
Salary first, better shot than substitute! With 10 fouls and 7 hits, it's no wonder Butler is leaving

On April 22, Beijing time, the NBA playoffs continued, and the Timberwolves played at home against the Grizzlies, after the two teams had a tie. The Timberwolves returned to their home court, aiming to win the game, throughout the whole process of the game, the Performance of the Timberwolves was too disappointing, two consecutive times to expand the point difference to more than 20 points, did not win the game, and finally was a wave of 21-0 harvesting by the Grizzlies, the failure was destined to someone to stand up and take responsibility, and Towns became the biggest sinner of the game.

Salary first, better shot than substitute! With 10 fouls and 7 hits, it's no wonder Butler is leaving

The whole game down, Towns played 32 minutes and 45 seconds, unfortunately, Towns only shot 4 times, the final score is fixed at 8 points, 5 rebounds, 1 assist and 5 blocks, it is difficult to imagine that this is a leader to play out the data, the whole game 4 shots only ranked eighth in the team, the playoffs At this time, Downs chose to stealth The impact on the team morale is very large, losing is not terrible, the most important thing is that morale is lost, it is difficult to have a chance to turn over. According to statistics, in the last two playoff games, Towns has received a total of 10 fouls, only hit 7 goals, in the previous play-offs, Towns also received 6 fouls, only hit three goals, can't help but start to doubt Downs's ability in the playoffs, this season's Timberwolves performance once made people see hope, but seeing such Downs can't help but disappoint.

Salary first, better shot than substitute! With 10 fouls and 7 hits, it's no wonder Butler is leaving

Compared with Edwards and Russell, Towns became famous earlier, and he is also the highest paid player in the team, at this time, he should take all the responsibility on his shoulders, but when the team is in trouble, Towns can not get rid of the shadow, for him, I am afraid it is more difficult to impact higher honors.

In fact, this is not the first time down in the playoffs, as early as the 2017-18 season, Towns was abused by Capela, if the original Towns is because of youth, now he has no excuses, 8 years of career is enough for him to grow, unfortunately, he is destined to be unable to support Adou. Even the original Butler can not stand down Downs's weakness, and finally applied for a trade to leave the team, all kinds of past is actually enough to make Towns wake up, this season with the help of many helpers, Towns and his Timberwolves re-entered the playoffs, but can not always rely on the help of teammates, the key moment should stand up to help the team, this is the leader's obligation and responsibility, and Towns did not realize the seriousness of the problem.

Salary first, better shot than substitute! With 10 fouls and 7 hits, it's no wonder Butler is leaving

Timberwolves to win, Downs position is crucial, the first game, why the Timberwolves can win, in fact, a large part of the performance of Towns on the inside, as the Grizzlies strengthened the defense of Towns, eventually Towns began to lose, many people counted this ending to Downs' body, Xiao Feng felt that it was not comprehensive.

First of all, Towns is indeed a rare talented center in the league, but he has his own limitations, passing ability is Downs's biggest shortcoming, there is range, there is technology, but when he is clipped, he lacks a self-adaptability, he can't be like James, Harden and those people can be clipped to the ball, and all this is too difficult for Towns.

Salary first, better shot than substitute! With 10 fouls and 7 hits, it's no wonder Butler is leaving

Then the Timberwolves are too young, we have to admit the talent of the Timberwolves, but young people are too easy to make mistakes, the team wants to achieve better need to find a few old future to take a look, the Grizzlies are very strong, but the last few games have not been very good, to put it bluntly, it is inexperienced, for the Timberwolves, if you want to achieve a higher ceiling, you must make changes, and Beverley has done a very good job.

Salary first, better shot than substitute! With 10 fouls and 7 hits, it's no wonder Butler is leaving

The first failure is accidental, the second time if you fail again, you need to find problems in yourself, Towns is not incompetent, the most important thing is that he lacks a trace of leadership confidence, I hope he can recognize his shortcomings as soon as possible and re-lead the Role of timberwolves. Today's topic is here, the above views are only Xiao Feng's personal views, please forgive me for the deficiencies.

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