
Chinese Character Museum first launched the "Oracle Digital Collection"

Chinese Character Museum first launched the "Oracle Digital Collection"

Can heritage enthusiasts "buy home" Oracle? Recently, the cover news reporter learned that the Oracle dynamic blockchain digital works authorized and developed by the Chinese Character Museum were launched.

The Chinese Character Museum is the first national first-class museum in mainland China with the theme of writing, with a collection of more than 4,000 cultural relics, including more than 300 first-class cultural relics. The relevant person in charge of the Chinese Character Museum said that Oracle is the most distinctive cultural resource in the museum, focusing on the oracle cultural resources, actively carrying out the digital development of Oracle IP, promoting the fashionable expression of excellent traditional culture, and with the help of the audience and technical advantages of Ali assets, let the ancient characters go out of the museum and realize the inheritance and development of Oracle culture.

According to reports, the first batch of works has a total of 6 models, for the theme of blessing, each limited to 5,000 copies, from April 23 to 28, each at 19:00 each issued. They are "Guotai Min'an", "Jiren Tianxiang", "World Kangning", "Blessing Without Frontiers", "Yongbao Use" and "Immortal Weiyang". The creators take the cultural relics such as bujia, bronze, wadang, bamboo, pottery, jade and other cultural relics collected by the Character Museum as the design inspiration, take the oracle bone text as the main body of creation, integrate the design of secondary creation, and then chain, deposit and confirm rights on the blockchain platform to generate dynamic digital works on the chain, and finally preview and distribute them in the official store of "Leilu Digital Art".

Chinese Character Museum first launched the "Oracle Digital Collection"

Oracle Digital Collection "Immortality"

Among them, the work "Guotai Min'an" means "the country is peaceful, the people's life is stable", and the creative inspiration comes from "Bu Jia". It takes the turtle belly armor as the carrier, the oracle bone "An" as the main body of the picture, the oracle bone that embodies the harmonious coexistence between ancient people and nature such as "clouds, mountains, wood, years, and grasses" as the expression elements, supplemented by the cracks in the turtle armor as decoration, through refining and reconstruction, artistic design and processing. The people in the picture work in the fields with hoes, and the surrounding grass and trees are exuberant, reflecting the people's industriousness and ability, creating a happy life with their hands and the simple pursuit of longing for abundant grain and prosperity of grass and livestock.

It is understood that these 6 digital collections are all dynamic GIF works, 10 seconds long, and users will get the corresponding "digital version of the permission amount of work voucher" after purchase.

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