
Barley is cooked with rock sugar, the effect is so big, most people do not know, too practical

author:Xiaoxiong cuisine

The temperature of these two days is gradually rising, the hot summer is coming soon, and after entering the summer every year, I believe that many people love to have a bad appetite. So at this time, we must eat more light food, so that we can greatly increase our appetite, so as to have a good appetite.

Barley is cooked with rock sugar, the effect is so big, most people do not know, too practical

Among the many light foods, cooking porridge is one of the best choices, like I especially like to drink porridge when the weather is hot. Not only can it play a good role in degreasing, but also make your appetite better and better, and after a long time, it can also play a good role in nourishing the stomach.

To this end, I am going to share with you today, the method of barley porridge, barley is rich in nutritional value, if it is used to cook porridge to drink, it is most appropriate. Friends who like to drink porridge, what are you waiting for? Please learn as I please.

Barley is cooked with rock sugar, the effect is so big, most people do not know, too practical

【Barley porridge】

【Ingredients】: barley, red beans, goji berries, hawthorn, yellow rock sugar


1, prepare 100 grams of barley, and 50 grams of red beans, after mixing the two together, first use water to grab and wash it, the dust and impurities on the surface, the ratio of the two ingredients is 2:1.

2, clean the red beans and barley, we also have to control the dry water, put aside for later. If you cook barley porridge with some red beans, the nutritional value will be particularly high, especially suitable for female friends, and has a good effect on replenishing qi and nourishing blood.

Barley is cooked with rock sugar, the effect is so big, most people do not know, too practical

3: Prepare ingredients, a few grams of dried hawthorn and a handful of goji berries, and rinse them with water. Hawthorn has a good appetizer effect, goji berries have a good tonic effect, these foods mixed together, the nutrition of porridge will be higher.

4, start the pot, and then the prepared barley and red beans, directly into the pot, and turn on a low heat to sauté, the water inside it will be fried dry, so that the barley porridge in the process of cooking, will become more viscous.

5, in addition, if the barley and red beans are fried, the cooked porridge will taste more fragrant, and the time for cooking porridge can be greatly shortened.

Barley is cooked with rock sugar, the effect is so big, most people do not know, too practical
Barley is cooked with rock sugar, the effect is so big, most people do not know, too practical

6, prepare a casserole, and all the ingredients just prepared, all into the casserole, and add two small pieces of yellow rock sugar, remember to use yellow ice sugar, not white ice sugar.

7, yellow rock sugar belongs to natural rock sugar, the nutritional value is many times higher than white rock sugar, and then add an appropriate amount of water to the pot, water is best to give more, one time add enough.

8, cover the pot lid, cook the rice porridge in the pot until boiling, then open the lid, then stir with a spoon, and turn the heat to cook it for half an hour, wait for the soup color of the porridge, after being cooked to slightly red, it proves that the barley and red beans have been cooked.

Barley is cooked with rock sugar, the effect is so big, most people do not know, too practical
Barley is cooked with rock sugar, the effect is so big, most people do not know, too practical

9, red beans, barley is fully cooked, then we have to use a spoon, constantly stir the rice porridge, and then cook for 10 minutes with a low heat, in the process of stirring, barley porridge will become more and more viscous.

10, the prepared barley porridge, wait for it to cool to warm, you can put it out for eating. In the hot summer, if you drink a bowl of barley porridge every day, you can play a very good role in strengthening the spleen, nourishing the stomach, reducing fire and so on.

11, a good barley porridge, it is best to eat it at one time, do not put it for too long, otherwise the taste will be greatly affected, do at any time, eat at any time, is the best choice.

Barley is cooked with rock sugar, the effect is so big, most people do not know, too practical

Well, the above is the food recipe I want to share with you today, if you are in the summer, also like to drink porridge, then use the method I taught you, also go to boil a pot of barley porridge!