
Discussion and exchange, seeking common development - Yu Huayang investigated the iterative upgrading of the "No. 1 Development Project" of the digital economy in Xinzhou District

author:Central urban agglomeration
Discussion and exchange, seeking common development - Yu Huayang investigated the iterative upgrading of the "No. 1 Development Project" of the digital economy in Xinzhou District
Discussion and exchange, seeking common development - Yu Huayang investigated the iterative upgrading of the "No. 1 Development Project" of the digital economy in Xinzhou District
Discussion and exchange, seeking common development - Yu Huayang investigated the iterative upgrading of the "No. 1 Development Project" of the digital economy in Xinzhou District
Discussion and exchange, seeking common development - Yu Huayang investigated the iterative upgrading of the "No. 1 Development Project" of the digital economy in Xinzhou District

On April 18, Yu Huayang, deputy secretary of the district party committee and mayor of the district, led a team to investigate the iterative upgrading of the "No. 1 Development Project" of the digital economy in Xinzhou District, and held a discussion with the heads of 12 representative enterprises in the digital economy in the district. Deputy District Governor Zhang Yong accompanied him.

Discussion and exchange, seeking common development - Yu Huayang investigated the iterative upgrading of the "No. 1 Development Project" of the digital economy in Xinzhou District
Discussion and exchange, seeking common development - Yu Huayang investigated the iterative upgrading of the "No. 1 Development Project" of the digital economy in Xinzhou District
Discussion and exchange, seeking common development - Yu Huayang investigated the iterative upgrading of the "No. 1 Development Project" of the digital economy in Xinzhou District

Yu Huayang went to Yunli Technology Company, Yunniu Technology Company, Pigeon Racing Technology Company, Stronghold Technology Company and Shangrao Digital Economy Service Park to inspect the platform operation, technological innovation, product application and other aspects, and learn more about the development of the digital economy of enterprises. He pointed out that enterprises should further consolidate the consensus on development, seize the opportunities of digital economy development, gather the wisdom of developing the digital economy, strengthen digital technology research, accelerate the construction of application scenarios, continuously optimize and improve the industrial chain, create the core competitiveness of enterprises, and promote industrial digitalization and digital industrialization.

Discussion and exchange, seeking common development - Yu Huayang investigated the iterative upgrading of the "No. 1 Development Project" of the digital economy in Xinzhou District

At the subsequent symposium, Yu Huayang listened to the relevant situation report of the enterprise, understood the outstanding problems and shortcomings of the enterprise and the opinions and suggestions of the enterprise on the development of the digital economy in Xinzhou District.

Discussion and exchange, seeking common development - Yu Huayang investigated the iterative upgrading of the "No. 1 Development Project" of the digital economy in Xinzhou District

Yu Huayang stressed that the vigorous implementation of the "No. 1 development project" of the digital economy is a major decision-making deployment made by the provincial party committee and the provincial government based on the new orientation and new stage of Jiangxi's development, grasping the new development trend and new trend, and all departments at all levels should fully understand the great significance of the development of the digital economy from the strategic and overall perspective, strengthen organizational leadership, coordinate the forces of all parties, refine operational measures, effectively integrate capital, funds, parks, policies, talents, innovation and other elements, establish a coordinated and efficient system, and create a good environment for the development of the digital economy It is necessary to promote the deep integration of the digital economy and the real economy, grasp the latest pulse, take a step ahead, take the lead, win over others, strengthen the forward-looking judgment of new technologies, new formats and new models, tailor more targeted policy measures for enterprises, cultivate the Xinzhou digital economy industrial cluster, comprehensively build an industrial ecosystem, enhance the industrial ecological service capabilities, and strive to promote the development of the Xinzhou digital economy to a new level. (Han Xiao)

Discussion and exchange, seeking common development - Yu Huayang investigated the iterative upgrading of the "No. 1 Development Project" of the digital economy in Xinzhou District
Discussion and exchange, seeking common development - Yu Huayang investigated the iterative upgrading of the "No. 1 Development Project" of the digital economy in Xinzhou District

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【Source: Shinshu News】

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