
The man fictitiously identifies as a "millionaire", successfully marries a rich woman, and cries for forgiveness after being discovered

author:Interesting nature

Lying is a human instinct. But not all lies are harmful and unproductive, in fact, lies are also divided into malicious and benign. The key to a person's integrity lies in what kind of lies he is telling.

Of course, malicious lies can be said to be deception, and the so-called malicious lies refer to the behavior of liars who, in order to seek benefits, use strong desire for profit and weak rationality to take others as targets, and do not hesitate to do harm to others.

White lies are the opposite. White lies can make people find reasons to face life with a smiley face, let people see the hope of the future, and is a delicate embodiment of emotion and ideological maturity.

The man fictitiously identifies as a "millionaire", successfully marries a rich woman, and cries for forgiveness after being discovered

In marriage, the main thing is to be honest with each other. If the husband and wife always lie to each other, then wait until the day when the lie is exposed, that is, the day when the relationship between the two comes to an end. And this is also the subject we are going to talk about today.

The protagonist of today's story is a couple who have been married for 6 years. At first, in order to catch up with the woman, the man pretended to be a rich man's son, and when the two knew each other less than three months later, the woman believed the man's lies and quickly flashed the marriage.

After marriage, the woman gradually discovered that everything her husband said at the beginning was a lie, but thinking that she was older and had a bad reputation after divorce, she asked for perfection and was willing to be a wronged boss.

But she couldn't imagine that her repeated concessions and forgiveness were not her husband's understanding, but her husband's cheating again and again. In the end, she really couldn't bear it, so she quickly cut through the mess and decisively ended the marriage.

So why did the woman hate her husband so much? And what happened between them? Let's take a look.

The man fictitiously identifies as a "millionaire", successfully marries a rich woman, and cries for forgiveness after being discovered

Before formally writing, first reveal to you that the male protagonist in the article is very good at acting, comparable to the film emperor, and it feels like not to be an actor, which is really too much of a waste of talent. In order to let everyone fully understand the acting skills of the male protagonist, the storyline is roughly passed, focusing on the description of the male protagonist's acting skills.

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On this day, the program team received a call from a middle-aged man, claiming that he and his wife had a little conflict, and the other party not only did not want him, but also took him to court and filed for divorce. Therefore, he wanted to ask for the help of the program team to mediate the contradiction between the two.

The program team, which received a request for help, came to the man's home with the equipment. The man lived in an upscale luxury residential area, and he still lived in an apartment residential area, which on the surface alone should be quite well-off, not like a family that was conflicted by money.

The man fictitiously identifies as a "millionaire", successfully marries a rich woman, and cries for forgiveness after being discovered

As soon as he saw the arrival of the reporter, the man began his own performance, full of tears, a sad face and the reporter said that his name is Lin Yuan, 39 years old this year, his wife is named Zhao Xiaodi, three years younger than him, this year 36, the two have been married for 6 years, but have not yet had a son and a half daughter.

Then Lin Yuan cried and said to reporters that he drove a Mercedes-Benz to work every day, with an annual salary of millions, not only had his own company, but also a cruise ship, and could bring high income every day. Speaking of this, Lin Yuan wiped his tears and continued to tell reporters that through his own efforts in recent years, he bought this villa, and the decoration alone cost no less than seven or eight hundred thousand.

And the decoration style of the house is all made according to the wife's liking. Originally, as such a successful man, he could not have imagined that his wife would sue for divorce with him a week ago.

Lin Yuan said that since his wife sued for divorce, he moved back to his mother's house, leaving him alone in the empty house, and when he said this, Lin Yuan wiped his tears again. He told reporters that since his wife left him alone, he not only washed his face with tears every day, but also slept with his wife's photo every night; he couldn't eat, and he always felt that something was missing.

The man fictitiously identifies as a "millionaire", successfully marries a rich woman, and cries for forgiveness after being discovered

Now he only hopes that his wife can come back to accompany him, even if these cars, houses, etc. are transferred to his wife Zhao Xiaodi, he is also willing. Because in his eyes, these possessions do not matter, as long as they can be exchanged for his wife's heart. (When I saw this, Xiaobian laughed, thinking at the time, saying so well, it is nothing more than trying to borrow the power of the media to move his wife to come back)

In order to find out the truth of the matter, the program team decided to follow Lin Yuan and come to Zhao Xiaodi to ask for an understanding.


After some twists and turns, the program team finally followed Lin Yuan to his wife's home. But just before the door, Lin Yuan seemed a little scared and did not dare to go up and knock on the door. In the end, with the help of the program team, Lin Yuan knocked on Zhao Xiaodi's door.

Zhao Xiaodi opened the door to see her husband and the program team, saying that she had received a divorce notice issued by the court, and the two no longer had anything to talk about, and they wanted to close the door. But at this time, Lin Yuan cried again, saying that he couldn't live without her, and if he wanted to get a divorce, then he didn't want to live.

The man fictitiously identifies as a "millionaire", successfully marries a rich woman, and cries for forgiveness after being discovered

When the reporter saw this, he immediately explained his intentions and said that he wanted to talk to Zhao Xiaodi. After some communication, Zhao Xiaodi promised to let the program team enter the room, but said that she would not agree to Lin Yuan's entry. There was no way, he could only wait outside, and the reporter went in to talk with Zhao Xiaodi.

After entering the house, Zhao Xiaodi took out a love agreement from her room, saying that this was the reason for her divorce.

It turned out that before Zhao Xiaodi sued for divorce, she had inexplicably received a complaint from a woman who had sued her in court because of this love agreement.

This love agreement was signed by her husband and a woman named Tang Li, and the content of the agreement was that Lin Yuan promised this woman that she would divorce his wife, that is, Lin Yuan, if he did not leave, then the cruise ships, real estate, Mercedes-Benz cars and other property under his name would belong to Tang Li.

But in fact, these properties in the agreement are not unique to Lin Yuan, but are shared by both husband and wife, and even said to be one of Zhao Xiaodi's people (this will be explained later). And this matter Zhao Xiaodi was a kind of blind, until Tang Li sued her in court, she did not know that there was such a thing.

The man fictitiously identifies as a "millionaire", successfully marries a rich woman, and cries for forgiveness after being discovered

That is to say, her husband cheated on himself and secretly signed some bad agreements with other women. In the end, Xiao Sancheng was the plaintiff, and the original was the defendant, but Xiao San was still reasonable, which changed everyone's anger.

It is precisely because of this that Zhao Xiaodi sued her husband and agreed to divorce. She believes that Lin Yuan is hiding from her and cooperating with other women to get her money.

Zhao Xiaodi also told reporters that in addition, she had been putting up with Lin Yuan before this incident occurred. The other party not only has nothing to do all day, but also often goes to play mahjong, and every day and those women on the mahjong table engage in ambiguous relations, she has long known that the other party has a small three, a small four, a small five... It's just that I don't divorce, so I have been putting up with it.

And this time Lin Yuan did too much, she only chose the divorce, a hundred.

Because the door was not closed at this time, Lin Yuan, who was standing outside the door, heard his wife say these black scenes, and immediately became a pitiful look, very well-behaved to say that there was no such thing at all, constantly explaining, trying to get his wife's forgiveness.

The man fictitiously identifies as a "millionaire", successfully marries a rich woman, and cries for forgiveness after being discovered

Zhao Xiaodi didn't want to say anything more to Lin Yuan, so he wanted to close the door, but who knew that Lin Yuan couldn't pretend to be pitiful, so he immediately became tough and threatened Zhao Xiaodi, saying that if he couldn't reconcile well this time, then if he did something out of the ordinary in the future, he couldn't blame him.

Seeing that Lin Yuan was so tough, Zhao Xiaodi bluntly said that the feelings of the two had been shattered, and there was no future. Who knew that Lin Yuan didn't listen at all, and insisted that Zhao Xiaodi forgive him. As a last resort, Zhao Xiaodi had to choose to call the police. After the police came, Lin Yuan immediately turned into a look of encouragement and cried in the corridor very obediently.

It is estimated that he has long learned the essence of quarrelling: one cry, two troubles, three hangings.

The reporter saw him like this and asked him why he had done such an excessive thing, even cheating on others in marriage, and trying to divide up the common property between husband and wife.

The man fictitiously identifies as a "millionaire", successfully marries a rich woman, and cries for forgiveness after being discovered

I can't imagine that Lin Yuan has no bottom line, seeing the police next to him, he said that there is no such thing at all, the reason why there is this agreement is because he went to drink with others, was routine, and was forced to sign by 10 (at first it was said 6, and then changed to say 10) Big Han forced him to sign.

Sure enough, as long as your face is thick enough, the black cat can be blindly said to be a white cat!

Speaking of this, Lin Yuan began to cry wolf again, without the appearance of a man at all, indicating that he only loved Zhao Xiaodi alone in his life, and he could not sleep without the other party, and he would not let go of the other party.

Seeing Lin Yuan a big man crying and crying, Zhao Xiaodi couldn't stand it, and said: She doesn't hate him for being poor and white, and even engages in these things, not to mention the face, she also went to ask the program team to come, there is really no lower limit, it is a personal scum. Saying that, Zhao Xiaodi no longer wanted to pay attention to Lin Yuan, and slammed the door of his own home.

Seeing that his wife did not want to pay attention to himself, Lin Yuan had to change the emotional card, played the memory card with the reporter, and told the reporter about the acquaintance process of the two.

The man fictitiously identifies as a "millionaire", successfully marries a rich woman, and cries for forgiveness after being discovered

It turned out that Lin Yuan, who was on a business trip to Nanjing in 2013, met Zhao Xiaodi, who came to Nanjing for tourism, and after going around, they came together. Lin Yuan was generous, and soon after they were together, he bought a Mercedes-Benz car for Zhao Xiaodi, and he was willing to pay everything for the sake of his crush.

After marriage, the two lived a sweet life. Lin Yuan said that his wife loves to travel, and the holidays are basically traveling outside, saying that he took out photos of the two of them who had traveled. Looking at the photo of the two people on the mobile phone, Lin Yuan choked up again. He said he had realized his mistake and now only hoped that his wife would give herself another chance.

Then Lin Yuan and the reporter admitted that he would indeed say some more ambiguous things when playing cards, or send some yellow jokes to other women, but in his opinion, this was just a joke, and nothing else happened.

If the object at this time is replaced by a little girl who is not deeply involved in the world, he may really believe Lin Yuan's lies, but it is obvious that Zhao Xiaodi has already seen through all this, and he has an iron heart to divorce, so he has no room to explain.

The man fictitiously identifies as a "millionaire", successfully marries a rich woman, and cries for forgiveness after being discovered

Seeing that Zhao Xiaodi didn't want to talk anymore, Lin Yuan couldn't help it, and the first mediation between the two could only end like this.


The next day, Lin Yuan called the program team again, saying that he wanted to find Zhao Xiaodi again, and wanted the two to communicate alone, maybe there would be a turnaround.

But I didn't think about coming this time, Zhao Xiaodi still didn't give him a good look, and she kept counting him in front of the camera. Zhao Xiaofei said very excitedly that she had been living in a huge lie, even the villa mansion where the two lived, Lin Yuan he only paid 10,000 yuan, and those decorations behind her were all her own money. She endured all this, but Lin Yuan challenged her bottom line again and again.

It turned out that Zhao Xiaodi and Lin Yuan were 30 years old when they met, and when they reached the age when they should get married, under Lin Yuan's fierce pursuit, the two met for three months and then flashed marriage. After this, Zhao Xiaodi learned that Lin Yuan was a native of Hunan and had had a marriage in Zhejiang before, and that Lin Yuan's marriage ended a month before he and Zhao Xiaodi got married.

The man fictitiously identifies as a "millionaire", successfully marries a rich woman, and cries for forgiveness after being discovered

That is to say, when Lin Yuan knew Zhao Xiaodi, he actually had a marriage, but he had been hiding from Zhao Xiaodi, in order to take the other party down steadily, and then go to end the previous marriage, but also to leave a retreat for himself.

In Zhao Xiaodi's eyes, the reason why Lin Yuan would be with her was nothing more than to think that her conditions were OK, and then felt that after getting married, he would be able to enjoy some of Zhao Xiaodi's property.

Zhao Xiaodi said that when the two first met, Lin Yuan said that he was the illegitimate son of the boss of a listed company, his mother was abroad, his family was very strong, and he grabbed a lot of luxury cars and mansions. Saying that, Zhao Xiaodi turned over the chat records of the two at that time and let the reporter take a good look.

Although she had some doubts, she did not seriously check it out, and felt that as long as the person in front of her was good to herself. But then, the lies were exposed again and again, and Lin Yuan's true face was gradually revealed.

The man fictitiously identifies as a "millionaire", successfully marries a rich woman, and cries for forgiveness after being discovered

For so many years, Lin Yuan has not had a formal job, every day in the mahjong hall, and every so-called entrepreneurship, is a beginning and no end, ending in the company's closure. And when she first bought a house and decoration, some things that cost money were all her own money. When Zhao Xiaodi found out that Lin Yuan had signed a love agreement with Tang Li, she recalled all this and found that Lin Yuan was a complete emotional liar.

However, in the face of this statement, Lin Yuan could not come up with any substantive evidence except denial, but Zhao Xiaodi's side remembered all the expense lists clearly, and there were bills on the mobile phone. At this time, clear-eyed people can see that Lin Yuan's denial is basically hiding from the truth.

Excited, Zhao Xiaodi pulled the program team into the room and said that she had something to say.

After locking Lin Yuan out of the door, Zhao Xiaodi cried to the program group, saying that Lin Yuan, in addition to fabricating his identity and concealing the marriage, had been in an unemployed state after marriage, and the villa house where the two lived was the income she had bought with her own money before marriage, and all kinds of decorations were also borrowed by her, all of which had nothing to do with Lin Yuan.

The man fictitiously identifies as a "millionaire", successfully marries a rich woman, and cries for forgiveness after being discovered

After listening to his daughter's crying, the Zhao family's parents were even more uncomfortable. Because they have always opposed this marriage at the beginning of their choice of marriage. In addition to Lin Yuan being older than Zhao Xiaodi, the most important thing is that the Zhao family's parents feel that Lin Yuan's identity is very suspicious. However, Zhao Xiaodi did not listen to the advice of her parents and married Lin Yuan with a dead heart.

After the two got married, because Lin Yuan's credit had problems, Zhao Xiaodi used her credit to give Lin Yuan a loan of 280,000 yuan to start a business, and she couldn't imagine that the other party not only played mahjong every day, but also took her money to go around. Zhao Xiaodi also endured again and again, and now she can't stand it anymore, so she wants to divorce.

The parents of the Zhao family said that they have been the pride of the family for this one daughter, who has a successful career after graduating from college, and they have long seen through Lin Yuan's deception, and the reason why they have not divorced is because their daughter cannot pull down.

Because in Zhao Xiaodi's view, her salary is OK, the breadwinner is still passable, if she goes to divorce like this, the next is the second marriage, which is more traditional for her thinking, it is not very acceptable, so she chose to continue to endure. However, such a concession made Lin Yuan become more intense and did not cherish it at all.

The man fictitiously identifies as a "millionaire", successfully marries a rich woman, and cries for forgiveness after being discovered

After the reporter learned about these things, he went out to confront Lin Yuan to see if he would admit to making up his identity. Unexpectedly, Lin Yuan faced this question, and he began to act again, performing a look of pity and crying, constantly changing the topic, upside down, trying to fool the past. The reporter asked him to answer this question head-on, and he said that the listing boss was also his father. After saying that, he began to perform the scene where the tears fell.

Zhao Xiaodi couldn't look at it anymore and directly scolded Lin Yuanzhen for not wanting his face. Because the listed boss of the family is only a dozen years older than Lin Yuan, but he said that he was the son of the family, really talking nonsense and not playing drafts, in fact, he just worked in other people's companies.

And Lin Yuan saw that his wife broke herself, and then changed to playing the emotional card, full of tears, and changed the topic to other places. It is really when a person is particularly faceless, he can be invincible in the world.

The love that was cheated by lies at the beginning, the two sides have long had no trust, but Zhao Xiaodi has always chosen to tolerate, and this life has barely lasted for six years. At this time, Lin Yuan's tears had no value, and Zhao Xiaodi on the side looked at him and felt ridiculous.

The man fictitiously identifies as a "millionaire", successfully marries a rich woman, and cries for forgiveness after being discovered

Seeing that his wife had to count herself, Lin Yuan acted in various ways, and shed tears, and wiped her tears, wanting to save her wife through various emotional cards, trying to make Zhao Xiaodi soft again, but every lie of his was pierced by Zhao Xiaodi.

At this time, Lin Yuan no longer said that he had paid for his family, he just stressed that he had not spent a penny of Zhao Xiaodi.

However, Zhao Xiaodi told the program team in a convincing way that from the villa to the wedding photos, and even the electricity bill at home, she was responsible for it, which also made Lin Yuan punched in the face on the spot. Moreover, Zhao Xiaodi also told him to move out of her house early, if Lin Yuan was not convinced, he could fight a lawsuit, and she would accompany him to the end.

Lin Yuan saw that all kinds of emotional cards did not work, and began to threaten Zhao Xiaodi again, bluntly saying that there would be a time to ask him.

At this time, the reporter can't look at it anymore, bluntly saying that even if he knows that he is wrong, no one has the obligation to forgive you for the mistakes you made and bear the consequences yourself.

The man fictitiously identifies as a "millionaire", successfully marries a rich woman, and cries for forgiveness after being discovered

Unexpectedly, after lin yuan listened to the reporter's words, he actually sat on the ground and cried on the spot, trying to impress Zhao Xiaodi with this common move used by children. But as everyone knows, when a person is particularly disgusted with you, what you do is wrong, and these performances that you think may have an effect are, in the eyes of others, just clowns.

And Lin Yuan this time, Ruyi abacus was wrong, he thought he could use the power of the media, through deception, to get everything back, did not think of the end, just lifted the stone and hit his own feet.

In this way, Lin Yuan was once again driven out of the house by Zhao Xiaodi, and Zhao Xiaodi no longer wanted to see him. Downstairs, Lin Yuan revealed his origins. He confessed that his parents were farmers, the family was ordinary, he did not continue to go to school until the sixth grade, and when he was 15 years old, he went south to work to earn money, and set up a stall while working, trying to change his destiny.

Within a few years, Lin Yuan went to Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, to work. When life has improved, the family has been changed one after another, his brother died early, his parents have died one after another, and Lin Yuan is left alone in the family. Within a few years, his marriage in Zhejiang also ended due to emotional discord.

The man fictitiously identifies as a "millionaire", successfully marries a rich woman, and cries for forgiveness after being discovered

Lin Yuan kept telling reporters that he only had Zhao Xiaodi in his life, and all his wealth could be given to her. Lin Yuan said even more bluntly that everything he had said before was just a white lie, but the white lie in his mouth had kept Zhao Xiaodi in the dark.

At this point, will Zhao Xiaofei change her attitude?

In order to make Lin Yuan soberly aware of the problems in the marriage, the program team sought the help of a mediator. The mediator personally called Zhao Xiaodi, but Zhao Xiaodi was still angry on the phone, and there were only four words left for her after six years of marriage: regret and pain.

All of this that Zhao Xiaodi had was earned by her own hard work and had nothing to do with Lin Yuan. Lin Yuan's lies and deception had already broken Zhao Xiaodi's heart, and she was unwilling to turn back.

The mediator said that she understood Lin Yuan's hard work, but if Lin Yuan was really so rich and enough to support all the living expenses of the woman, Zhao Xiaodi would not leave him so resolutely.

The man fictitiously identifies as a "millionaire", successfully marries a rich woman, and cries for forgiveness after being discovered

When the mediator asked about the mortgage, Lin Yuan admitted that he had thousands of incomes every day and was fully capable of repaying, but every time he asked for details, Lin Yuan would change the topic. But his company, his financial resources, and the program team have never seen the relevant proof.

When the program team searched for Lin Yuan's name in Tianyan, they could find a biotechnology company on their mobile phones, which showed that it was turned off. In the face of such a result, Lin Yuan once again explained that he kept opening a company and taking responsibility for his own profits and losses, even if his financial resources were no longer pursued, he was never honest in the face of feelings.

Mediators have repeatedly stressed that marriage should be based on integrity, and such an insincere marriage, and the illusion of happiness built with lies, are ultimately just bubbles.

Ke Lin Yuan has always lived in his own world, and his so-called love has caused harm to Zhao Xiaodi, and letting go is the right choice. It is inevitable that people will make mistakes in this life, but we cannot make mistakes of principle. From an early age, parents and teachers have taught us not to lie, because once we lie, we have to cover it up with countless lies.

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