
How much love does she really love her brain by giving up her 140 million "dowry" for love and living in New York after leaving the imperial family?

author:Moon Picking Day

Is there really anyone willing to give up the royal family that others dream of, to give up the superior royal life to an ordinary person who has no stable source of income?

Why was the 140 million yuan of "dowry" rejected by Princess Mako?

Did she really choose to leave her royal family for love and go to the United States to settle in New York?

How much love does she really love her brain by giving up her 140 million "dowry" for love and living in New York after leaving the imperial family?

1. Princess Mako and Kei Komuro's "Love-Hate Entanglement"

Before meeting Kei Komuro, Mako, as a high-profile member of the Japanese Imperial Family, lived in the spotlight every move she made from childhood to adulthood.

How much love does she really love her brain by giving up her 140 million "dowry" for love and living in New York after leaving the imperial family?

As a commoner, Kei Komuro met the towering Japanese princess at a university fraternity in 2012.

After meeting each other, the two soon fell in love.

How much Princess Mako "loves" Kei Komuro, how much the Japanese people hate Kei Komuro.

It was a marriage that was destined not to be blessed by all the people.

How much love does she really love her brain by giving up her 140 million "dowry" for love and living in New York after leaving the imperial family?

Because of the Japanese people's disapproval of Kei Komuro, coupled with many reasons, the marriage date between Princess Mako and Kei Komuro was postponed again and again, and it was postponed for three years.

The relationship between Princess Mako and Prince Wenren and his wife was further strained.

How much love does she really love her brain by giving up her 140 million "dowry" for love and living in New York after leaving the imperial family?

At that time, all the Japanese people were waiting for the resignation of Princess Mako and Kei Komuro.

In the end, Princess Mako, who had always seemed delicate, made a decision that shocked the whole world.

2. Give up the dowry of 140 million yuan and settle in New York

On October 26, 2021, Princess Mako announced that she and Kei Komuro had registered for marriage and officially left the imperial family.

How much love does she really love her brain by giving up her 140 million "dowry" for love and living in New York after leaving the imperial family?

At the same time, Mako announced that she would give up her sky-high dowry, becoming the first member of the royal family to refuse the royal dowry since World War II.

This 140 million yuan was tantamount to a decision that affected the income of the second half of his life without a job and Komuro's lack of a stable income at that time.

How much love does she really love her brain by giving up her 140 million "dowry" for love and living in New York after leaving the imperial family?

For Mako, who chose to "clean herself out of the house", the Japanese people seem to have a lot less "crusade" for her marriage.

Because before this, the Japanese people were very disgusted with Kei Komuro, refused to feed a useless brother, and crowned Mako as a "tax evader".

How much love does she really love her brain by giving up her 140 million "dowry" for love and living in New York after leaving the imperial family?

And why would Mako rather go to New York with Kei Komuro to live in New York?

Many people think that Mako is too much of a love brain, desperate for the so-called love.

But on closer inspection, is Mako's decision really because of love?

3, the suffocating royal life, marriage became her only escape

For Makoto, who lives under the eyes of the people with every move, he is prematurely confronted with the adult world.

How much love does she really love her brain by giving up her 140 million "dowry" for love and living in New York after leaving the imperial family?

There is no life of fighting with classmates after school, and there is no love given to them by ordinary family parents.

Makoto, who has been living in a state of high pressure, even a casual indecent action will be infinitely magnified and finally make headlines.

How much love does she really love her brain by giving up her 140 million "dowry" for love and living in New York after leaving the imperial family?

Perhaps for Mako, who has always longed for an ordinary life, that beautiful "royal cage" is not the life she wants.

Once married, female members of Japan automatically left the imperial family and became commoners.

This civilian status, which seems to others to have done little, is what Makoto is trying to obtain.

How much love does she really love her brain by giving up her 140 million "dowry" for love and living in New York after leaving the imperial family?

A free life, as long as you can get out of the imperial family and live the life you want, even if you bear the insult, you have to marry an ordinary man.

This may be exactly what Makoto wants.

How much love does she really love her brain by giving up her 140 million "dowry" for love and living in New York after leaving the imperial family?

We can't know how deepLy Much Mako's love for Kei Komuro is, but we all know that Makoto, who is out of the control of the imperial family and strolling through the streets of New York, presents a state of great relaxation and joy, and that happy and unbridled smile is something she could not get when she was in the Japanese imperial family.

How much love does she really love her brain by giving up her 140 million "dowry" for love and living in New York after leaving the imperial family?
How much love does she really love her brain by giving up her 140 million "dowry" for love and living in New York after leaving the imperial family?
How much love does she really love her brain by giving up her 140 million "dowry" for love and living in New York after leaving the imperial family?

Freedom is the real reason why Mako gave up her 140 million yuan dowry and went to Settle in New York.