
Persona 4: Invincible Ultimate Back Bridge Backstop Fall: A Reunion to Save the World

Persona 4: Invincible Ultimate Back Bridge Backstop Fall: A Reunion to Save the World


"Persona 4: Invincible Ultimate Back Bridge Back Fall" (hereinafter referred to as "P4U2") is a derivative of Persona, which is a work on the PC after the HD reset of the fighting game "P4U", and it is not a fried cold rice to be on the PC. The game I mainly experienced the story mode, the golden arena of local battles, and online battles. The game plot gives a good framework for the fighting game, which is simply to let the "special extracurricular activities department" of "P3" and the "self-proclaimed special search team" of "P4" provide the stage for the encounter battle, and we will talk about the plot later. The fighting part of the game is not only mixed in the plot, but the various modes really balance the fun and difficulty.

Persona 4: Invincible Ultimate Back Bridge Backstop Fall: A Reunion to Save the World

Meet again, meet again

As a fan, I mainly come to the plot of the game, after all, not all fans will play fighting games. In addition to the necessary battles, the game's story mode is a visual novel in the form of AVG, and the whole process is just a little bit. Compared with the original, the volume of the game's plot is equivalent to the OVA for anime dramas, and it is almost the same as a dessert to reminisce about the original. The plot of the game takes place after "P4G", the protagonist Naruue Yu returns to Hachishi Inaba and then falls into the incident (really busy), President Bear appears on late-night TELEVISION, someone is kidnapped again, and the town is covered with thick fog (it should be shadow time), this event not only allows the "self-proclaimed special search team" to gather, but also the "Special Extracurricular Activities Department" of the third part will also gather to participate in it.

Persona 4: Invincible Ultimate Back Bridge Backstop Fall: A Reunion to Save the World

The story mode is divided into "P4U" and "P4U2" chapters, the story of "P4U2" plays one of the chapters to almost understand the story of the entire game, and multiple chapters can supplement the game plot from multiple angles. The plot of the story is general, the victory is in the complete, and the fighting part is inexplicably funny. For example, as a replica of the opponent's shadow directly punched in the face, the taunts were full before the battle began, and we were beaten bloodily after less than half a minute of fighting. What samurai spirit is upright fighting, is it not fragrant to be a war ghost? Of course, this is also the early spit, for the villain's plan, this kind of direct self-detonation behavior is normal. The conflict between plot and fighting is mainly in the too fast battle, the plot lays the groundwork for half an hour, and the battle is resolved in half a minute, which makes the funny sense brought about by the villain's defeat too quickly. Is there a possibility, not that the opponent is too weak, but that the protagonist group after growing up is too strong, in the end, it is still to show the fans the situation of everyone, the dishes are very good, the fans do not read, buy the game and it will be over.

Persona 4: Invincible Ultimate Back Bridge Backstop Fall: A Reunion to Save the World
Persona 4: Invincible Ultimate Back Bridge Backstop Fall: A Reunion to Save the World

Fighting bitter hands can also play normally in the story mode and enjoy the plot. The game is essentially a fighting game, and fighting allows players to fight in a different way, simple and rough. The fight in the story mode is basically a family, I am a controller to play, basically most of the battle is to push the joystick (move to the other side) and then keep pressing X (light attack, two sets of light attacks can trigger a small kill), these two buttons can basically arrange the entire plot mode, personal experimentation, it is so simple, so there is no way to fight. If you really can't beat it, the game also has an automatic combat function, and the nanny-style guarantee escorts the plot mode. Regarding the final boss battle, first quickly close the boss, then crouch down after the joystick, then press B to attack non-stop with the stand-in, and continue to fight close when you are hit.

Persona 4: Invincible Ultimate Back Bridge Backstop Fall: A Reunion to Save the World

Fighting Novice Suffers

Thinking that they saved the world in story mode, they thought that the fighting in this game was nothing remarkable. Until the real fight mode, people walk in and carry out. The plot of more than ten hours obviously numbed me, this is not a visual novel, but a fighting game, and the first online battle poured cold water on me. It wasn't the first one, but every one that followed. I couldn't forget the footstand opposite, so I pressed myself to the ground and rubbed it. He was beaten up close, and finally ended up with a gorgeous beheading. Mainly online matching I can't match people, can only open a search to find someone else's room to join, the result looks like this one person's room. This big guy is like a big tree guard in the old man's ring, he can fight, but only a little. After the abuse is not good, go to the tutorial to practice the technique, after practicing it feels like you have finished the class, learned, but will not use. The fighting style of each character is very personal, with two forms, multiple skin changes, and players who are used to playing RPGs may suddenly get started and may be painful and happy.

Persona 4: Invincible Ultimate Back Bridge Backstop Fall: A Reunion to Save the World

The fighting part of the game I recommend the Golden Arena the most, the difficulty gradually increases, and the wheel battles continue. In my opinion, this kind of tower climbing can not only make the veteran constantly challenge to get satisfaction, but also suitable for novices (such as me) to slowly exercise the technique. After all, it is easy to dissuade newcomers because of hardcore, and I think the reason why the Golden Arena is good is that on the basis of the original fighting, the system rarely increases the character level and skills, the number of points obtained by upgrading can selectively increase the attribute value of the character, and the addition of the cultivation system can allow players to develop their own fighting methods in their favorite direction, and the equivalent of buff's skills (increased damage, blood return) is added to a certain extent to reduce the difficulty of the game. This mode is also the one that I have the most fun and satisfy after going through the game's story.

Persona 4: Invincible Ultimate Back Bridge Backstop Fall: A Reunion to Save the World


The game's contrasting and conspicuous game UI, vivid and exquisite character drawing and tireless music needless to say, blowing is finished. But there are still some places in the game that I don't feel comfortable with, such as the control button interface below in the story mode, which has been switching back and forth between the keyboard and the controller key icon, and the flash is really annoying. The matching mechanism of the game does not know what the reason is, some friends can't climb up, and I can't line up people. Finally, the plot, the story of the game is very complete, a plot is divided into several perspectives of experience, more or less tired. The plot is the traditional royal road plot, friendship bondage, special ability to fight, we just can't get tired of playing.

Persona 4: Invincible Ultimate Back Bridge Backstop Fall: A Reunion to Save the World


Whether this work is suitable for entering the pit, iron fans are definitely directly supported, no words. It is best to have the foundation of the previous game "P4G", otherwise the human settings and plot will not be able to replace. Decent plot and excellent fighting system can be reasons for you to get into the pit, passers-by recommend going straight to Persona 4 Gold Edition.

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