
Poster : Twenty-four solar terms | Valley Rain

Willows dance with the wind

The rain is coming

- Gu Yu

Poster : Twenty-four solar terms | Valley Rain
Poster : Twenty-four solar terms | Valley Rain
Poster : Twenty-four solar terms | Valley Rain
Poster : Twenty-four solar terms | Valley Rain
Poster : Twenty-four solar terms | Valley Rain
Poster : Twenty-four solar terms | Valley Rain

Everything lives during the rainy season of the valley

Drizzle drizzle of duckweed

Valley rain is the last solar term of spring

Rain is born in the spring of the valley

Valley rainy day

There is warmth but not yet heat

There was a cool breeze but the cold was gone

Qingming breaks the snow valley rain and frost

As the iconic solar terms of late spring

After the valley rains, the temperature rises to accelerate the increase in rainfall

Bringing grains to life

This is also the best time to sow seedlings and plant melons and beans

Spring breeze and melting grass color

In the mountains of April

Cloud smoke gently rolls grass and trees and shakes slightly

The first smell of refreshing rustic grass and wood

Taste a tea valley rain tea warm a good time

Cherish the beauty of natural co-goodness

Look back at yesterday

Have you ever failed the spring light

Enjoy the beauty of spring again

With hope

Better yourself

Greet the unborn of summer

(Ou Xiaoyan/Figure Li Ming/Wen)

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