
The new wind of marriage and childbearing | the harm of early marriage and early childbearing

The new wind of marriage and childbearing | the harm of early marriage and early childbearing

What is early marriage and early childbearing?

Early marriage refers to the phenomenon that a man and a woman do not reach the legal age (22 years for men and 20 years for women) in accordance with the provisions of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China. Early childbearing refers to the act of having children early before the legal age of marriage.

The new wind of marriage and childbearing | the harm of early marriage and early childbearing

What are the causes of early marriage and early childbearing?

First, ideological concepts are strange. Influenced by rural feudal ideas and old customs, some parents are eager to marry their sons before they are old. The second is unprotected sex. Most young men and women who have established a relationship have unprotected sex when they go out to work together or spend time alone, resulting in the marriage of their children after pregnancy. Third, the legal awareness is indifferent. Some families believe that it doesn't matter if they have three children sooner or later.

The new wind of marriage and childbearing | the harm of early marriage and early childbearing

What are the dangers of early marriage and early childbearing?

1. Affect healthy growth

Adolescence is also an important period for the growth and development of the body, especially the bones, which cannot be fully calcified until the age of 23 to 25. If pregnancy is made before this, the simultaneous needs of the mother and the fetus will inevitably cause the fetus to compete for nutrition with the developing mother, so that both the mother and the baby cannot grow healthily.

The new wind of marriage and childbearing | the harm of early marriage and early childbearing

2. High maternal and infant mortality

Early marriage and early childbearing also increase perinatal maternal and infant mortality. Pregnant women are prone to hypertension, heart disease, rheumatic fever and other comorbidities, and at the same time, they are prone to complications such as soft birth canal laceration, postpartum hemorrhage, and placental abruption during childbirth, resulting in increased maternal and infant mortality. According to statistics, the maternal mortality rate between the ages of 20 and 29 is 0.35%, while the maternal mortality rate under the age of 20 is 0.76%, and the mortality rate of infants born is as high as 69%.

The new wind of marriage and childbearing | the harm of early marriage and early childbearing

3. Causes major diseases

According to a large number of data, the incidence of cervical cancer has increased significantly in women with early marriage, early childbearing and multiple children. In particular, having children before the age of 18 is 20 times higher than after the age of 26, which is an important cause of cervical cancer.

The new wind of marriage and childbearing | the harm of early marriage and early childbearing

4. Influence learning and work

Adolescence is the most energetic, the strongest memory of the period, but also the golden age of long knowledge, learning technology, if too early marriage, childbirth, not only affect work and study, at the same time, due to insufficient life experience, it is difficult to properly handle and arrange family life, can not be well fed and raised children, often affect the feelings of husband and wife, and even cause divorce.

The new wind of marriage and childbearing | the harm of early marriage and early childbearing
The new wind of marriage and childbearing | the harm of early marriage and early childbearing

Source | Fugong County Women's Federation Organized Publicity Unit