
Chinese Level 46 True Question Award! How many can you do right?

author:Beiqing Net

Did you know that today is the Chinese Day of the United Nations?

In 2010, the United Nations Department of Public Information designated the annual lunar eclipse valley rain (20 April) as "United Nations Chinese Day".

The reason is that it is rumored that Cangjie, the historian of the Yellow Emperor of Xuanyuan, created the most primitive hieroglyphs in China during the "Valley Rain" season.

Today, Chinese is one of the six official languages of the United Nations and is widely valued internationally, and more and more foreign friends have joined the ranks of Chinese.

【Level 4 and 6 for Foreigners - HSK】

Chinese Level 46 True Question Award! How many can you do right?

How do I detect my Chinese level?

Most people choose to take the HSK – Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK) and take a quiz.

"HSK" is an international standardized test that focuses on the ability of candidates who are not a first language to use Chinese to communicate in life, study and work.

It is understood that HSK is divided into three parts: listening, reading and writing, which are divided into 6 levels, each level corresponds to a different Level of Chinese, and the higher the level, the greater the difficulty.

HSK level 1 not only has a slow listening speed, the test paper is mostly pictures, and even the text is marked with pinyin, which is very friendly to the candidates.

Looking at the sixth-level test questions, it can be said that the difficulty is greatly increased, especially the writing part, which requires candidates to read a 1000-word article, and after 10 minutes, retract the test paper, and then repeat the article on the answer sheet with about 400 words.

In this way, if you want to pass the HSK level 6, not only test the Chinese level of the respondent, but also the memory can not be too bad!

【True Quiz - Is your Chinese level passed?】 】

In order to test whether everyone's Chinese level is passed, Xiaoxin carefully selected several questions of HSK level six to test everyone!

Please select one of the following speech disorders:

A It's cold, you need to wear more clothes.

Teacher B's encouragement greatly increased his confidence.

C I slept late yesterday, so I woke up at 9 o'clock the next day.

D To prevent getting lost in the field, you must master the positioning and direction finding methods.

Can you find a sick sentence? The correct answer can be found at the end of the article

Reading comprehension

Every time I take a coach, I always want to sit with a beautiful woman, but every time I am disappointed, this time too, an old lady with a big bag and a small bag sits next to me.

She was going to Shanghai, and her son asked her to help with the cooking. She doesn't speak Mandarin, but she's very talkative, constantly asking me "100,000 whys," and I try to chat with her as much as possible.

When I was almost in Shanghai, the old lady asked me uneasily: "I get off at the North Railway Station, which station do you go to?" "I comforted her, I got off at the same stop as her, and I'll take her out of the car." I suddenly thought, after getting out of the car, how did she contact her son? I asked her again with concern, "Do you have your son's phone?" ”

She quickly pulled out her son's cell phone number, and I dialed his son's phone. To my surprise, my phone immediately showed a name that had just been added a few days ago: a project manager for a project. It's amazing, the old lady's son is actually the person I'm looking for, and he's the one I need his help with! When I got out of the car, the old lady dragged me and made sure that her son thanked me as a kind person.

A few days later, I went to the project manager. In his office, he looked up at me, stunned, and found that I was the "kind person" who took care of his mother all the way. After lamenting that "the world is really small", he happily signed the engineering cooperation list.

It turned out that my luck was not bad at all. Although this old lady is not a beauty, she is my "goddess of luck".

According to paragraph 1, I am often disappointed because:

A car is too crowded B there are no beauties on the car

C didn't want to take the coach D didn't sit with the beauty

In the car, what am I surprised about?

A the old lady found her son

B Old lady has my mobile phone number

C I got off at the same stop as the old lady

D The old lady's son is the one I'm looking for

This question is very grounded, when you take public transportation, do you also fantasize about meeting beautiful women or handsome men?

Because the last big question of HSK level six is a repetition question, it is not convenient to answer, so Xiaoxin selected the HSK level five essay question for everyone's reference.

Chinese Level 46 True Question Award! How many can you do right?

These two essay questions, do you think of how to write?

From some of the selected words in the HSK test questions, it can be found that the questioners do not regard the foreigners who take the test as "outsiders" at all, and the words are very authentic, which extremely tests the strength of the candidates.

Because of this, it is not surprising that HSK has also been complained about by some candidates, asking the examiner why it is so difficult!

Some netizens once complained about the sentence-making questions of the HSK level 4 mock test paper in a question and answer community in the United States.

The example question gives the word "buy and sell", and attached an example sentence: "Street vendors use Alipay for business." ”

The netizen who posted said: "I will collapse when I see the title"

Because if there are no people who have lived in China, they will not know what "trading" and "Alipay" mean respectively?

Chinese Level 46 True Question Award! How many can you do right?

Buying and selling = buying and selling = doing business, there is really nothing wrong with it. (Infographic) Yang Bo photo

There are also enthusiastic netizens who give formulas: buy = buy, sell = sale, buy and sell = buy and sell = do business...

Very good, I don't know if this netizen learned to "waste"?

The word "scalper" is also difficult for candidates, because "literally, it seems to be saying a 'yellow' animal 'cow', but this is obviously not the case." ”

Friends, have you experienced the difficulties of foreign friends?

【The whole world is learning Chinese】

The song sings that "the whole world is learning Chinese, and Confucius's words are becoming more and more international."

Today, as the global "Chinese fever" continues to heat up, these lyrics have all come true.

According to statistics, more than 70 countries around the world have incorporated Chinese into the national education system, and about 25 million people outside China are learning Chinese. Learning Chinese and applying Chinese has become a common practice overseas.

Not only that, according to the latest data provided by the Sino-foreign Language Exchange and Cooperation Center of the Ministry of Education, as of now, there are 19530 kinds of international Chinese education textbooks in the world, 3466 kinds of local teaching materials supported by 126 countries (regions), 3679 kinds of digital textbooks for international Chinese education, 485 MOOCs and 1865 micro-courses.

Chinese Level 46 True Question Award! How many can you do right?

Chinese learning educational MOOC usage. Courtesy of the Language Center

From 2000 to 2020, a total of 1449 kinds of Chinese textbooks for primary and secondary school students have been published worldwide, including 723 kinds of teaching materials and 726 kinds of teaching aids; there are 1866 kinds of Chinese textbooks for college students and adults worldwide, including 907 kinds of comprehensive textbooks and 959 kinds of skills textbooks.

Looking at these growing armies of global learning Chinese, are you glad you can speak Chinese?

Source: China News Network

The answer is revealed: Sick Sentence Question -A Reading Comprehension -D, D