
The situation is very good, and Meizhou Hakka will receive 24 million policy incentives if it is upgraded

author:Football Newspaper
The situation is very good, and Meizhou Hakka will receive 24 million policy incentives if it is upgraded

Reporter Wang Wei reported that on the evening of October 3, the last round of the third stage of the 2021 season, Meizhou Hakka beat Suzhou Dongwu with a score of 3-1, and Meizhou Hakka temporarily topped the standings with 21 wins, 1 draw and 4 losses accumulating 64 points. At the same time, the Wuhua County Bureau of Culture, Radio, Television, Tourism and Sports, where the Meizhou Hakka team is located, issued the "Interim Measures for the Management of Special Funds for Supporting the Development and Expansion of Professional Football Teams in Wuhua County" on the public solicitation. According to the management measures, if the Meizhou Hakka team is successful in overtaking this year, it will receive financial support from the Wuhua County Government.

In the just-concluded 8 rounds of the third stage of the 2021 season of the Chinese League A, Meizhou Hakka achieved a record of total victory, winning all the matches with near-invincible status, coupled with their victories in the last two rounds of the second stage, Meizhou Hakka continued to lead the table with a wave of 10 consecutive wins. Judging from the points situation in the first 26 rounds of the Chinese League A, the leader Meizhou Hakka scored 64 points, the second-ranked Wuhan Sanzhen scored 61 points, the third-ranked Zhejiang team accumulated 58 points, and the fourth-place Chengdu Rongcheng scored 55 points. That is to say, before the start of the key fourth stage, Meizhou Hakka led the third-ranked Zhejiang team by 6 points, and 9 points more than the fourth-ranked Chengdu Rongcheng. With 8 rounds left in the league, Meizhou Hakka already has a position advantage.

At the critical moment of chong chao, Wuhua County Culture, Radio, Television, Tourism and Sports Bureau recently announced the "Interim Measures for the Management of Special Funds for Supporting the Development and Expansion of Professional Football Teams in Wuhua County", which is actually a kind of support for meizhou hakka teams from the local government level, and reflects the determination and confidence of Wuhua County to make great efforts to keep the Meizhou Hakka team in Meizhou, if the Meizhou Hakka team succeeds in the 2021 season, Wuhua County will become the first county-level city in China to have a Chinese Super League team. It will also become the only county with two top domestic league teams for both men's and women's football teams.

The situation is very good, and Meizhou Hakka will receive 24 million policy incentives if it is upgraded

According to the "Interim Measures for the Management of Special Funds for supporting the Development and Expansion of Professional Football Teams in Wuhua County" issued by the Wuhua County Bureau of Culture, Radio, Television, Tourism and Sports, the special funds will be set up as a fund pool. Since the date of issuance of the document, the annual capital pool fund is 84 million yuan.

There are four support standards for men's professional football teams: 10 million yuan of support funds for the first time to participate in the Chinese League A; 20 million yuan of support funds for the success of the Super League and the first time to participate in the Chinese Super League; 18 million yuan of support funds for the annual relegation of the Chinese Super League professional football team; and 12 million yuan of support funds for the annual relegation of the Professional Football Team of the Chinese League.

There are three support standards for women's soccer teams: successfully surpassing and giving 10 million yuan of support funds for the first time to participate in the Chinese Women's Super League; 8 million yuan of support funds for the annual relegation of the Chinese Women's Super League football team; and 2 million yuan of support funds for the annual relegation of the Chinese Women's League Soccer Team.

In terms of professional football reserve echelon support standards, the Chinese Super League and China League A clubs that establish training bases in Wuhua will be given 4 million yuan of reserve echelon support funds every year that meet the corresponding standards.

According to the method of publicity, if the Meizhou Hakka team is successful in the 2021 season, it will receive 20 million yuan of support funds from Wuhua County. In addition, Meizhou Hakka Football Club will also receive 4 million yuan of professional football reserve echelon support funds per year.

The situation is very good, and Meizhou Hakka will receive 24 million policy incentives if it is upgraded

At the same time, Meizhou Hakka Club has taken over the Guangdong Women's Football Team in the Women's Super League in 2020, according to the support standards of the special fund pool, if the Guangdong Meizhou Hakka Women's Football Team is successfully relegated in the 2021 season, the football club will receive 8 million yuan of support funds for the success of the Women's Super League. If Meizhou Hakka Club achieves overtaking in the men's football team and relegation of the women's football team in the 2021 season, it will receive 32 million yuan of support funds from the Wuhua County football special fund pool.

On the morning of October 9, Cao Yang, general manager of Meizhou Hakka Football Club, together with Cheng Zhiwen, director of Guangdong Football Sports Center, and Deng Huanhuan, deputy director of Guangdong Football Center, participated in the mobilization meeting of Guangdong Meizhou Hakka Women's Football Team in 2021 Women's Super League at the Guangdong Football Sports Center. This year's Women's Super League kicked off on May 8, and in the first stage of the competition, Guangdong Meizhou Hakka Women's Football Team won 2 wins and 1 loss, accumulating 6 points and ranking third in the standings. The second stage of the match will kick off in Kunming on October 19, with guangdong Meizhou Hakka women's football team facing three unbeaten rivals Shanghai Rural Commercial Bank.

Meizhou Hakka Women's Football Team, which has many new and old internationals such as Luo Guiping, Lin Yuping, Li Qingtong, Zhong Xiudong, Tan Ruyin, Chen Qiaozhu, Xie Qiwen, etc., has only aimed at the relegation level this season, but Cao Yang hopes that the team can work hard and achieve better results.

It is worth noting that the predecessor of this Meizhou Hakka women's football team, Meizhou Huijun women's football team, won the Meizhou Municipal Government's 20 million Chong Overweight Award when it rushed over, if the men's football Meizhou Hakka team successfully overtook this season, in addition to the support rewards of the Wuhua County Government, the Meizhou Municipal Government will also have corresponding support actions.

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