very mature, and it is already close to the city center.

Country Garden Impression is located in Yuhua District, about 600 meters away from Metro Line 5 Yuhua District Government Station, next to Changzhutan Intercity Metro Xiangzhang Road Station, nearby Wujiang Tianjie, Xiyingmen Fancheng, Tongcheng Commercial Plaza, Desiqin City Plaza, etc., comprehensive facilities are more complete.

Broken bones again! This apartment has a down payment of 80,000! When is "falling and falling" a head?

Location map

The main unit type of the apartment in this liquidation is about 37-83 square meters, and the whole floor plan resembles an irregular triangle.

Broken bones again! This apartment has a down payment of 80,000! When is "falling and falling" a head?

It is reported that this batch of listings is expected to be delivered at the end of this year.

Subway entrance, city center, 6500 yuan / ㎡, quasi-existing house, the surrounding real estate decoration price is almost 14,000 / ㎡, the cost performance is indeed very high.

However, Haofanghui found that this is actually not the first time that Country Garden's impression has "liquidated" the launch of preferential apartments.

As early as September last year, the poster of Country Garden Impression 4# Building Liquidation Flat-floor Apartment 7xxx yuan / ㎡ spread throughout the circle of friends, and the average price was about 8400 at that time.

Most of the year has passed, and the project apartment is still "liquidated", but the price has dropped from 7 to 6.

For young people who want to have a nest in Changsha, such a price is undoubtedly tempting. Especially after the first round of soil auctions this year, the residential price limit in Changsha has been refreshed again, and small partners who do not have housing tickets or have limited funds on hand can start as appropriate.


Only routines win the hearts and minds of the people?

There is a direct drop of 3000+ in the apartment

Obviously, the recent price reduction of apartments is not just the project of Country Garden Impression.

Recently, Changsha has launched a number of apartment price reduction promotions, various price reduction posters spread throughout the circle of friends, and the wave of apartment price reduction in Changsha seems to be coming.

Since March, many project apartments have played the slogan of price reduction promotion, covering popular sectors such as binjiang, lugu, and downtown, and even the Beichen Delta has joined the battlefield.

It is reported that the price reduction of the Beichen Delta C1 apartment, the construction area of about 44-65 square meters, the average price of the apartment is about 12,000 yuan / ㎡, the kanjiang apartment is about 15,000 yuan / ㎡, compared with the previous direct drop of 3000 +.

Of course, the 11,000 Beichen Delta is already "self-reducing" compared to itself, but in Changsha's 5- and 6-character apartment market, it may not be ranked.

So why have so many apartment price cuts in Changsha recently?

Haofanghui believes that there are three main reasons:

1, large inventory.

Behind the price reduction is the high inventory.

Broken bones again! This apartment has a down payment of 80,000! When is "falling and falling" a head?
Broken bones again! This apartment has a down payment of 80,000! When is "falling and falling" a head?

Source: Kerui Lake South

According to Kerry data, in the first quarter, the number of apartment units in Changsha was 6736 sets, the transaction area was 344,400 square meters, and the average transaction price was 10650 yuan / ㎡.

In terms of inventory, in the first quarter, the number of apartments in Changsha was 87,217 units, with an inventory area of 4,302,300 square meters and a deindustrialization cycle of 35.12 months.

The "red sea" of the apartment market has become the main means of dematerialization of housing enterprises.

2. The capital chain of housing enterprises is tight.

In the long run, Changsha apartments are still oversupplied, coupled with the tight cash flow of some developers, the urgent need for funds to return, so it is necessary to quickly dematerialize apartments, even if there may be a certain loss.

On this basis, the price reduction of Changsha apartments is expected to continue;

3. The characteristics of the apartment itself.

In addition, the apartment only has 40 years of property rights, one floor N households, poor sound insulation, utility bills are according to commercial prices, the floor height of 2 meters - 2.2 meters makes people feel depressed, etc., making the demand for the apartment itself is small.

All in all, under the superposition of various unfavorable factors, apartment price reduction has become an inevitable trend. Apartments with a slightly worse location, the price of "broken bones" have been.


High prices can also sell good results

Product differentiation is the key!

Seeing this, I can't help but ask: Is there only one way out for the Changsha apartment market to reduce prices?

In observing the Changsha apartment sales ranking in the first quarter, it was found that in addition to the discounted and price-reducing apartment projects in the Changsha apartment market, there is another part of the high-end apartment heat that is heating up.

Broken bones again! This apartment has a down payment of 80,000! When is "falling and falling" a head?

Source: Kerui Lake South

According to Kerry data, the third phase of Yunda Central Plaza in Yuhua District, with a transaction amount of 834 million yuan in the first quarter, topped the apartment sales list, and opened a gap of 600 million yuan with the second place.

From the lobby, the clubhouse to the 450㎡ model room, to the first batch of large flat floor zero defect delivery at the end of 2021, and then to the 900㎡ duplex model room, Yunda Apartment is widely recognized by the owners for innovation, quality and service.

Broken bones again! This apartment has a down payment of 80,000! When is "falling and falling" a head?

It can be seen that price reduction cannot fundamentally solve the problem of dematerialization, high-priced apartments can also sell good results, and product differentiation and innovative development is the key.

At the same time as the promotion of ordinary apartments in exchange for price, affected by the restriction of purchase in Changsha for many years and the scarcity of room tickets, the emergence of commercial large flat-rise apartments has opened up another way from the product and become a breakthrough in quality improvement.

For example, Runhe Binjiang Bay, Yinxiangjiang New288, IFS Ifs International Gold Yu, etc., have unique characteristics in product creation and have come out of their own market.

However, these commercial large flat-rise apartments are all for high-end improvement groups, with an area of more than 200+, first-line brands, private customization, including clubs, swimming pools... Developers need to have extreme strength.

The reality that we have to face is that more developers can only continue to suffer in the homogeneous small apartment market.

Do you think the Changsha property market will be lower in this round of apartment price reduction? Under the serious homogenization of the market, what products do you think the apartment should be built into, which is more in line with your needs? Welcome to leave a message to share your views!

Written by: Good House Hui Potato Si

Edit: Good House Hui Si Yao

Original content from @Hunan Furun Technology