
In April, I would rather eat less meat than eat more of this "alkaline dish" to get rid of moisture and get a good body

Introduction: In April, I would rather eat less meat, but also eat more of this "alkaline dish", remove moisture, and the body is sticky

Have you found that although the living conditions of the people around you are getting better and better, there are more and more chronic diseases, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, cancers and other diseases, and they are getting younger and younger.

As the saying goes, "Sickness comes from the mouth". Therefore, for their own health, we must avoid eating, eat less junk food, eat more fresh vegetables, less salt and less oil, control sugar and limit alcohol, eat balance, and give yourself a healthy body.

In April, I would rather eat less meat than eat more of this "alkaline dish" to get rid of moisture and get a good body

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Some experts on the Internet said: "Alkaline foods can prolong life." Acidic constitution is the source of all diseases, usually eat more alkaline food, maintain alkaline constitution, help good health.

Like tomatoes, blueberries, tea, kelp, carrots, potatoes, spinach, cucumbers, black fungus, yams, onions, bananas, etc., these are rich in alkaline foods

The following to share with you a natural "alkaline dish", it is a gift of nature, is a common pollution-free wild vegetable, this wild vegetable is very familiar with purslane.

In April, I would rather eat less meat than eat more of this "alkaline dish" to get rid of moisture and get a good body

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Speaking of purslane, everyone will not be unfamiliar, in the past purslane was once a life-saving food for poor farmers, has been handed down to this day, deeply loved by the people.

Because of the tenacious vitality of purslane, even if there is a drought, other plants are indifferent, only purslane is as green as ever, so it is called "longevity dish".

Anyone who has eaten purslane knows that its taste is sour, so many people don't like to eat it, but it is very delicious, crisp and sour to make soup, and it has a different flavor. It can also be used for stir-frying, cold mixing, boiling noodles, making stuffed dumplings, etc. are very delicious.

In April, I would rather eat less meat than eat more of this "alkaline dish" to get rid of moisture and get a good body

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Although purslane is sour to eat, it is an alkaline food, and the alkali content is rich, so it is also known as "alkaline dish", usually eat more, can make the body maintain an alkaline physique, the body has many benefits.

At the same time, purslane also has the effect of removing dampness, as we all know, moisture is heavy, especially now this rainy April, the weather is wet, the humidity is heavier, eat some purslane, help to remove moisture, but also clear intestinal heat, help the body discharge toxins and heat, prevent constipation, hemorrhoids, etc., so that the body is healthier.

In April, I would rather eat less meat than eat more of this "alkaline dish" to get rid of moisture and get a good body

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In April, the amount of rain increased, purslane in many places has begun to grow, just grown head stubble purslane, more nutritious, more delicious taste, while the health care effect is also better.

Friends, do you have this kind of purslane in your hometown? In April, I would rather eat less meat, but also eat more of this "alkaline dish", which can not only make the body maintain an alkaline physique, but also remove moisture, usually eat more, the body will get better and better.