
Sail: Child of Nature, Natharius Mechanism Explained! If evolution fails, enter the 735Through Regiment!

Sail: Child of Nature, Natharius Mechanism Explained! If evolution fails, enter the 735Through Regiment!


1. Access

The 2016 Active Genie, the son of nature in the official name of the "Titan Star Domain Guide", Senarius. Challenge Senarius and get the chance to collect soul wicks. Collect 100 soul wicks to get Senarius, it is still relatively simple to start, and the fastest three days can be obtained by the whole people.

Sail: Child of Nature, Natharius Mechanism Explained! If evolution fails, enter the 735Through Regiment!

I used to think that this elf was so weak, and it would definitely advance again after a few weeks, but what I didn't expect was that I hadn't seen its metamorphosis until 2022, and there were indeed a lot of elves killed in the Titan Star Domain. Including the seven sins that were reborn after being destroyed, they have all advanced again, and it is really a bit difficult to wait for it to have no schedule.

Sail: Child of Nature, Natharius Mechanism Explained! If evolution fails, enter the 735Through Regiment!

Second, the actual combat positioning of the genie

If it is in 2016, the natural system is not so crotch-pulling, 2 times the mainstream of the common restraint is only the sub-king, the super king, the mysterious king is more stable, and the four times the mainstream restraint is only the demon king (evil spirit / mysterious), which makes the natural king Monica come out, 2016 with the mechanism also pulled a wave of attribute popularity for the natural system.

Sail: Child of Nature, Natharius Mechanism Explained! If evolution fails, enter the 735Through Regiment!

Until 2017, the nature department was definitely mainstream. The Star Emperor can't come out, but Monica's strength is also serious. There are also fierce people who put reborn directly 2 times hard just reborn, of course, here is not Talking about Naselius, but Monica.

Sail: Child of Nature, Natharius Mechanism Explained! If evolution fails, enter the 735Through Regiment!

Nasserius's Soul Seal [Sai] If his physical strength is greater than 1/2 every time he appears, it will reduce the opponent's all skill PP points by 2 points

Sail: Child of Nature, Natharius Mechanism Explained! If evolution fails, enter the 735Through Regiment!

To tell the truth, I don't dare to compliment this soul seal, almost like nothing. Dare to compare with the Natural King and the Mysterious King? That's a comparison with a wild monster, but I personally don't think it's an exaggeration to say that Nasserius was a wild monster. Its practicality is honestly inferior to the Seven Sins, let alone the Comparison with the King of the Realm.

Sail: Child of Nature, Natharius Mechanism Explained! If evolution fails, enter the 735Through Regiment!

The 740 Advanced Seven Sins Elf doesn't say anything, after all, the intensity is there, and it can really be played. After the transformation of the Six Realms God King, there was also a leap forward, if Naselius still had to lower them in the setting, it was possible that he would really be placed in the circle of the active elf 735, and the result would be imaginable to the player at that time.

Sail: Child of Nature, Natharius Mechanism Explained! If evolution fails, enter the 735Through Regiment!

Third, the elf plot positioning

The elf of Nasserius can be summed up in one sentence

Sail: Child of Nature, Natharius Mechanism Explained! If evolution fails, enter the 735Through Regiment!

With a powerful background setting, and both good and evil, we have no idea what the conditions are for joining the Dark Council. But to join parliament means that it still has its own capabilities, and if it does not have the ability, how can it possibly occupy a chair? Compared with Abel, the Death of a Thousand Nights, and the Night King, it does not match the shoes.

Sail: Child of Nature, Natharius Mechanism Explained! If evolution fails, enter the 735Through Regiment!

But it is such a low-end elf who is identified by the player as a "brother in brother", but it has a crucial role in the plot. First of all, without its help, it may be that after the Sai Xiaoshi Squad enters the Titan Star Domain, it will directly step into the pit and enter the trap laid in advance, and even the huge Sail can be held hostage by Abel, which shows that the Dark Council is actually not ordinary, not only has a brain, but also has strength.

Sail: Child of Nature, Natharius Mechanism Explained! If evolution fails, enter the 735Through Regiment!

Therefore, it is this "mysterious operation" of Naselius that fills the Titan Star Domain with mystery. Without a "double agent" like it, there probably wouldn't have been a follow-up story. In theory, the Dark Council could have been completely wiped out, but a closer look at the Dark Council does leave a lot of foreshadowing.

Sail: Child of Nature, Natharius Mechanism Explained! If evolution fails, enter the 735Through Regiment!

For example, the immortal Thousand Nights Death, Abel's hunting order, and the Night King who was not completely killed but "saved" by the Titans, these are all primers for waiting for the opportunity, as long as they want to use it later, they can be resurrected at any time.

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