
Orange special line丨 residential building fires are frequent, be vigilant about the safety hazards around you

author:Yangzhou Fire Protection


Accidents in old residential areas are frequent

It has aroused widespread concern in society

Case 1

On January 11, 2022, a fire broke out in a residential building in Huaihua, Hunan Province, and the scene was in flames, causing 5 people to be killed and 1 person to be injured.

Orange special line丨 residential building fires are frequent, be vigilant about the safety hazards around you

Case 2

In the early morning of September 20, 2021, Zhang Moumou, a tenant of a residential area in Tongzhou District, Beijing, brought an electric bicycle battery into the room to charge and caused a fire, resulting in the death of 5 people upstairs. On October 3, the Tongzhou District People's Procuratorate of Beijing Municipality, after reviewing according to law, made a decision to approve the arrest of Zhang Moumou on suspicion of fire.

Orange special line丨 residential building fires are frequent, be vigilant about the safety hazards around you

Case 3

At about 0:20 a.m. on December 24, 2017, a fire broke out in the courtyard of No. 82 Jiefang Road in Zhengzhou City, Henan Province, causing a total of 6 injuries, the youngest of whom was only 4 months old.

Orange special line丨 residential building fires are frequent, be vigilant about the safety hazards around you

According to a preliminary investigation by the fire department, the fire is suspected to be caused by the charging of electric vehicles. The ignition point is located at the corner of a 3-storey old building and a 5-story old building in the community, 14 electric vehicles have been burned into skeletons, and there are multiple charging cables hanging down at the scene.

Orange special line丨 residential building fires are frequent, be vigilant about the safety hazards around you

▲The injured person's face, hands and feet were burned to varying degrees

Orange special line丨 residential building fires are frequent, be vigilant about the safety hazards around you

Shocking fire lessons

Orange special line丨 residential building fires are frequent, be vigilant about the safety hazards around you

In order to build a solid fire safety barrier, the supervisors of the Yangzhou Fire Rescue Detachment divided into groups and pieces to conduct fire safety raids on the city's residential areas and found many hidden dangers.

Fire escapes are not up to standard

Orange special line丨 residential building fires are frequent, be vigilant about the safety hazards around you

As soon as the fire supervisor stepped into the community, he found a problem, and the width of the barrier at the entrance of the community was less than 4 meters.

Orange special line丨 residential building fires are frequent, be vigilant about the safety hazards around you

After field measurements, the net width of the residential entrance gate is only 3 meters 68, the width does not meet the safety specifications, once an accident occurs, it is likely to become a "blockage" that hinders the passage of fire trucks.

Orange special line丨 residential building fires are frequent, be vigilant about the safety hazards around you

At the same time, the height of the fire passage inside the community has also been reduced, and there are many across the wires above the passage, which will cause some large ascending platform fire trucks to be difficult to pass.

Orange special line丨 residential building fires are frequent, be vigilant about the safety hazards around you

The guard booth is full of hidden dangers

Orange special line丨 residential building fires are frequent, be vigilant about the safety hazards around you

Looking at the guard booth again, it is even more surprising, the guard booth itself is built with flammable foam board, and a lot of temporary wires are laid inside, once an accident occurs, it is easy to cause the fire to spread.

Orange special line丨 residential building fires are frequent, be vigilant about the safety hazards around you

Electric vehicle parking and charging is not standardized

Orange special line丨 residential building fires are frequent, be vigilant about the safety hazards around you

During the inspection, it was found that this community has been upgraded and transformed before, and there are centralized charging piles in the community, but due to inadequate management, many charging bits are encroached upon by residents' debris and vehicles, and the owners who really need to charge face the problem of nowhere to park.

Orange special line丨 residential building fires are frequent, be vigilant about the safety hazards around you

No, a resident actually came down from the upstairs flying line to charge the electric car, and this "flying line" was still spliced by the owner of the household, and the outside was wrapped with red insulating leather, which really made people sweat.

Orange special line丨 residential building fires are frequent, be vigilant about the safety hazards around you

The electric vehicle is parked under the residential building for charging, and the charger is placed directly on the natural gas pipeline, which has a great safety hazard.

Orange special line丨 residential building fires are frequent, be vigilant about the safety hazards around you

The supervisor demanded that the residents of the household rectify immediately. At the same time, the residential property department also said that the daily fire safety management of the community will be strengthened, and the problems found in this inspection will be immediately rectified, and those that cannot be rectified immediately will be thoroughly improved in place when the renovation project of the old residential area this year.

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The fire is fiercer than the tiger

In everyday life

Resident friends want

Raise awareness of fire safety

Regulate the behavior of daily life

Build a security line together

Orange special line丨 residential building fires are frequent, be vigilant about the safety hazards around you