
Professional + Professional? How e-commerce live streaming can go further

author:Bright Net

"Everything can be broadcast, the whole people can broadcast" has become the outlet of the era of entrepreneurship, as one of the major innovations of China's e-commerce, e-commerce live broadcast, the scenery has its own. This business model, which stems from the trend of technology-social integration, provides consumer goods companies with a new path to the consumer's heart and wallet through streaming, influencers, social networking, smartphones, online payments, logistics, etc. Driven by the COVID-19 pandemic's restrictions on offline consumption space, the support of the central government, the promotion of 5G, the siphon of retailers, the online interaction preferences of Chinese consumers, and a vision for our collective future, the position of e-commerce live broadcasting will continue to be consolidated as an important engine leading China's economy to achieve a new round of growth and breakthroughs. Guosheng Securities expects that the market size of China's e-commerce live broadcasting industry will reach 6 trillion yuan in 2025.

Live streaming with goods should not be a chaotic feast. Under the rapid development, "carrying goods" has become "bringing disasters" frequently. Any emerging industry from the rise to maturity, must go through a process of continuous standardization. China's e-commerce live broadcasting is also entering its second stage. From 2016 to 2020, a group of e-commerce companies represented by Taobao Live set off a tide of live broadcasting, and have always been committed to the initial stage of major innovation in China's e-commerce. From 2021 onwards, especially after the june 618 promotion (June 1, 00:00 - June 18, 2021 24:00) drama, e-commerce live broadcasting came to an inflection point, gradually calmed down, and entered the development stage. The new stage of e-commerce live broadcasting, where is the road? How can I go further? Human capital has become the commanding heights of the development of the industry, and talent is the first resource to support the development of the industry. Talent is not only a factor problem, providing human support; it is also a strategic issue that provides endogenous power; it is also a systemic problem, which is connected with resource elements, overall strategy, institutional mechanisms, etc., which can promote the overall development of the whole situation. Live streaming with goods, not to bring what you want, strengthening the construction of the talent team and accelerating the cultivation of talents is becoming the consensus of all parties. In 2020, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security issued a new professional standard for Internet marketers, and set up a live broadcast sales staff under the Internet marketer profession, which means that anchors with goods become official jobs. Yiwu Industrial and Commercial Vocational and Technical College and other colleges and universities have set up live-streaming related courses and set up entrepreneurial studios to lead students to carry out targeted learning and practice.

What kind of talents are needed for e-commerce live broadcasting? E-commerce live broadcasting most needs professional and professional talents, which is the "two wings" in the "one body and two wings" pattern. The core of specialization is strong professional skills; the core of professionalism is good professionalism.

Recently, Taobao Live organized the first Internet marketer certification practical exam. This is following the release of the ministry of human resources and social security standards, Alibaba certification has become the Hangzhou Internet marketer social evaluation organization, and obtained the authorization to carry out the occupational skill level recognition. In the professional talent training system, they have improved the effect test and evaluation system. Taobao Live also became the first live e-commerce platform to organize an Internet marketer certification exam. The content of the exam covers two parts: theoretical examination and skill assessment (practical operation), and those who pass the examination will obtain the qualification certificate of Internet marketer. The theoretical examination takes the form of a paperless examination and contains professional ethics, basic knowledge, and the requirements of relevant laws and regulations. The practical examination is undertaken by the Taobao Live App, focusing on the core content of work preparation, live marketing, after-sales and review, combined with the actual live broadcast operation process to set up relevant assessment tasks. The anchors introduced the products and interactions to the camera as usual, and they were not only facing fans, but also expert examiners. The regular examination organized by Taobao Live follows the requirements of the human resources and social security department and is closely integrated with the national occupational skill standards for Internet marketers, which will effectively promote the professionalization process of e-commerce live broadcast anchors.

The survival and growth of the e-commerce live broadcast era, in addition to specialization, should also be aware of the real crisis facing the era of e-commerce live broadcasting? This is de-professionalism, and the core is the lack of professionalism. Max Weber said that good workers should "give a sacred aura to the profession, giving it a meaning beyond utilitarianism," rather than as a job bowl, a means of earning a living, a stopgap measure. Only in this way can we achieve the glory of e-commerce live broadcasting. In our time, the Internet began with equality and democratization. As a new employment field, the e-commerce live broadcasting industry has attracted more and more people to join it. The talent demand of this type of work with goods anchor shows new characteristics such as more inclusive and more flexible, and 70% of the positions have no academic qualifications and experience requirements, and pay more attention to the investigation of practical skills, so it has become a "grassroots" platform and an entrepreneurial employment opportunity chased by the whole people, and the labor force is therefore "more valuable and more important". On July 17, 2020, the School of Labor and Personnel of Chinese University released the "Taobao Live Employment Estimate", which shows that Taobao Live Broadcasting has driven more than 1.73 million people to employment a year. Among them, the number of farmer anchors reached 110,000. Its "village broadcasting" plan has covered 27 provinces across the country, and plans to land poverty alleviation live broadcast in hundreds of counties, "mobile phones become new agricultural tools, live broadcasts become new agricultural activities, and data become new agricultural materials", forming a comprehensive, planned and sustainable service system for farmers, creating the most efficient platform for agricultural products to go up, improving farmers' production and service capabilities, and promoting agricultural modernization. These efforts will bring about a structural change in China's future employment, especially the employment of the "online generation", and create a series of new jobs. If these anchors engaged in e-commerce live broadcasting can be based on professional development, the anchor agents, scene packagers, live broadcast assistants, live broadcast lecturers, etc. behind the anchors can engage in their new professions with a pious attitude, regard their professional life as the main body of all their lives, and actively participate in this new social division of labor, they will certainly be able to use the development of live broadcast technology to create a new consumption scene: In the live broadcast world that returns to the essence of business, the platform leads the industrial upgrading. Anchors incubate massive companies, not only Ouyang Nana, a star anchor who "doesn't want to be cute, wants to be a cool girl", but also an armless anchor like Sun Yahui who "my life is up to me", biting his mouth and tapping the keyboard to reply to Wangwang.

Xuan De, general manager of Taobao's content e-commerce business unit, said frankly, "In the past, e-commerce live broadcasting was a bit too noisy, in fact, we are also trying to find ways to promote the industry to calm down and return to the essence of business." "That's a heartfelt word. In this world, any industry is facing dangers, overcoming very big challenges, only in a calm and rational atmosphere, locking in value, working towards a goal, in order to finally form a vibrant and healthy new ecology. Zhang Hengjun (The author is Professor and Dean, School of Journalism and Communication, Dalian University of Foreign Chinese)

Source: Guangming Network