
From the subjective and objective causes of procrastination, it is conceivable that only parents who continue to grow up children can grow up healthily

"Mom, I'm going to be late!"

The third-grade son looked at the time and screamed.

"Then hurry!"

I quickly packed my child's school bag, handed him the mask, then took my electric car key, hurriedly stepped on my shoes, and went out with him.

The two of us stepped on the spot again and arrived at the school gate just in time for the first class of the afternoon.

Looking at the back of my son's schooling, I frowned.

I thought, hey! When will the son be able to get rid of this problem of procrastination.

From the subjective and objective causes of procrastination, it is conceivable that only parents who continue to grow up children can grow up healthily

Be late

In fact, when he did his homework at noon, I had already reminded him many times that he just loved to grind and rub his homework.

The content of the homework is very simple, add pinyin to the new words in the language class, copy it 5 times, and then group the words 2 times.

Such a simple homework, he did it like squeezing toothpaste.

I watched from the sidelines in a hurry.

Finally, the time for school to be delayed was not yet ready, which led to the scene of the two of us rushing at the beginning.

Procrastination, which is really a headache for me in educating my children.

So I checked Baidu, asked friends for advice, consulted teachers at educational institutions, and finally came to some conclusions.

It turns out that procrastination is not terrible, it can be said that the anxiety of parents is a reflection of the child.

Specific problems should be analyzed on a case-by-case basis.

To put it bluntly, when we urge the child and the more the child procrastinates, we should calm down and think about where the problem of this phenomenon is.

From the subjective and objective causes of procrastination, it is conceivable that only parents who continue to grow up children can grow up healthily

Analyze the cause

We should jump out from the perspective of the parties and analyze it as a bystander.

Procrastination in children's homework can be analyzed from two large blocks: subjective and objective.

Subjective aspects:

1, the child thinks that the homework is too simple, overconfident, and relaxes the restraint on himself. Lack of self-discipline, inattention when doing homework, leads to procrastination.

2, the child thinks that the homework is too difficult, beyond the scope of his ability to bear, and dare not ask directly how to do it. In this way, when doing homework, it is easy to appear unwilling to write and procrastinate on the surface.

3, children do everything to procrastinate, is a habit. From an early age, I did not cultivate the habit of doing things quickly, but I pulled it from the east and pulled it from the west. This has a lot to do with the fact that parents often interrupt their children's concentration in the early stages of their children's habit formation. The same is true when it comes to children doing homework.

4. The child's attitude is not correct, he is unwilling to learn, and there is a feeling of boredom with learning, which is seriously dragging. This reason is more serious, it may be a problem in the child's mental health, which should be paid enough attention by parents. If possible, a professional teacher should be asked to intervene to correct it.

Objective aspects:

1, parents' anxiety, impatience. When a child first starts doing anything, the parents are always urging. The urging of parents creates obstacles for children to concentrate on doing things and improve efficiency in doing homework. Just think, there are always people who are clamoring, can you concentrate on doing good? Regardless of whether the parents who urge are grandparents or parents, it is very easy to form a vicious circle, the more slowly urged, the slower the more urgent.

2. Environmental impacts. Not to mention the social environment outside the family, here refers to the learning and living environment created by parents for their children. For example, the dirty and disorderly room, the lazy comparison of other family members, the time for children to play is not constrained, and so on.

3, there is also a possible situation is that it is often taken by neighbors and relatives to compare with other excellent children, resulting in a rebellious psychology. This leads to the idea of "I am partial", unwilling to concentrate on doing homework seriously.

In summary, it can be seen that children's procrastination is not terrible, there are still traces to follow, and what is terrible is the anxiety of parents and the incorrect way of education.

Children's behavior is a mirror of parents' behavior.

That is to say, parents are subtly influencing their children's words and deeds.

I realized that the formation of a child's behavior habits is related to his life, and I was extremely afraid to think about it.

From the subjective and objective causes of procrastination, it is conceivable that only parents who continue to grow up children can grow up healthily

Parent-child relationship

Therefore, I decided to be patient and start according to my actual situation, and carefully analyzed the reasons for my son's delay in doing homework.

And I have found that when we let go of the anxiety in our hearts and correctly look at the problems in the child, we can guide the child's behavior in the right direction.

No matter how bad it is, the child cannot change the problem of procrastination for a while and a half, and we must also try to communicate and understand the child's heart.

Urging and yelling is absolutely counterproductive.

Thinking like this and doing this, sometimes, we really have different discoveries!

Only when parents continue to grow, children can grow up healthy and happy.

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