
Kanteri/Sheofele leads the record! Schaeffler/Palmer T19, Morikawa/Hoveland T28

On April 24, Beijing time, the only all-team double team game of the season, the New Orleans Zurich Classic, was cancelled. Leading 36-hole California combo Patrick Cantley/Zander Sheofiler shot a 60 (-12) in a four-ball match on Mobile Day to reach -29 (a new record of 54 holes in the tournament), extending the individual lead to five.

The "South African duo" Of Garrick Higg/Brandon Grace shot a 63 (-9) to move up to second place alone. Sam Boones/Billy Hoschel also shot -9, t3 with the other two teams, six strokes behind the leaders.

Defending champions Cameron Smith/Mark Leishman and ScottY Schaeffler/Ryan Palmer are ranked in T19 with -17; Colin Morikawa/Victor Hoveland are in T28 with -16; Andrga Tour's oldest promoter Jay Haas and son Bill Haas are in T38 with a -12.

(New Orleans Zurich Classic Mobile Day Highlights)

"Iceman", like that!

Cantelli/Zander led the record

Mobile Day adopts the format of a four-a-side four-ball game, also known as the best ball game. Two players play as a team, each playing only their own ball; on each hole, the result of the one with the fewer shots in both is their set of results on that hole.

("California Combo" Mobile Day 60-shot Highlights)

The 36-hole leader, "California Combo" Patrick Cantley/Zander Sheofiler, after setting a new four-goal record of 59 (-13) in the first round (previously a 60 held by teams such as Zhang Xinjun and Dou Zecheng), blasted a best 60 (-12) in the round.

Their overall -29 not only set a new record of 54 holes, but was even better than the 72 hole record of the event (Cameron Smith/Jonas Brixter, Kevin Keysner/Scott Brown set a record of -27 in 2017).

Kanteri/Sheofele leads the record! Schaeffler/Palmer T19, Morikawa/Hoveland T28

(Canteri 7 hole Eagle Push)

The "California Combo" started the round slowly and hotly, catching only 2 birds in the first six holes. After capturing the Eagles on Hole 7, they opened fire and caught 8 birds in the back nine. The two "equally divided" the 18 holes (each with an individual score of 9 holes is recorded as a team result), which is a great help to each other.

Kanteri/Sheofele leads the record! Schaeffler/Palmer T19, Morikawa/Hoveland T28

(The two celebrate the good results of this round)

The two men, whom they had known since college, had fought side by side at the Presidents Cup and the Ryder Cup, and would go on vacation together in private. "I did the right thing," Zander says, "and I've found a great partner, and I feel great right now." ”

In a four-man, two-goal game in the final round with a five-stroke advantage, Cantley will hit his first win of the season with the seventh PGA Tour title, while Zander will strive to break the three-year championship drought and claim his fifth PGA Tour title.

Lead the table

Multiple teams scored a brilliant 63 (-9) in this round, with the "South African combination" Garrick Higg/Brandon Grace standing out, with an overall score of -24 or even a separate second place.

(New Orleans Zurich Classic Mobile Day Ball of the Year: Higg cuts eagles into holes from 39 yards!) )

Higg's eagle cut into the hole was voted the best goal of the round, and Grace also won the full house after the kick-off fell into the tree root with a small probability of "accident". "You can't be too aggressive and try to create some good opportunities for yourself with every hole. We can certainly do it. Grace envisioned the final round in the interview.

Kanteri/Sheofele leads the record! Schaeffler/Palmer T19, Morikawa/Hoveland T28

(Scriffner long push catch bird)

The "Australian duo" Janssen Dey/Jensen Scrifner also played -9 in this round, with Sam Boones/Billy Hoschel and Aaron Rye/David Lipski in T3, six strokes behind the leaders.

Kanteri/Sheofele leads the record! Schaeffler/Palmer T19, Morikawa/Hoveland T28

(Defending Champion Combination)

Defending champions Cameron Smith/Mark Leishman, along with Scotty Schaeffler/Ryan Palmer, Justin Rose/Henrik Stenson, were in the T19 with a -17, and Colin Morikawa/Victor Hoveland was in the T28 with a -16.

Kanteri/Sheofele leads the record! Schaeffler/Palmer T19, Morikawa/Hoveland T28

(The young Jay Haas, the kick-off is still solid)

Jay Haas, the 799th-time PGA Tour veteran (68 years, 4 months and 20 days, a new Sam Snyder record), and son Bill Haas ranked T38 with -12.

The Golf Channel will broadcast the game exclusively for you, welcome to watch!

Kanteri/Sheofele leads the record! Schaeffler/Palmer T19, Morikawa/Hoveland T28

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