
These 3 kinds of false sweating are actually hollowing out your body

author:Andrologist Wang Xianfang

Recently, the temperature is getting higher and higher, sweating has become more, many friends feel that sweating is a good thing, can drain the toxins in the body, and even some people blindly pursue sweating, every three to five to moxibustion, sweat steaming.

These 3 kinds of false sweating are actually hollowing out your body

Some people are very easy to sweat, sitting there began to sweat, and some people on the contrary, even if the weather is hot, it feels difficult to sweat, a friend I met before, the body is very fat, even if it is blown directly on the fan, the brain door is also dense beads of sweat, but it looks very weak, often do something tired and can't stand up straight.

These 3 kinds of false sweating are actually hollowing out your body

If we follow the view that sweating is detoxification, then this friend must be very clean and refreshing, not bruised or blocked, but in fact it is just the opposite.

What exactly is sweat?

Traditional medicine shows that sweat is made of jin, there is also a homology of sweat and blood, in fact, excessive sweating is also excessive consumption of our qi and blood, qi and blood are weak, people also become lazy, looking no spirit. In the Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic, it is also said: "The khan, the essence is also".

Identify physical problems based on areas of frequent sweating

Sweating on the front chest: easy to be weak-

Many people sweat, are out of the chest, which shows that our heart is weak, to supplement the heart of the heart appropriately, such as lotus seeds, guiyuan, is a very good heart and tranquility food, usually can often eat. It is best to eat with glutinous rice, glutinous rice is tonic, and the heart is replenished.

These 3 kinds of false sweating are actually hollowing out your body

Sweating of the hands and feet: the heart and lungs are weak

Many people's palms and feet are always wet, especially the soles of their feet are sweaty all year round, and the taste is heavy, which makes people distressed. And other parts of the body basically do not sweat, but the palms and feet are always wet, which is generally a cold in the lungs, and the cold has been a long time, resulting in our sweat is not easy to come out elsewhere, can only be discharged from the hands and feet.

These 3 kinds of false sweating are actually hollowing out your body

Cerebral phylloscopic sweating: hyperactivity of the liver and yang

The friend I mentioned earlier, that is, every time the sweating part is the brain gate, generally caused by the hyperactivity of the liver and yang, the temper of such people is very grumpy, it is easy to get angry, at this time it is necessary to raise the liver and thin the liver, at this time you can brew some rose tea to drink.

Seeing this, some people will wonder, so it is not a good thing to sweat? Is sweating detox right or wrong?

Normal perspiration can indeed discharge some turbid toxins in our body, but it is not always sweating, or a certain part is always sweating, such as sweating after we exercise, or eating spicy food, spicy sweating, or we are prone to sweating when we are excited and nervous, or the temperature is too high, and the body sweats for self-regulation, which is normal.

These 3 kinds of false sweating are actually hollowing out your body

Instead of frequent sweating in a certain part, such as the friend mentioned above, almost every time I see him is a brain sweat, no matter cold or hot, this is an abnormal sweat.

And our body sweating should be slightly sweaty, not like just fished out of the water, wet, sweating is not advisable, is very draining of qi and blood.

And healthy sweat is evenly distributed, such as arms, legs and feet, back, face will sweat, not only one part of sweat, and sweat is also colorless and odorless.

These 3 kinds of false sweating are actually hollowing out your body

Before the teacher in the body conditioning, the conditioned friends often sweat, and the sweat is accompanied by a smell, the color is also yellow, such as this is not a healthy sweat, but with some turbidity in the body discharged.

The following three ways of sweating that we often encounter are actually unconsciously damaging our qi and blood.

The first: local sweating, as we said above, sweating of the hands and feet, or sweating of the chest or back alone, sweating of the brain gate, etc., no matter where it has been sweating, it is an abnormal sign.

The second type: frequent sweating after falling asleep, also known as night sweats. Many people sleep, wake up sweaty, but also panic palpitations, a cold sweat, hands and feet are cold and cold, the face is bleak, blood is small, if there are these night sweats, it is because of the cold in the body, insufficient yang caused.

These 3 kinds of false sweating are actually hollowing out your body

And this kind of person is very easy to get cold, if at this time we open the window, or blow the fan, after this body sweats, there will always be nasal congestion, sneezing, weak friends and even easy to catch a cold.

Here to share a little tip for everyone, if you wake up to find your hands and feet cold, a cold body, but also always panic palpitations, it is recommended to take a piece of ginger in the mouth, and then chew slowly, let our jin liquid mixed with ginger juice, and then swallow slowly, can be warmed all the way from the throat to the stomach, at this time feel that the god is also fixed, the heart is not flustered, these foreign cold will not enter the body, even if there is cold in the body, it is also emitted by the heat of the ginger.

These 3 kinds of false sweating are actually hollowing out your body

It is recommended that we always night sweats, lack of yang and cold hands and feet friends, the habit of eating ginger, the elderly in the family will eat some pickled ginger in the morning all year round, and ginger will be put when stir-frying, so I have never seen them have night sweats, and the hands and feet are warm all year round.

We have a folk proverb, called the four seasons to eat ginger, a hundred diseases sweep away. Whether it is cooking or drinking ginger tea, or soaking feet, we must eat ginger into the stomach, and the divergent nature of ginger can help us dissipate the cold in the body and warm our hands and feet.

If you are not accustomed to the taste of ginger, you can eat it after pickling, the spicy taste of ginger will be much smaller, and it is not easy to choke. Seasoning for pickling, some people like to use soy sauce, some people like to use aged vinegar.

These 3 kinds of false sweating are actually hollowing out your body

I personally tend to use aged vinegar or white vinegar to soak ginger, because now in the late spring, the liver qi is in a rising state, people are also prone to dry heat on fire, and vinegar is sour, has astringent properties, can the ginger's spicy heat to converge, so that the rest of the ginger is the characteristics of warm and cold, so that the pickled ginger, after eating will not be on fire.

If you like to eat a little sour, you can use old vinegar, you can use balsamic vinegar if you like to taste slightly sour, and even like to eat white and tender ginger slices can also be pickled with white vinegar, and the method of vinegar soaking ginger is also very simple.

These 3 kinds of false sweating are actually hollowing out your body

The most important thing is the selection of raw materials for ginger, be sure to use young ginger, the more tender the better, prepare a little salt and sugar, as well as vinegar.

Ginger does not need to be peeled after cleaning, because the ginger slices are cool, the ginger meat is hot, so that it can also neutralize the spicy heat of the ginger, cut into thin slices, marinate with salt for two hours, wait until the water comes out, squeeze out the water, put the ginger slices into an oil-free and waterless glass bottle, put the appropriate amount of sugar, pour in the vinegar that has not been ginger slices, seal and refrigerate for 3 days to eat.

These 3 kinds of false sweating are actually hollowing out your body

After opening the lid, the sour smell, bite on a bite, sour with spicy, very refreshing, it is recommended to eat in the morning, because in the morning is our stomach through the cycle, qi and blood, at this time eat ginger, not only can warm the sun to warm the body, but also let our spleen and yang rise better.

Friends who often have cold hands and feet, cold sweats, sweats or night sweats, can develop the habit of eating ginger in the morning, and a jar of vinegar soaked ginger can be eaten for a long time.

2 to 3 tablets a day do not need to eat more, and gradually we will find that our hands and feet are warm, sweating, cold sweats, night sweats are also less, and the yang in the body is gradually sufficient.

The third kind: blindly let the body sweat, the above two are the body itself sweating, and this one is the damage qi and blood that we ask for. Many people hear that sweating can detoxify, lose weight, and get rid of moisture, so they use all kinds of methods to force themselves to sweat.

Such as sweat steaming, dragon moxibustion, excessive exercise, and even wrapping the body with plastic wrap, etc., feeling that sweat comes out, the toxins in the body come out. This kind of blind cold detoxification is not advisable! We must avoid, after a long time, not only will our qi and blood be depleted, but our resistance will also be easy to deteriorate, and we will get sick when we get cold.

These 3 kinds of false sweating are actually hollowing out your body

If you have also adopted this method before, you must stop the loss in time, especially if you have been dizzy and weak, always sweating, more afraid of cold than before, always sick, don't be busy making yourself sweat, make up for the qi and blood that are blindly consumed by yourself is the key.

Replenish qi and nourish blood, try these 3 simple methods

【Tonic】 Bamboo soup stew

Bamboo thorn has the effect of tonifying qi, but also moisturize the lungs and relieve cough, especially because of frequent sweating, night sweats caused by lack of breath and asthma, bamboo thorn can be nourished.

The shape of the bamboo thorn is very distinctive, and it is rich in nutrition and delicious taste, and in ancient times, it was also listed as a royal meal by the emperor, and it is also an ingredient often used in our state banquets.

These 3 kinds of false sweating are actually hollowing out your body

Share a bamboo chicken soup suitable for those with insufficient breath.

Prepare bamboo shoots, native chicken, cordyceps flowers, goji berries, ginger, green onions, and cooking wine. Soak the bamboo first in warm water, add a little salt, wash and set aside, and wash the cordyceps flowers and leaves. Chop the chicken into pieces, put the green onion and ginger cooking wine, blanch the water and set aside. After that, pour the bamboo thorns, native chicken, cordyceps flowers, and ginger into the pot, simmer for an hour and a half on low heat, sprinkle with goji berries before leaving the pot, and add the right amount of salt to taste.

These 3 kinds of false sweating are actually hollowing out your body

【Replenishing qi】Astragalus boiling water

Astragalus has the effect of tonifying qi and fixing the table, especially for the weak and weak, often drink some astragalus water, which is beneficial to the body. Our teacher's health convenience is to cook a pot of astragalus water every morning, everyone drinks together, I have to say that the teacher is more than 60 years old, still rosy, full of breath, presumably and daily astragalus water has an inseparable relationship.

These 3 kinds of false sweating are actually hollowing out your body

Astragalus boiling water is very simple, if the double loss of qi and blood is recommended to add some angelica, the astragalus and angelica in accordance with the ratio of 5:1, together with a health pot boiled, qi and blood double supplement. And it can be boiled with water multiple times.

【Blood replenishment】Rose cinnamon round red date tea

Roses are rational qi, and there is also the role of warming our heart, liver and blood veins, which can soothe the body's depressed qi. And Guiyuan has the effect of nourishing blood, such as our lack of qi and blood caused by excessive sweating, palpitations and dizziness, and poor sleep, we can often eat Guiyuan. Red dates are tonic qi and blood, as well as the effect of strengthening the spleen and nourishing the stomach.

Prepare 5 to 6 roses, 2 dates, and 3 cinnamon balls, and drink them in boiling water in a health pot.

These 3 kinds of false sweating are actually hollowing out your body

Whether it is our night sweats, or a certain part is easy to sweat, or blindly to sweat and detoxify, always frequent sweating, is bound to damage our qi and blood, easy to sweat friends, if you feel that your body is getting weaker, you must start from the aspect of replenishing qi and nourishing blood.