
Urgent reminder: These kinds of "small red packets" on children may not be ordinary mosquito bites! Seek medical attention quickly

Summer is coming, and it is time for the baby to suffer, after all, mosquitoes and insects like small the most, and who doesn't like to take a bite of soft glutinous wax? But after being bitten, the baby's skin suffered, if there are the following kinds of insect bites of the "small red packet", Bao Dad and Mother should pay attention to it, this is likely to be not an ordinary mosquito bite Oh!

Urgent reminder: These kinds of "small red packets" on children may not be ordinary mosquito bites! Seek medical attention quickly

Red fire ants

As of March 2021, according to the monitoring of the agricultural and rural departments, the red fire ant has spread to 435 counties (cities, districts) in 12 provinces (autonomous regions, cities), especially in the past 5 years, 191 new red fire ants have occurred in county-level administrative districts, doubling compared with 2016, and have occurred in urban park green areas, farmland, woodlands and other public areas.

Red fire ants are more aggressive to humans and can repeated stings, releasing venom from the venom sac each time they sting. After being stung by red fire ants, the human body has a burning-like pain, followed by burn-like blisters, and in severe cases, shock or even death.

Urgent reminder: These kinds of "small red packets" on children may not be ordinary mosquito bites! Seek medical attention quickly

How to deal with it:

After the baby is bitten, you can wash the bitten part with soapy water,

Avoid scratching the wound and keep it clean


If the situation is serious, seek medical attention as soon as possible


Ticks people call the most "hard mouth" vampire, is the carrier of many deadly viruses, the ability to spread diseases ranked second in the world, after sucking blood, the body size will expand from "rice grains" to "soybeans" size, the process will also secrete neurotoxins, if serious can be fatal.

Urgent reminder: These kinds of "small red packets" on children may not be ordinary mosquito bites! Seek medical attention quickly

How to deal with it:

Do not blindly pat, with the help of tools to remove the bugs, or seek medical help, once bitten by ticks, seek medical treatment in time.


Cryptoptera is divided into poisonous and non-toxic, poisonous cryptoptera resembles large ants in appearance, slender body, with black, yellow and bright colors. After being bitten by Cryptoptera, it can cause skin inflammation, edematous erythema, itching or burning sensations, and even blisters or pustules.

Urgent reminder: These kinds of "small red packets" on children may not be ordinary mosquito bites! Seek medical attention quickly

How to deal with it:

Do not flap or crush cryptoptera with your hands when spotted

Skin areas that come into contact with cryptoptera should be washed with soapy water


After being bitten by a centipede, a pair of small holes will appear in the wound, and there will be pain, itching, headache, fever, nausea and other symptoms.

Urgent reminder: These kinds of "small red packets" on children may not be ordinary mosquito bites! Seek medical attention quickly

How to deal with it:

After being bitten by a centipede, the wound should be rinsed with alkaline liquids such as soapy water, lime water, and baking soda


Spring and summer are also the time for bees to bee activities, so pay special attention when taking your baby out to avoid being stung. If you are accidentally stung by a bee, you will have erythema, accompanied by burning and tingling sensations, and in severe cases, you will be unconscious.

How to deal with it:

Spot bees and don't pat them

After being stung, pick out the stingers of the bees and rinse them with alkaline liquids such as soapy water and soda


In the summer, caterpillars can appear in the grass and woods of the park, and if the baby or adult is accidentally exposed, it will cause redness, swelling, tingling, and some will also appear wheals or measles.

Urgent reminder: These kinds of "small red packets" on children may not be ordinary mosquito bites! Seek medical attention quickly

How to deal with it:

Use tape to glue away the residual caterpillar hairs on the skin

Wash with water or soapy water

In short, in the summer, all kinds of bugs are infested, all-pervasive, whether it is at home or outdoors, parents should give the baby a good prevention, if you accidentally bite by the bugs, you can follow the above methods for simple treatment, of course, serious, or not sure what bugs bite, or early medical treatment, so as not to aggravate the symptoms.

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