
Parents give up urging marriage! Former TVB Hua Dan has been single for more than ten years, bluntly saying that there are people around him

Parents give up urging marriage! Former TVB Hua Dan has been single for more than ten years, bluntly saying that there are people around him

The network station program "Silk Rice Stove" was recently hosted by the new group of shrimp head (Yang Shimin) plus meijuan (juanjie), who invited the temperament beauty Zhou Jiayi as a guest. Zhou Jiayi, a 42-year-old former wireless artist who has been single for more than 10 years, talks about her feelings on the show and says that she has studied the cracks in the bed may make her (unable to marry).

Parents give up urging marriage! Former TVB Hua Dan has been single for more than ten years, bluntly saying that there are people around him

Zhou Jiayi has intellectual beauty in appearance, keeps quite well, and has a lot of connotation, and there should be no shortage of suitors around. But it turned out that she had been single for many years, and she herself first talked about "shooting stoves" (can't get married), she said, "Because I once heard a feng shui master say that if you put a bed at home, if you are next to the wall, you must not have a gap." She pointed out that, for example, after the mattress is placed in the bed frame, there will be a small gap, and she laughs: "The point is coming!" I just suspect that I have this gap for 10 years, I have been single for 10 years, I suspect that I am 10 years late in my youth. I have now set up a pillow to fill in the gap, and I have been single for a few years..." In fact, "stove" refers to the gap near the stove mouth before, but I don't know whether Zhou Jiayi's statement is really rumored.

Parents give up urging marriage! Former TVB Hua Dan has been single for more than ten years, bluntly saying that there are people around him

Speaking of singleness, Zhou Jiayi said that he felt that being single was good, usually running and doing sports, and meditating, laughing at himself, "it is really stuffy to panic." It just so happens that the two hosts and guests are single now, and Zhou Jiayi shouted: "Speaking of Ming, I am not no one wants!" Shrimp Head responded, "You don't care what we're doing now, it's good to rush the cause!" In short, I don't want to drag it for the time being, I think I can live well if I am single." Asked if the requirements for choosing a mate are too high, Zhou Jiayi said, "I have too many requirements." She refers to herself as a person who talks about feelings, "I don't know why you like a person so much, as soon as you see him, that feeling will come, maybe you feel the feeling of being owed in a past life." 」

Parents give up urging marriage! Former TVB Hua Dan has been single for more than ten years, bluntly saying that there are people around him

Talking about marriage and organizing a family, Zhou Jiayi said: "I think that now that I am older and a little different from when I was a child, I will think more now, and you have to consider whether it is really the same man who works first, communicates or tolerates each other." Shrimp Head feels that Zhou Jiayi is a person who takes good care of his friends around him, and Zhou Jiayi seems to agree very much, thinking that he also takes care of people on the road of love.

Parents give up urging marriage! Former TVB Hua Dan has been single for more than ten years, bluntly saying that there are people around him

Of course, Zhou Jiayi's parents have also "urged marriage", but she said bluntly: "Some are actually, but my Abba and Aunt have been urged not to urge, and have passed the stage of urging me, because she feels that there is no way." But what I've analyzed with them is that you don't have to worry too much about your daughter getting one herself."

Parents give up urging marriage! Former TVB Hua Dan has been single for more than ten years, bluntly saying that there are people around him

When Zhou Jiayi was interviewed, she said that she was "the twenty-four filial piety girlfriend" when she fell in love, she said: "Love is the most healing thing for me!" If you are not married, you will be called a husband!" She has said that just because her boyfriend likes anything, she follows it, for example, her boyfriend loves to play billiards, she will be tired of being at the table every day, she will put her boyfriend first, put all her attention on her partner, such as staying by the phone all day, waiting for the other party to call or text message. But she loved violently, but she didn't feel happy, and she said, "All love makes me lose myself, and every time it makes me die and live." It was only in recent years that she did not understand and cherish it.

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