
Demand for camping during the May Day holiday has soared The number of bookings for related homestays has soared 4 times compared with last year

author:Great River Finance Cube

[Dahe Bao, Dahe CaiFang] (Reporter Chen Wei Intern Han Xinchen) Although there are local cases of new crown pneumonia in many parts of the country, in the face of the five-day Long May Day holiday, many people still have the mentality of refusing to lie flat for travel. However, most people's travel radius will be reduced, and camping, which only needs a tent to open, and museums that the whole family can go to visit together, will become this Easy Today outing.

Where there is green, the tent will be "long"

The epidemic has hindered some travel routes, but it has not been able to stop people's desire to travel. The outdoor space with few people, many trees and good air has become one of the important choices for people to travel on May Day this year.

Tongcheng travel big data shows that various outdoor experiences have also become a hot spot in recent travel, and the search popularity of various parks has increased by 122% month-on-month. Camping is the "top stream" of this spring's outing market, and after the boom of the Qingming holiday, the search fever on the eve of May Day continued to rise by 68%.

Demand for camping during the May Day holiday has soared The number of bookings for related homestays has soared 4 times compared with last year

In the travelogue of qunar platform, there are tens of thousands of sharing related to camping. This activity, which originated in Europe and the United States and was initially grouped as wild climbing enthusiasts in China, gradually became "popular" on May Day this year. Qunar platform data shows that during the May Day holiday in 2022, the sales of park tickets that can camp increased by more than 50% year-on-year. Whether it's parks, mountains, campsites, equipment or surrounding accommodation, it all derives from the commodities associated with camping.

Ren Tian, head of Qunar Travel Mall, analyzed: "With the addition of a large number of female consumers, the outdoor camping that used to be a single backpacker has now added a sense of exquisite ceremony. ”

From the existing camping products of Qunar platform, it can be subdivided into single-ticket camping, simple tent camping, picnic camping, parent-child paradise camping and overnight accommodation camping.

Demand for camping during the May Day holiday has soared The number of bookings for related homestays has soared 4 times compared with last year

The property is integrated with camping

However, camping is still a new thing, many tourists will choose to go to the camp to settle the tent, but many people can not adapt to the overnight accommodation, so camping began to try to integrate with the surrounding homestays, so that there are more playable items in the homestay.

Tujia data shows that during the May Day period, the number of homestay bookings providing camping-related services such as RVs, tents and camps has soared fourfold compared with last year.

The main types of camping homestays are tents and RVs. Camping tent area is generally in the range of 10 square meters to 30 square meters, can live 2-4 people, the tent is generally only simple bedding and furniture, bathroom, kitchen, living room and other functions generally need to be realized in the camp's public space; the area of the caravan in the 10 square meters - 50 square meters range, the RV conditions are better than the tent, generally have bedding, sofa, washroom, simple toilet, etc., some luxury RV also provide wireless network, microwave oven, air conditioning, TV, refrigerator, etc., comparable to a small hotel suite.

However, although the conditions of camping-type homestays are relatively simple, they are actually not cheap. On the Tujia platform, the 15-square-meter tent house of Beijing Pinggu Jinhai Lake Tent Camp is 1454 yuan per night; the RV camp of Yanqing Haituo Valley, a 35-square-meter caravan homestay, is 1799 yuan per night, but there is no room for some days during the May Day holiday.

Traffic jams can be concentrated around the city

In addition to camping, Tongcheng Travel big data shows that on the eve of the May Day holiday, culture-related attractions and experiences are deeply concerned by young tourists, and the search popularity of museum-related tourism increased by 184% month-on-month, and the popularity of "intangible cultural heritage" related searches rose by 43% month-on-month.

The change in travel radius has also made the price of hotels in more than five cities hit a new low in five years this year, among which the average prices of high-star hotels in Panzhihua, Haikou, Zigong, Yuxi and other cities, and the middle and low-star hotels in Qiandongnan, Chengdu, Jinan, Chongqing and other cities, are all lows in the same period in the past five years. In Beijing, Chengdu, Chongqing, Xi'an, Hangzhou, Sanya and other cities, some luxury hotels are only charged half the price of last year during the May Day holiday.

This also makes the road congestion situation during the May Day holiday very different from previous years.

AutoNavi map expects that during the May Day holiday, the heat of driving across the city will be low, and the degree of high-speed congestion in the country will be lower than in previous years. Since the travel demand is mainly concentrated in the city, the city around the city, the short distance, the city around the highway may be prone to short-term congestion or slow travel. It is expected that April 30 will be the peak of high-speed outbound, and 9:00 to 12:00 is the peak time of outbound, and the overall traffic pressure of outbound is expected to be higher than that of return.

Demand for camping during the May Day holiday has soared The number of bookings for related homestays has soared 4 times compared with last year

As the changes in the COVID-19 epidemic will still have a greater impact on the tourism consumer market during the May Day holiday, Tongcheng Travel reminds tourists with travel plans during the holidays that they need to pay attention to the changes in the epidemic prevention and control policies of the place of departure, destination and transit area at any time, and adjust their itinerary in a timely manner.

Editor-in-charge: Wang Shidan | Review: Li Zhen | Director: Wan Junwei