
"I sleep less than half an hour in exchange for my children going to school without being guilty, it's worth it!"

ShiLiuyun/Xinjiang Daily reporter Liu Yiming Ma Bei

"I sleep less than half an hour in exchange for my children going to school without being guilty, it's worth it!"

Charlie Hare (first from right) and Feng Minmin (first from left) play with Little Wanting. Photo by Shen Zhijun

On the morning of April 20, Charrihar Team Shanbek, dressed in police uniform, drove in the opposite direction of the duty station as usual. The "detour" is because before going to work, he has to pick up 5-year-old Xiao Wanting to go to kindergarten. "His family is in the company, on duty at the regimental headquarters, just in two directions, so he has to go out half an hour early every day." Sharihar said: "It doesn't matter if I sleep less, it's worth it to get my children to go to school without being guilty." ”

Charlie Hal, 31, is an auxiliary police officer at the Berlicket Border Police Station of the Boleken District Public Security Bureau of the Fifth Division of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps. A year ago, knowing that it was inconvenient for Xiao Wanting to go to school, Charlie Hal offered to drive himself daily. Over the past year, rain or snow, Charrihar has never been late. Led by him, two colleagues also joined the team to pick up and drop off children.

"Thanks to them, they helped solve a big thing in my heart." Xiao Wanting's grandfather Wang Chang said.

Xiao Wanting's family met Charlie Hare in March 2021. Just after the winter vacation, the children returned to kindergarten one after another.

"I'm on duty at the entrance of the kindergarten." Sharihar said. On the first day of school, he found a different grandfather and grandson.

In Xinjiang in March, the chill has not subsided, and the snow has not yet melted, but Wang Chang always rides an electric car to send Xiao Wanting to school, and he arrives late every day. "Very few people ride in winter, the roads are slippery, and it is difficult and dangerous to ride. In order to keep out the cold, the two wore scarves, gloves, knee pads, and there were cotton guards on the car, and Xiao Wanting curled up in the back. Even so, Xiao Wanting's eyelashes and hair were still frosted with a layer of white frost, and her face was frozen red.

"It hurts, I also have children, 1 year younger than her, I think they must have difficulties, which parent is willing to let their children suffer." 」 Sharihar said.

The hearty Charlie Hal found a kindergarten teacher to understand the situation of Xiao Wanting's family. Originally, Xiao Wanting's family lived in the 7th Company of the 84th Regiment of the Fifth Division, and lived with her grandparents since she was a child, because the school was far from home, it was inconvenient to go to school, and it was usually grandpa who rode an electric car to pick up and drop off.

"It takes half an hour to take her to school and ride, but it takes 40 minutes to walk badly in winter." Wang Chang introduced that if there is bad weather such as rain and snow, the electric car cannot travel, and Xiao Wanting can only stay at home.

"I sleep less than half an hour in exchange for my children going to school without being guilty, it's worth it!"

Charlie Hare (first from left) and Feng Minmin (first from right) usually visit Xiao Wanting at her home and play with her when they have time. Photo by Zhang Peili

After learning the reason, Charlie Hare was very upset. "It hurts that the child suffers." He said that when he saw his grandfather and grandson again, Charlie Hal took the initiative to find Wang Chang and offered that he could pick up and drop off the children in the future. "At first, the old man was embarrassed and didn't want to bother me, I said it wasn't a big deal, and I didn't delay going to work, so he agreed and kept thanking me." Sharihar said.

After acknowledging the door, on the second day of school, Charlie Har picked up Xiao Wanting. "The first time I sent her home, the little guy didn't say a word to me when he got in the car." Charlie Hal said that after getting along for a long time, the interaction was increasing, and Xiao Wanting was much closer to him, "the teacher told us a story", "I sang you a children's song", "Who in the class quarreled with whom today"... From the beginning of silence to the continuous cheering on the daily car, Xiao Wanting is also accustomed to the daily company of Charlie Har.

"My uncle was kind to me, I often went to his house to play, he also gave me birthdays, accompanied me to eat cakes, and play games." Xiao Wanting said.

On weekdays, when there is overtime work or the children leave school early, Charlie Hare's wife, Gardereati Milan, will take the children home to take care of them, and then send Little Wanting home when the lover is busy.

"She's likable, and I don't think about it for a few days." I often joke that my children are both. Gardereati said.

"Kissed very much, like a family. They buy things for their children, and they must also have a copy of Wanting. In order to pick up my granddaughter, Officer Xia's son went to kindergarten and his lover picked him up every day, and they paid a lot, and our family was very grateful to them. Wang Chang said.

In September 2021, Feng Minmin, an auxiliary police officer who was on the same duty as Charlie Har, also took the initiative to rotate with him to shoulder the "heavy responsibility" after learning that he picked up Xiao Wanting. "I want to help my kids too." Feng Minmin said.

"In addition to the transfer, they are also very concerned about the growth of the children. When I saw me, I asked about the child's situation and performance in school, often saying 'call me if you have a problem', and Xiao Wanting often hung up on the two uncles. Wei Junfang, a kindergarten teacher of the 84th Regiment of the Fifth Division, said.

Driven by the two, Dong Fengfeng, a police officer at the Berlicket Border Police Station, has now joined the team of picking up and dropping off Xiao Wanting.

"Now there are more and more people helping children, and I am also very pleased, everyone is doing their part, hoping to let the children grow up healthy and safe, and we will continue to do this." Sharihar said.

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