
Send tickets! After playing 00, hi after 90, National Day takes you to the largest animation game exhibition in the Greater Bay Area

author:Southern Metropolis Daily

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Send tickets! After playing 00, hi after 90, National Day takes you to the largest animation game exhibition in the Greater Bay Area

Five consecutive days from October 2

Guangzhou will enter the National Day happy animation game time!

You definitely can't miss it

Domestic top ACG brand event "Golden Dragon Award" stage series

The on-site heat "boiling" diffuse dimensional series competition

Popular e-sports competition opens "e-sports for all"

CICFxAGF features a free trip to greet the holy light of the setting sun

Poly "Backlight Avenue" leaves the most beautiful scenery

Yuetong group pain car takes you for a "ride"...

The long-awaited annual largest animation and game exhibition in the Greater Bay Area, the CICFxAGF Guangzhou Animation Game Festival, will be grandly opened from October 2nd to October 6th at the Poly World Trade Center Expo Center (Metro Pazhou Station) in Pazhou, Guangzhou!

Send tickets! After playing 00, hi after 90, National Day takes you to the largest animation game exhibition in the Greater Bay Area

Over 600 well-known exhibitors, as long as you think, they are coming!

About 65,000 square meters of exhibition area, be sure to wear sneakers, otherwise the leg is broken, don't blame me!

5 professional dazzling stages, several special areas, top animation events, and rich garden activities

——Only 1 CICFxAGF ticket is needed to play all the wonderful content of the exhibition.

And this ticket, CBD Jun sent you for free!

The specific ticket delivery method will tell you later

Let's first take a look, how fun is this comic book show?

More than 200 guests will come to the scene to meet and interact with fans, and a picture will tell you the point!

Send tickets! After playing 00, hi after 90, National Day takes you to the largest animation game exhibition in the Greater Bay Area

"Chen Qingling" Xue Yang played by Wang Haoxuan,

You must want to see him!

"Chen Qing Ling" Wei WuXian dubbed Lu Zhixing,

Only smell and don't see anyone? Get a glimpse of the real face in the comic exhibition!

"Love and Producer" Xu Mo voiced Xia Lei, attended!

"Shan Hai Mirror Flower" Shirasawa voiced Zhao Lu, here!

Send tickets! After playing 00, hi after 90, National Day takes you to the largest animation game exhibition in the Greater Bay Area

Image source: China International Comics Festival Animation and Game Exhibition public number

And also......

Japanese illustrator redjuice

Takuya Fujima

"Manga Celestial Group" Shogunate

Read the comics

Comic friends culture

Popular singer Shuangsheng

Send tickets! After playing 00, hi after 90, National Day takes you to the largest animation game exhibition in the Greater Bay Area

It's not over yet!


Yoco Cat

Well-known Lolita model Xie Anran

Popular goddess Coser Iorimon

Members of the Seven Flowers Group of the Chinese Style Women's Group Wei Huan, Wu Yuanyuan and Yu Xiaobo

V17 voice actresses vinegar vinegar vinegar, Xi Xi, Shinoko

Popular e-sports anchor "Glory of the King" first Li Baijianxian

"Sword Net 3" producer Guo Weiwei

Well-known bloggers & game gods Pu Yixing

"Yue Zhi 12" Guo Jiafeng & Fat Dragon

Station B well-known up main toss No. 5

Well-known coser & game master dumpling jun

Esports Team W· EDGM Clash Royale

Esports team WRG women's team

Send tickets! After playing 00, hi after 90, National Day takes you to the largest animation game exhibition in the Greater Bay Area

In addition, there are a variety of experiences such as tide play models, national style game areas, clothing special zones, photography theme areas, and garden activity points. You must not miss it!

Here comes the important thing -

One of the dafa for ticket collection:

As long as you always say your love for Guoman in the message

The 5 most liked followers

Two CICFxAGF tickets will be awarded

Exchange two tickets at once!


Ticket Collection Dafa No. 2:

10 pieces too few to grab?

It doesn't matter, CBD Jun "still has a way"!

Follow the page prompts

There are 30 more tickets waiting for you!

Send tickets! After playing 00, hi after 90, National Day takes you to the largest animation game exhibition in the Greater Bay Area

Special reminder

This exhibition fully enables electronic tickets, tickets are limited to sell out, there is no ticket office on the spot, fans only need to pay attention to the WeChat signal cicfexpo to buy.

Written by: Nandu reporter Zhang Pei

Trainee reporter Wang Meisu and Li Wanzhen

Editor, editor: Nandu reporter Zhang Pei intern Wang Yici

I guess you still want to see it

Send tickets! After playing 00, hi after 90, National Day takes you to the largest animation game exhibition in the Greater Bay Area
Send tickets! After playing 00, hi after 90, National Day takes you to the largest animation game exhibition in the Greater Bay Area
Send tickets! After playing 00, hi after 90, National Day takes you to the largest animation game exhibition in the Greater Bay Area
Send tickets! After playing 00, hi after 90, National Day takes you to the largest animation game exhibition in the Greater Bay Area

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