
What books did you read when you were young? | Jin Yong

What books did you read when you were young? | Jin Yong

Stockholm Public Library

The original title of this article was "Fu Jin And Tracing the Past"

What books did you read when you were young? | Jin Yong

What books did you read when you were young? I grew up in a big family when I was a kid. My great-grandfather had two sons, my grandfather was the eldest son and lived in the eastern half of a large mansion, and my uncle lived in the western half. This large mansion has five entrances, and a large plaque hangs in the front hall, which is the name of the hall written by the Kangxi Emperor to my ancestor Cha Sheng, and there are nine golden dragons around the three characters of "Yuanyuan Hall". My grandfather had three sons, my father was third, and he had two older brothers. My uncle died early, leaving behind four grandchildren. These cousins and cousins are much older than me, and they all like to read novels.

My brother Charlemagne studied classical and new literature. In college in Shanghai, he spent a lot of money to buy books, often making enough money for food, and was severely reprimanded by my father. The books he bought included works by Mao Dun, Lu Xun, Ba Jin, Lao She and others. The books owned by my family and my uncles, cousins, cousins, etc. are circulating with each other, and everyone borrows them. So when I was in elementary school, I read a lot of novels. My father and mother saw me reading all day long, did not like to play sports, was weak, was very worried, and often took me to the wild to fly kites and ride bicycles, but I only played perfunctorily and went to read novels again.

I went to elementary school, and the library was also quite rich, and the teachers encouraged students to read extracurricular books.

I remember a teacher surnamed Fu who specially lent me three books he treasured, "Little Woman", "Good Wife", and "Little Boy". The translator of these three books, Mr. Zheng Xiaocang, is an American student, a well-known scholar in my hometown of Haining, and everyone is proud of him, so these three foreign books are quite popular in my hometown.

The three books I loved to read most when I was younger were Water Margin, Romance of the Three Kingdoms, and The Three Musketeers by Dumas of France and its sequels. There is also a French novel "Fifteen Little Heroes" that I am also very impressed with, which is the story of 15 French teenagers sailing and adventures on desert islands.

Where did the literary imagination germinate? I thought that the literary imagination was gifted, and the organization of the story was also gifted. The same story, when I tell my wife, my children, and my grandchildren, I tell it more wonderfully than others, and I can turn a small thing that is ordinary and many fantasies into a big miracle. My wife used to laugh at me: "I'm making a story again!" I don't know if it's true or not. "As for the use of language and writing, it is due to more reading and the efforts of the day after tomorrow.

At the age of 15, my first best-selling book was "Dedicated to Junior High School Candidates", which was ordinary in content, but collected many school exam questions at that time, analyzed and answered them, and edited them in an easy-to-check way, which was a great success after publication. We published in Lishui, southern Zhejiang, and the books have been marketed all over Fujian, Jiangxi and Anhui. The proceeds of this book supported the three people we worked with to successfully graduate from high school and then go to chongqing to enter the university. This book has nothing to do with literary cultivation, but with commercial success. For a 15-year-old, it means that I can understand the needs of consumers and meet them in a simple way. The success of my later founding of Ming Pao probably stemmed from this intuitive ability to understand the reader's psyche.

When I was in my first year of high school, I wrote an article in the school poster satirizing the dismissal of Mr. Shen Naichang, the director of discipline, which was one of the biggest crises of my life. Because of the expulsion from the school, not only did he lose the opportunity to continue his studies, but even the life of eating and living had problems, and he finally entered Quzhou Middle School with the help of the former principal, Mr. Zhang Yintong, and his old classmate Yu Zhaowenjun, which was a great difficulty in the front line of life and death. "Speaking freely in literature without fear of major pressures" is also an important key to the success of later generations.

How do I become an editor? I have edited supplements to newspapers, dealing with and editing, and writing my own articles about film and theater. Due to the needs of my work, I read the theoretical books of film and art like crazy every day, and finally became a "semi-expert" in this field in a fairly short period of time, with no practical experience, but the theoretical knowledge and understanding and understanding of important plays and films have surpassed ordinary film or theater workers. Since then, "learning and using" has become my main working method. People who are not familiar with me think that I am very knowledgeable and knowledgeable. In fact, my method is: if necessary, immediately learn, change "do not understand" into "slightly understood"; make yourself from "layman" to "semi-insider".

What books did you read when you were young? | Jin Yong

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What books did you read when you were young? | Jin Yong
What books did you read when you were young? | Jin Yong

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